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Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:00 pm
by Esmerelda
As Val begins to manhandle Serith, Francesco sees a spark in Esmerelda's eyes that he remembers well from her younger days. She steps up to the two men and with a fierce push to Val seperates the two enough so she can stand between them.

"What have I done for you or the people here? What have I done?" Anger flashes in her eyes. "Rallied the troops that fought beside us to take back our home. Allies, without which, I might add, we never would have succeeded. Kept everyone in this town with food, clothing and shelter when I had to pay out of my own pocket to do so. Went to ends to make sure this town was supplied with everything it needed to keep people alive during that battle. Coming up with the battle strategy that won us this keep. Standing over the clock to keep it safe when we finally did manage to win the courtyard."

Now she pokes Val in the chest. "You say you value the ways of your people. Your tradition, your valor, your honor. So tell me this, Val. What valor is there in looting from the dead and keeping it for yourself when others are still fighting beside you for their and your freedom? What honor is there when your battle leader has forbidden the looting in the first place? My grandfather fought against the hordes of Gromm with the dwarves. I've heard many stories of their honor, valor and tradtitions. And you don't fit any of them. If I was a dwarven king, I'd have you shaved for the contemptuos petty thief that you are!"

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:17 pm
by Aurora
*When Aurora sees Esmerelda move forward she becomes more on high alert in a defensive type position just in case thing get far more out of a cat ready to strike if necessary. Her gaze turn so the dwarf.*

And you wonder why many of us back her and do call her our leader.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:22 pm
by Rhul
Rhul grunts and stands from his chair (though he cuts rather less of his usual imposing figure with his new pet cradled in the crook of one arm).

"Actually, we were the ones who thrust the title on Esmerelda. She was the one who was tentative in taking such a name, mainly over the fact that undoubtedly some of us here would take umbridge with it for no reason.

And actually, it seems she would be well within her rights to accept the title. I believe her and her brother are the surviving generation of a royal family line, which lays her quite a bit closer to the claim of "Queen" than most here. Or would you rather "Princess", or "Baroness"?

Regardless, it's no different a title than "Leader"- quite simply, a queen is a "female cheiftain". In other words, a lofty name for a female leader who is backed up by a network of supporters; people who then in turn recieve at least a partial support from her. Which currently describes Esmerelda, I believe.

I would dare say that anyone who has paid for their food or repaired their equipment in any part from Esmerelda's pocket has no place to talk about what she calls herself. But frankly, anyone can talk all they want, as long as it does not escalate to violence against an innocent.

*He narrows his eyes at noone in particular, and slowly sits back down*

Then I will be the one taking umbridge.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:45 pm
by Malachi
Malachi enters the room, a ledger in his hands

"I've come up with..."

He pauses when he sees the hostility floating around the room. He sighs, shuts his ledger, and turns and walks out of the room

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:49 pm
by Dallid
"To Esmerelda's credit, she does not demand anyone refer to her by title. She has no illusions of entitlement or mastery over the will of others. It is truly a tool of political negotiation."

Sees Malachi leaving.

"This is merely a discussion, thus far, and ought not escalate beyond."

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:23 pm
by Rothek
:aurora was ready to pounce if need be but just as her hand would reach for her blade she would feel another take hold of it, it was ulfgar, looking her dead straight in the eyes his voice lowered so for only aurora to hear:

"this is merely a heated conversation, ah've seen that shift in position more times than you would care teh count and ah tell you now it is not needed.

:ulfgar lets go of aurora's hand and steps forward to speak and address everyone:

Rhul, speaks truthfully, Esmerelda no more wanted the title of "queen" than ah wanted the title of "the fallen" but yet despite her own feelings she has taken up the mantle of queen so that she may continue to serve her people.

:ulfgar turns to vaal:

"however you also speak truthfully, our history tells many a tale of dwarves that were cut down where they stood for speakin and actin on what they believed in, but how was that any different from what we have done here in the recent moon"

:ulfgar pulls out a bottle that looks to be very old but strangely for a glass bottle still quite sturdy and offers it to vaal:

"this bottle contains a drink that has been passed down in me family for many ages, ah offer it to yeh now as a token of good faith, that these are good people and they ask us not to throw away our values but they ask us fer help so that they may protect their own.

:ulfgar stands in front of vaal with his arm outstretched with bottle in hand waiting for a response:

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:31 pm
by Zeira
Francesco approaches Ulfgar and puts his hand on his shoulder

"Ulfgar you should stand aside. I believe Esmerelda has just accused Val of theft. A very serious charge indeed."

The old man looks at Val

"Is this true? Did you loot the bodies of the dead during the battle while your comrades continued to fight the enemy?"

