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Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:18 pm
by Mary-Bella
The little girl observed everything that was going on around her for a while, then focused on Teachers conversation. Hearing them talk about Her prophecy she frowned.

"Mommy and Daddy used to argue about the same thing you are talking about now. They never spoke loud enough for me to hear everything.. but i know it was about my prophecy.. They always seemed afraid of something.. especially at night. Teacher are we in danger?"

She looks at the painted man and smiles again. She puts her hand on the skull hanging from teachers waist.

"This is Bruce."

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:40 am
by Abaddon
"You are not in any danger here. Your teacher was invited, and I must protect any of the An'irri. But it might be in his best interest to find out what the birth prophecy was." Abaddon says. The man in the mask reaches into a small chest and pulls out a goblin skull. The same skull that held stones and gems at the house of chance. He sets it down in front of the girl, and pulls the top of the skull off to reveal that it is filled with red candies.

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:47 pm
by Rothek
:while ashearth and abaddon spoke, rothek had been eying the piece of cake that sat in front of the little girl. slowly he shifted himself closer towards the table and the girl. he brought his head up so the table was at eye level and so he could see everything. he first looked at Mary then at her cake, then back at mary, before he let out a slightly more noticeable chuff at her. :

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:29 pm
by Mary-Bella
The little girl giggles with glee at the red candies. She looks from her teacher, to the candies, to Abaddon, and finally to the fluffy thing eying her cake. She smiles and grabs two red candies, curtsies to Abaddon and holds one of them out to the fluff.

"Thank you nice man. Here fluffy, tell me if its yummy."

She looks back to her teacher, then to the candy in her hand. Pleased with herself that she remembered Teachers teachings, she looks back to Abaddon and the skull full of candies and asks,

"What was his name?"

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:03 pm
by Zydana
The painted woman in the purple robe has not yet taken a seat. She continues around the table making sure each guest has their desired drink of either tea or graf - or both. After all are satisfied with their choices, she places the kettle of tea and the pitcher of graf next to the fire to keep warm.

She moves gracefully over to one of the small windows and peers out for a time.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:07 pm
by Ashearth
"i thank you for your honesty it is the only thing i ask of those who i speak with. the questions is what now, i have told you what i know of the child and asked the questions you had of me. the hospitality we have received in your home is better than i have seen in along time. you spoke on us being similar were neither of us are restricted by a code when it comes down to doing what needs to be done. a man of your stature doesn't summon strangers at a whim. is there something that i could do for you good sir?"

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:32 pm
by Rothek
:rothek stares at the little girl for a while, studying her features, he watched her as she stuck her small arm out towards him with a strange red orb in her hand. rothek cocked his head to one side and snorted curiously, he leaned his head in closer to the girl and proceeded to smell the item before he brought up a large clawed hand to quickly but gently pluck the red object from the little girls hand with two claws.

Rothek shifted and headed over into a corner of the small cabin to inspect his new discovery. he sniffed and snorted at it and it smelled sweet, so this lead him to raise it to his mouth and taste it. as he placed the candy in his mouth four quite sizable fangs were exposed while rothek crunched and chewed the sweet red candy.

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:27 am
by Abaddon
Abaddon looks down at the girl, and smiles behind his mask.

"It doesn't a name. I traded for it over a hundred years ago to a wandering Sylvani. I have had it ever since. Maybe you'd like to name it."

"Ashearth, anything I wanted, you've given me. I simply wanted a chance to meet this child and a man who would stick his neck out to take care of her. We Valkyn'Vi are few and far between, and we tend to take care of our own. I was hoping you might let me help you raise her. I can provide the history of her own people that she lacks. I am asking if you would let me play the role of meddling old man."

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:49 am
by Ashearth
"why you come to me to ask if i would let you train my apprentice as though it is a favor to you. no no sir, it is a great favor to me, i have been searching threw this land for some time now seeking one of her kin to teach her the history. we are constrained by a contract by the queen. i have to have the child back to the keep by breakfast every morning and supper every evening. i believe we can make night visits as we had tonight but I'm afraid we will have problems given your reputation, as the man outside is so quick to judge. not to mention his opinion of myself. you may begin tonight if you wish but we must keep an eye on our time. i don't believe i wish to anger the queen. as it is my right as her caregiver i give permission to you Abaddon to teach and care for this child"

turning the Mary

"now child listen to this man and his companion but always remember what your teacher thought you."

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:58 pm
by Rothek
:after a few minutes of crunching and rolling the few bits of the candy that weren't stuck to his teeth now. he shook his head, this new taste was almost overpowering. he tried to dislodge the stuck candy from in between his fangs with his tongue but this proved difficult and this frustrated him!, he let out a snort that sent a few bits of the red candy sailing to the floor and he cocked his head to one side as if this would aid his struggle of releasing the trapped bits.:

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:13 am
by Abaddon
"I don't think we should begin tonight. Perhaps during the day, when you can get someone from town to come with in order to ensure nothing untoward is happening. That would probably be best for the time being.

I appreciate you letting me teach the ways of the An'irri." Abaddon says. His eyes drift over the dog fussing with the candy.

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:06 pm
by Mary-Bella
Mary nods at Ashearth and glances at Abaddon. Her smile widens and she pops the red candy in her mouth. She closes her eyes at its sweet taste. Bringing her fingers back to her mouth she takes the red candy out again. She looks at it through the light and holds it there, just admiring the color. It's such a perfect color. Stands out more then the rest. As she focuses on this candy she decides that red is the best color of them all. She puts the candy back in her mouth and looks around the room. When her eyes wash over fluffy she giggles. She sits down on the ground and pulls her legs in. She folds her hands and starts humming a sweet tune. Thoughts drifting through her head she keeps to herself. She decides that for a while she was just going to play the watching game. I have nothing to say to anyone.. just watch Mary. Just watch..

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:28 pm
by Rothek
:rothek had his head down facing the floor. he was still working at removing the remaining bits of the sweets from his teeth and fangs, after a while he crunched the last little bits of the candy and snorted sending more red flecks zinging to the floor. he sensed movement and he cocked his head up as he let out a throaty noise that sounded like a slight growl, but upon realizing it was Mary he stopped and crawled over slowly to where she was sitting so he could have a better look at the pale faced little girl. he carefully looked her over sniffing her here and there. what was she? he also looked over Abaddon and realized his face was pale as well. however he was much older. were they related? Rothek didn't know anything about these new pale people, they didn't smell like elves or ga'vin and were certainly not tsunotaur. the snow was starting to fall, perhaps they were some new kind of beastman who's hide changed color with the passing season. rothek looked up at abaddon and rose to two feet however still partly hunched over, blinked a few times, then grunted at him:

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:37 pm
by Abaddon
"Ashearth, is he one of yours? The beast man I mean? I assumed he was with someone when he came here." Abaddon says with faint smile.

"Does the child speak Valkyn'vi?"

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:48 am
by Ashearth
"no the beast isn't one of mine, in fact i have never seen it before. I've been keeping an eye on him since he arrived but felt it rude to talk to it or Mary here while we were in the middle of our talk. to be honest i don't know if she can speak it or not I've only just got her so i am still learning about her."

turning towards Mary

"apprentice, this man is going to help you learn about your people, can you answer some of his questions, first do you know how to read or speak Valkyn'vi?"