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Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:57 pm
by Goonter
I agree with Brey. A vote would be best.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:09 pm
by Garritt
Garritt leans back against the chair after Korrigan speaks, arms crossed and mouth set

"Careful who you mean by 'all'. I may be a hard man, but I've only ever killed those who were about to harm either someone or myself, or as a soldier on a war footing. I've never killed an innocent, either back home or after Rylls and I came to Avenguard and then here. I've also never made deals with dark forces to bring back those people who have, knowing what they did.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:12 pm
by Abaddon
"Dallid, wise. I am sure Fionna can handle the reins until the Haven decides what to do. I know i will be interested to see how Haven plays out." Abaddon says, taking a drink from the bottle in his sleeve.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:12 pm
by Gil-Galad
Gil comes down the stairs after listening for a time.

"Let me say first that as one who has little firsthand experience here, my statements here may be flawed and are truly only an opinion. I believe that the Queen, who has done an admirable job with what little she initially had to work with, is becoming less and less respectful to her subjects. On the surface, she is generally polite. But often she causes suffering for townsfolk she does not like, or simply ignores requests and thoughts from those outside her inner circle of confidantes and 'friends.' She has placed too much power into the hands of those who honestly do not care about the people as a whole, but rather the people they like. She may have been the leader this place needed, but what is needed at one time may not be needed in the future.

But again, this is simply an opinion, and one less educated than I would like to admit. I would advise everyone against any rash action, be it amongst one another or against this government. To force your way in this instance is to become everything you have come to loathe about this situation."

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:17 pm
by Big Moma
Big Mama made her entrance. As always she smelled of roasted meats, freshly baked bread, and gravy...or was it cookies, cakes and strawberry glaze.... Truthfully it depended on the smeller. Perhaps... steak, potatoes and fireroasted corn mmmmmm..... Anyway, she wobbled in and people smelled these things and then she spoke.

"Okay Babies, Big Moma's got somthin to say. As far as Queeny goes, Big Moma loves her, of course, but I'm thinkin she aught to stop messin about with them nasty ol' politics and gone ahead a raise a family with Atriass. But She's a grown up woman and I guess she can do what she wants. But Big Moma think's a Healer has a responsibility to stay away from positions of political power and influence, in order to stay true to 'er calling. A healer must be among the people not above them, or gossiping among war mongering stratagizers. I says no to Fiona becoming any more of a figure of power and influence. Now, I loves her and I knows she gets tired of being overlooked and unappreciated, but it's the plight of the healer to be treated thusly, which, Big Moma's sure, deep down, Fiona must understand. The job calls for a Warrior (in these rough times) who has a good head on his shoulders and who is capable of earning the respect of the people both on and off the field of combat. I think Cristo could do it. But no matter what, Fiona should not."

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:01 pm
by Rothek
:rothek looked at dallid with a confused look on his face when dallid mentioned the night of burning skulls:

"burning skulls? you have burning skulls here? where that?"

:the beasts ear flicked as a sweet smell came to him and he lifted his head turning to face big Mama, the smell was almost heavenly to the wolf creature as he took a few steps toward the dwarf woman and stared at her with big yellow eyes. he let out a long and low noise from the back of his throat as he sniffed the dwarf woman taking in her scent and quickly realized that it had been a while since he had eaten.:

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:30 pm
by Fionna
Fionna heads into the keep, confidence in her step. Having overheard the conversation from her place in the courtyard, she has an interesting look on her face. One of confidence, many have not seen before.

"Big Mama, first, I have never felt overlooked or under appreciated. Second, Esmerelda is trying to start a family. That is exactly why she has left. She is with child and that child is being threatened by a curse. She, and her family, are searching for the one that placed this curse upon her family. In all honesty, I almost went with her, as her best friend.

However, I felt someone needed to stay here for the people of Haven. Someone needed to be here to watch out for the needs of the people. I know many of the townspeople. They need stability right now, and I felt someone familiar to them, who could be the voice of Esmerelda, needed to stay. The fact that I am a healer has little to do with it. A healer can be the voice of the people as well, if not better, than that of a warrior. I have never wanted anything than what is good for the people of Haven. I treat everyone with the same decency. This kingdom is my home and family. I will defend her until I can no longer stand."

*She turns to face Abaddon.*

"Abaddon, I will say I was privy to the conversation between Esmerelda and your assailants. They did what she asked them to do. We need to move on. We have more important things to deal with at this moment. There are Red Tear in our midst that must be taken care of. But, I guess you should know that more than anyone, as you've been stealing from their storehouses without telling anyone of their presence.