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:49 pm
by Onimaster
Val sneers and is about to tear into Esmeralda when he hears the pop of Ulfgar's cork and instantly turns away taking the bottle and drinking from it heartily letting large drips glisten as they run down his chest. Finally done he wipes his bears with a sleeve and passes the bottle back to Ulfgar with a nod of thanks.

Then ignoring the old man he wheeled back to Esmeralda with a slight wobble to his stance and finger pointed into her face ready to show her how hard he could toss her out of his way if she tried it again. "Yes, you stood as a rallying point to the troops with bravery, but if I recall you were not the only one. Serith, Korigan, Modrei, myself, and many others put out the call to our allies. Would you take credit for their deeds as your own? And, you truly did a charitable deed to feed these people so selflessly, but I spoke before only of myself as I took nothing from you and owe you nothing in return. These people can speak for themselves. The battle strategy was far from perfect, and again was aided by others. You guarded the clock, but I know of at least one hand that succeeded in resetting the clock. If Zeira had not confessed things could have been different.”

He glares at her as he meets her angry gaze without hesitation or care about anyone else in the room. “You call me a thief then you had better have your facts straight, and be ready to get your ass kicked Missy."

"I did try to gather the spoils of war after the courtyard was won, but it was to give it all to you for the people. When I looked, there was nothing. But even if there had been, I swore an oath to fight and maybe die with you and to kill your foes to take this land, but not be your lap dog cowering at your every displeasure. After that battle my part was done."

He leaned even closer,"These people talk about your reluctance to rule as being a great boon; when I say it is the thing that makes you unworthy. If you don’t have the balls to step forward boldly and take the prize that is rightfully yours for your own without hesitation and coddling… then the victory is empty. And, I bet your valiant grandfather would feel so proud of you carrying on his legacy by playing house with a tin tiara that means nothing more than town clerk and ditch digger.” He spits on the ground at her feet, and looks up challenging her with that needling glare.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:40 pm
by Rothek
:ulfgar, looked to Francesco, and patted his hand as if to say " i have to do this" before pushing it off of his shoulder and stepping in front of val and Esmerelda, Ulfgar looked beyond upset and hurt, but he stood fast, he spoke slowly his voice almost quivering:

"Don't, do this... "

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:51 pm
by Esmerelda
As Val snatches the bottle from Ulfgar and guzzles its contents, Esmerelda's anger fades and another emotion enters her eyes- pity. Even Val's angry tirade and spitting at her does not raise her ire again.

"No," she answers softly. "I was not the only one. If it had been only me, we never would have suceeded. We needed every person present on that field to take the victory we had. I do not forget that. But I also know things could have gone very differently. I was here two years ago when this keep fell. And my biggest fear was that history was going to repeat itself. But it didn't. We succeeded. And even better than I ever could have hoped for.

"Yes, you swore an oath to fight with us. Now the fighting is done. If you wish payment fine, I will find a way to get you your gold. Take it and leave with my blessing. But if you're going to stay in my lands you need to work with the people that live here. I did not work for two years to take this place back to have it return to the cesspool and strife that was a cause for its fall. I may not fight for a title Val. But I will fight for my people. I will fight for my home. To keep it safe. To make it secure. To give the people here a hope for the future.

"I may not fight with a sword, but I fight a battle nonetheless. And I do not want a kingdom of 'lapdogs' as you so poetically put it. I want people who are working towards the same goals that I have: to see Haven as a kingdom of peace and prosperity. A kingdom where it is safe for children to play out of doors without fear of harm. A place where the people are fed and need not worry if some army or monster is going to come along and destroy everything they've worked to hard so build in their lives.

"I don't need coddling. My hesitation came from my love of these lands and these people. If I didn't care about them, I wouldn't question about what was best for them, I would only look at what is best for me and gladly jump at the chance for a throne. As for my family, I'm afraid you've got it all wrong. I was always taught that a true noble is one who is noble in deed, not in title. And that means always putting the needs of your people above the needs of the self. So I hesitated.

"But now I've plenty of time to think it over. I don't mean to 'play house' and sit here in my pretty castle. I mean to build a kingdom that will last. A kingdom we can all be proud of. A legacy that will last long beyond our lifetime. I may not have balls, but I will tell you this. I am Queen of these lands now, whether you like it or not. Whether you agree with it or not. And I will not see my people harmed. We need men of action, Val. This is far from over and will not be an easy process. I don't want people who sit around and tell me how pretty I look in my dress and how benevolent I am. I need people who are going to working alongside me in the fields to bring in our harvest. To fight beside me as we defend our lands from those who will certainly try to take it from us. But also to work within the realms of diplomacy whenever possible to save our people from any more unnecessary battles. There can be a place for you here, if you wish it.

