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Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:55 pm
by Annika
*Annika nods uncertain of the reception, but resigned to take the Havenites to safety.*

"Please follow me then... we will be traveling the Pass, or what is the remnants we believe to be of the Pass. If you care to hear a bit more history of this place, I will oblige... if you do not, I would certainly understand as well..."

*Just then a Bear Rider walks up to retrieve Annika's bedroll and traveling gear and whispers something to Annika. Her eyes grow wide and she grows a bit pale, then nods somewhat thankfully to the Rider, who then takes his leave.*

"So that you are all aware... we may or may not encounter more Ether Wraiths along our trip... it seems they have been released again..."

*Annika's voice is a bit wavering as if upset and she begins trekking south-southwest again, leading the pack with Don Mayo and Midnight nearby.*

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:05 am
by Curufin
*Curufin watches the Bear Rider*

*To himself*

"My memory of this place will remain as warm as the weather."

*When Annika speaks of wraiths*

"I have already destroyed two dozen wraiths...let them come. Smiting more could............"

*Curufin's words trail off*

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:47 am
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn looks over at Curufin and then back to the group*

We know what they are after if we do run into them.

*Looks as if she is going to say more, but desides to turn around and is ready to leave. Takes a position near Corbyn and Kels and keeps her eyes on the look out for any signs of trouble. She again is pretty quiet today as well.*

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:51 am
by Onimaster
After Shale has warmed himself by the fire he sets down his shield against the stones ringing the fire, and turns to approach Donovan. As Shale approaches his icy eyed commander he gives a nod of salute and stands before him waiting quietly to be recognized formally.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:53 am
by Dallid
*Nodds to Annika*

"I would gladly accept any knowledge you are willing to give."

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 3:54 pm
by Donmayo
*Unrolls from his heavy cloak/blanket/bed roll and puts on his straw hat.
*Takes up a possition to flank and protect Annika

*To noone in general "It shall be a good day for walking, we should make haste from these lands."

*To Annika "Please do tell about this place. Your stories may come in handy in the days and weeks to come, and if not, then at least some entertainment shall be had on a long and cold walk that we face."