As to where you and I stand...I don't like you. However, I've had a multitude of opportunities to take care of you myself while you lie on the ground bleeding but I healed you just as I would anyone else and would do it again."

"I respect and am interested everyone's opinion. However, at this time of transition, I must see to it that the villagers and other townspeople understand what is going on."

She promptly turns on her heal and heads out of the keep.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:12 pm
by Crist0
Cristo approaches Fionna as she is heading out of the keep.

"Fionna, you say that you were privy to the conversation between the Queen and Abaddon's assailants and you think that we should move on, but I don't think you understand the gravity of that statement. The Queen held a public trial and gave her word that Abaddon was acquitted of his crimes and granted him safety within the the lands of Haven. Then she went against her word and ordered him assassinated in the night, not to mention the innocent woman and child who were also killed that you seem to care nothing about. This is the person that we've entrusted our lives to. When the Queen promises safety to someone, and then has him killed, it doesn't sit well with me as I'm sure it wouldn't sit well with the majority of the people who reside in Final Haven."

"Obviously if you feel that the queen promising safety to someone and then breaking that promise is not a problem Fionna, then you are not fit to lead. The fact that you're willing to let this incident go without pursuing justice makes me wary of your future decisions as leader. This should have never happened. I worry that these kind of lapses in good judgment might be repeated under your rule as you have just demonstrated to us by saying that you'll do nothing about this injustice, other then saying we should forget it ever happened and move on."

"The Queen couldn't have left at a worse time. We were all protected by the queen and her decisions because she did what she said and she always kept her word. I feel that she has lost a lot of her validity because of this incident. We need a leader who leads by example and follows the laws that are made. Someone who is consistent and can keep the peace within the people and protect them from any enemies that come their way so that they can feel safe, secure, and continue to thrive. The laws should ensure the safety of the people and their possessions, and should be enforced quickly, efficiently, and consistently. I understand that many of you are wary of voicing your opinions on this subject because Korrigan describes it to be treason, but as Dallid has stated, it is well within our rights as citizens of Final Haven to make this decision for ourselves. I am prepared, and it would be a great honor to maintain this land and its people until the return of our queen, if the people of Final Haven will have me."

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:50 am
by Smitty19
*Serith looks on dumbstruck

"Are you Serious Cristo? I have heard of the things you were involved with in Avengard, and if you for one second think you are fit to lead anyone other than a band of thieves you are seriously bat shit crazy."

"I have no problems having a trial, and it wasn't just that Esmerelda went against her word, but the information we recieved was that Abaddon was doing something to those girls that was VILE, and we acted upon it, which was my DUTY, as appointed to me by Esmerelda."

*Serith tenses up

"This incident has put a scar on the people here, and I am sick of the power grab that you are your "Co-horts" are making at. You all are doing nothing more that trying to placate the higher ground, when you yourselfs were responsible for some ATTROCITIES in Avengard that ALSO went unpunished."

*Looks Directly at Cristo

"Or lest we forget the Argus Farm, ohh yes, I have heard of your antics Cristo, and I wont for one minute allow you to take a righteous stance against me for the loss of life when you and others were responsible for the deaths of an ENTIRE family, women and many more children who were VERY much indeed INNOCENT!"

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:40 am
by Brey
Brey chuckles at Seriths obvious ignorance of what happened at Argus Farm

You must be misinformed Serith, Cristo was not at Argus Farm nor has he ever murdered any innocents in Caldonia, Final Haven, or Avengard for that matter. Which is a lot more than you can say for yourself. Our Brother Theon was the one at the farm that day, and he payed for what he did there with his life. Thats all you have on any of us, and is all that you will ever have, becuase we do not go around murdering innocents as you have. All you have to pin on Cristo is something we did'nt even do. So before you open your mouth again and make yourself look like any more of an idiot, like ratting yourself out in public for instance, I believe you should just be quite and submit yourself to the laws of Final Haven. You can start by returning all the items you stole from Abaddon when you attempted to murder him. By the way your stupid excuse of why you tried to kill Abaddon will never hold up because just out of your mouth a few minutes ago you contradicted that story by saying you planned on murdering him before he was even pardoned, and it quote "made your job harder" when he was.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:41 am
by Fionna
Fionna looks at Cristo

There was more information brought to light after the trial. Abaddon's assailants, as you all feel it's necessary to call them, did what they were ordered to do by their queen. She did not go back on her word. She and those she appointed acted on new information.

