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Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:06 pm
by Wyrmwrath
((sorry having an issue getting a PC forum account to activate))

* The tall, stout dwarf carrying a sizable, dwarven shield and a highly polished, dwarven, long hammer with twin, red symbols on the sides of the rectangular head strides gently into the room after having listened just outside unobtrusively for a while. He secures the hammer to his left hip as he enters, and stands just inside the door while he unstraps his shield and sets it against the wall behind him. A smile of recognition and a nod are politely directed at Dallid, and he waits for the first short pause before quickly clearing his throat to speak in a resonant, but calm tone*

" Unless you were with the town when they fought to destroy the healing amulet in the desert, I am known to only a few of you. You may call my Kaylan if its needed."
"Although this topic does not impact me, being a tourist of sorts, I think it important to point out from an impartial vantage; if the woman you VOTED in as queen has stepped down, logic dictates her replacement be voted in also. If she has simply gone on a leave for personal reasons, logic states she has the right to name a steward to speak in her stead until she returns."
" This stewards authority should be nigh the same as the queens, but should also be tempered with the wisdom that some decisions are the queens purvey alone and should be forestalled, if practical, until the matriarchs return."
" But no matter which should happen, this bickering and lack of community is going to make you all easy targets when the foes from the desert, that have set their eyes on your populace, get around to making a visit; and the tales I heard there made them sound a challenge for a unified defense, let alone a scattered and duplicitous one."

*A heavy sigh and quick scan of the rooms occupants herald the words to follow*

" Has anyone seen Berry or Korrigan? I have business with them and they seem a bit absent."

* After shifting the backpack on his back and the pouches adorning his belt for comfort, he braces his left shoulder against the wall and falls silent, slowly examining those within while obviously waiting for what responses to his statement or question get directed at him*

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:59 pm
by Garritt
Garritt looks to the Dwarf.

"Kaylan, eh? I remember you fighting near me in the pyramid, but the situation wasn't really a good one for introductions. I'm Garritt.

You're making the same points I've been making, but some people seem to want to disagree and sling mud. Especially when they've been put in the same situation Fionna got put into. 'Course, back then they were happy enough, seeing as it benefited them, and their friend put them in charge.

As for Barry and Korrigan, last I saw them they were seeing to the kingdom's finances and using some of that coin to fund some local construction.

Believe me, I'm worried about the dark elves from the city of sands as well. The Read Tear are a cult that's been around this area for a while apparently, but these dark elves are new.

And they're probably pissed we gave 'em a black eye back there. From the evidence I've seen, all this bickering and voting everyone wants to hold is going to make for a pretty inviting time to attack us. And I doubt they'll have twenty fighters the next time.

Won't be anything new, though. There was another town across the portal outside where I saw various matters be voted on while the town was being attacked, at least three separate times. One of which was to forgive a vampire lord of all his past deeds and become part of the town.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:15 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
*grins a bit and nods*

True the only introductions there was time for was introducing my hammer into the soft goop inside the craniums of those things inside.

My un sought advice on this matter is clarify if the queen is stepping down or just plans a short leave. That will show what needs to be done next. If her current appointed is so handy with bean counting, let her do what she does and let the warriors worry about unwanted guests at the gates as it were. If there is a legal or civil internal dispute, drag a magistrate into the argument, thats what they are paid for.

*I sniff the air as if hoping to track down some morsel or brew I have been missing*

I am just here to meet up with Val and the brothers, I am willing to lend a hand or a hammer as its needed, or even an outsiders take on the matter if asked. For now I think that all the butting I plan to be in for. I will just have to find some entertaining distraction in the woods that needs a good smack or twelve...

*sits on a close bench and dives into taking stock and organising the contents of my containers and is obviously half listening to the crowd*

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:54 am
by Haku
He's been brooding in the corner, more reserved than usual, not paying attention to any one person but hearing all. Her light is still visible from his forehead, no matter what he does to try and hide it. Not that he would try and conceal Her from the world, but there has been times when the Star's glow has been 'inconvenient'. He clears his throat, collects his thoughts, and addresses everyone present.

"Paradox... Is this what Haven has become? A vote of confidence in the Leadership of this land... When Regis Mortem is amassing his strength and preparing to strike... Those who question Esmeralda's choice in Fionna use the excuse that Esmeralda was only a Queen in name only. That the people chose her, and that those same people should be heard in deciding who should lead in her absence. Because you question the position that the Queen gave to someone..."

He stands up and pushes the hood of his cloak back. His mismatched Eyes carefully scan the room, pausing on each of the people present.

"The Queen appointed me to the position of Lord Marshall. To protect and lead Haven in times of conflict. I hereby relinquish my position of leadership until the people have decided if I am their best choice. To call for a vote of confidence on Fionna without first giving up the very titles that the Queen bestowed on those present... Hypocrisy. So let me be the first to give up my title, to lend credibility to the argument that the people should have a voice in any person chosen to lead them."

He pauses a moment, to collect his thoughts and let his words sink in.

"To be honest, I never put too much stock in my title. Me having one or not having one doesn't change the fact that I will still stand on the frontlines of Haven's defenses. Now if you'll excuse me, I plan on making sure that Haven withstands whatever Regis and the Red Tear are plotting."

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:59 am
by Garritt
*Garritt Sighs*

"Who cares. I'm tired of all the back-alley politics that people seem to thrive on. The fact is that after Esmerelda left and put Fionna in charge, everyone seemed content to immediately go to her for the town to feed and clothe them, just as they have been doing for quite a long time before. And she teamed up with Korrigan and Barry and came through, and got everyone what they needed. Everyone owes all three of them.

The people who didn't like it could have spoken up then, as nearly everyone who is usually present was at that meeting. And those that weren't certainly had friends there to speak up for them.

The only dissent is from a few people who did so after we all got back from risking our lives once again for the safety of this Kingdom. This place shouldn't be so weak that our leader can't put simple things into place so that everything runs smoothly while she's gone for a time. That's an ability that every leader should have. Especially since she hasn't officially stepped down.

Everyone needs to stop being such a 'special little snowflake', and buck up and work as a group of heroes for more than eight minutes at a time so we can bloody the nose of anything that tries to victimize others. Period. End of Sentence.

This political crap killed an entire region- do you people want Haven to be next? Do we go out and tell the monsters to stop for a moment, because votes are still being counted?

All of this always starts because people wanting to be just that little bit more important than everyone else, and having too much time on their hands to ponder that wish and how to screw other people over so they can get that done. People are always hurt because they don't get to have the loudest voice- the most important opinion. That's not being part of a group.

But for the past year I've been here, every time the shit hits the fan, we pull together and get things done. That's an important thing, and you don't need to fix what works.

And before anyone tries to start rumors, I have no preference for Fionna over anyone else, but for one simple fact. Any one of us could have been leader over that time, and if they had kept everything together and successful like Esmerelda has, I would be supporting them now just the same.

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:27 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
"Your title came with a responibility as well Paer'An. You should not just throw it aside due to some talk. I feel that if this is your wish you should request that Fionna relieve you from your command. I was hurt by the words she told me and rashly asked to be relieved and she gave me some time to reconsider my decision. After some soul serching I realized that it was rash to simply throw aside my duty without considering the impacts. I ask that you do the same."

"And let it be known that I have brought up the issues I had with a few things to Esmerelda at the time they happened. As leader she was obligated to prioritize and these concerns unfortunately had to fall to the wayside for the good of the people. I find no fault in that. Now that we have the time available to address the concerns I hope that we can do so because there are no monsters knocking on our door."