Secondly, Cristo, I too know the atrocities you and your brothers committed in Avangard. Your taking of the lives of true innocents speaks for itself. It was not just the Argus farm that you slaughtered. What of the deals you made with VAMPIRES?

Right now, as I said, I have to talk to the villagers and make them aware of what is going on.

Again, she turns and leaves.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:53 am
by Smitty19
"I dont believe anything you say, as You are all liars and thieves, and I never once said I had planned on Murdering anyone, Actually, according to the laws that have been put in place, I am not charged with anything, since I did not murder anyone."

"And I never contradicted myself, I said my job was made harder by meaning that a person who has been known to be a killer was allowed back into Haven, and that I had been charged with keeping those Villians away, never once Did I say I had planned on anything, But since you are for some reason so convinced you walk on the righteous side, what about the rumors of you aiding and imbedding a Vampire, and also threatening anyone who tried to bring forth evidence against it?"

"There are numerous other reasons and things I can bring up, but frankly none of it is worth wasting breath over because you are two faced and a liar and will just spin words and cover your own ass."

"Are you trying to score brownie points with Abaddon? Is that why you are on this quest? Hoping that he throws you a bone, and you become a good lapdog?"

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:56 am
by Brey
Brey steps in front of Fiona before she has a chance to slither away

You still don't understand Fiona, and your ignorance is what will make you an unfit leader. Even if new information came up what right would that give people to murder another citizen? There would have to be another trial. Not an assassination. Also I'd like to know where the deaths of the women, and child fits into all of this? If they were your scapegoat on why Abaddon should be "taken care of" then why were they murdered as well? The problem is you seem to think there ISN'T one.

Brey then turns to Serith

Do you think we would honestly go against our new leader, and call out three known murderers if we did'nt think it needed to happen. It's basically suicide, but if we don't call out for justice who will? Certainly not you, or Fiona. Final Haven needs people who will stand up for what is right. As far as the Vampires goes the only one you could be talking about is Keredwin, and she resides in the ruins of Avengard seeking a way to rid herself of her disease. I simply said if anyone tries to murder her I will make sure that it does'nt happen, because she is not hurting anyone out there, she simply seeks to end her affliction.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:06 am
by Smitty19
*Energy starts to form in Seriths hand as Brey makes a move towards Fionna

"You best stand down, Friend....and do so quickly"

"As you seem to need some kind of closure with this I will tell you why they are not innocent. I was hoping to keep their names unsullied, but since you are so thick skulled, heres the reasons...."

"Mary was a troubled child, and while alot of her upbringing and ideals can be attributed to whom raised her, it was her own wishes to learn magics that were at the very least, WAY to ADVANCED for someone of her age, and not having the abilty to control them. She was also more than willing of learning dark arts, and that alone made Even Dallid take pause, for he saw a Darkness in her that he worried about."

"Kami, which even surprised me to note was almost the perfect imposter. She played the part of a humble servant, but she was infact MUCH More, she was in charge of one of the most LUCRATIVE black markets I have ever seen. Her dealings with Abaddon, I believe were on equal footing, and her sheepishness was just a ruse, I tried everything in my power to get her away from him to only find out, she was not controlled by him, yet was damn near an equal partner."

"Dallid did you not try to soothe her mind, and she refused, claiming worry that she was afraid for your health?"

"I fully believe that was because she didnt want her carefully disquised masquerade to become unraveled."

"Does this make up for their deaths, no, and I will never claim they were not in Vain, but dont sit there and make it seem that they are Innocent victims, they are no less Innocent than any of us who have taken lives in combat, or done other Shady things such as yourself."

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:17 am
by Fionna
She looks at the pirate sternly.

She then calms herself.

"Serith, that is unnecessary." Trying to calm her friend.

"The anger of an ignorant individual is no reason for threat. I don't believe he would try anything, lest he be called the murderer."

"Brey, I am not ignorant. I know what was discussed. I have never said what was done was ideal, but it was under the order of the queen. Thus it is not murder. She is the queen, her word is law. That is it. As to Mary and Kami, Serith is right. Besides, everyone in Haven has a right to protect themselves if they are attacked. As far as I understand, Mary and Kami struck first. It is a tragedy. However, again, it is not murder. We must move on. If we cannot move on the kingdom faces an unknown, probably unstable, future.

Now, may I please go. I have villagers and other townspeople to attend to."