"So join us and help us build a place worth calling home. Or take your payment and leave. But know this. If you do stay and cause harm to me or mine, you will be brought to justice. And you can ask the Strong Man how well that worked out for him. Or you can keep searching for your answers in the bottom of a bottle. Somehow I doubt you will find them there. I know I didn't."

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:44 am
by GM-Taki
*Korrigan watches the proceedings with interest, and his eyes gleam with pride as Esmerelda... as his Queen... stands up for herself and her people. Once she's done speaking, he regards Val with a dismissive look.*

"Yeah, what she said, jackass. Now how about you get over yourself and stop shitting in my pudding."

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:47 am
by Narrator
Val turns around and stalks directly up to Korrigan. Grabbing a nearby chair, Val plants it in front of the barkeep and stands on it to look him in the eye.

“Look, you arrogant prick, you started this whole Queen business! Who are you to claim this is your pudding when she first starts showing a little backbone?” Val says accusingly.

Korrigan looks at the dwarf, glances down at the chair, and looks back up at the dwarf again, clearly amused at his use of the chair.

“I don’t expect you to understand this, you surly little bastard, but there are a bunch of us that put our asses on the line to make all this happen. She’s got the steel to do what she needs to do, and she doesn’t need to cater to the half-cocked shenanigans of every pint-sized asshole that yaps his trap,” Korrigan rants, staring Val down.

Val cocks his head to the side and points a stubby finger at Korrigan.

“Maybe I’m just making sure she’s got the balls to stand up to the people who think they’re entitled to stick their hands up her ass and use her like some sort of puppet!” the dwarf proclaims angrily.

Korrigan snickers and shakes his head.

“That’s bullshit, and you goddamned know it. You’re just pissed because you got called out on your shit-talking and can’t take the heat. You’re a contrary little piss-ant who likes to throw his prick at anyone who is too decent to tell you to go fuck yourself, and that’s all.”

Val locks his eyes with Korrigan, his hands curling into fists.

“So it begins…” the dwarf screams, just before all hell breaks loose.

Val rears back and launches himself off the chair, landing a haymaker to Korrigan’s chin. Korrigan steps back, surprised and a little impressed as Val tumbles to the ground and lands in a crouching position. Korrigan also takes a defensive stance, but is quickly overwhelmed by the speed and ferocity of Val’s punches to his midsection. Looking more and more concerned, Korrigan delivers a brutal kick to the side of Val’s head.

Val rolls with the impact, and when he springs back to his feet his eyes are filled with rage. Frothing with fury, Val charges back in and coils his body like a spring before delivering a thunderous uppercut to the barkeep’s groin. Korrigan staggers back, his voice clearly communicating intense pain.

“Motherfucker!” Korrigan gasps, reeling.

Regaining his composure, Korrigan falls into a very different stance than the one he used just a moment ago. Looking at Val, he growls.

“Alright, you little shit. Do you really wanna take this that far?” Korrigan hisses.

Val, without missing a beat, snatches a bottle from a nearby table and breaks it over his head, turning it into a deadly weapon.

“You better call Stumpy, ‘cause I’m gonna stuff him up your ass!” Val cries as he begins his attack.

Val charges once again, but this time the barkeep is ready for him. The dwarf closes the distance with a guttural roar, a roar cut short when Korrigan’s sword flashes from its sheath and separates Val’s head from his neck. The dwarf’s body hits the ground, followed a second later by the sickening thump of his head landing nearby.

“Bloody hell!” Korrigan mutters as he picks up Val’s head. Opening the door, he proceeds to punt the Dwarf’s cranium over the outer wall. He stands there for a moment, holding the door open and regarding the people inside with an annoyed look on his face. A few seconds later Val’s body twitches and begins crawling towards the door. Korrigan watches it go past him and then follows it outside, still limping and holding his groin.

A few long moments pass, and all who witnessed the fight suddenly realize how quickly it seemed to transpire – as if it happened in a single instant while they were all transfixed by some outside power. Just as they begin to regain their wits, the door opens and Val walks into the room covered in his own blood. Shouting back over his shoulder as he climbs onto a stool, his voice seems especially rough.

“So we’re gonna call that a draw, right?” the dwarf asks as he scratches the bright scar across his neck.

Korrigan follows him in and gingerly sits down next to him.

“A draw? I suppose so, you little dickbiter. We both crippled the other mans head, I guess that makes it even,” Korrigan admits, though with some reluctance.

Val laughs and Korrigan produces a flask and two tankards. Pouring them each a drink, Korrigan offers up a toast.

“Long live the Queen,” Korrigan declares.

Val taps his mug against Korrigan’s and smirks.

“Yeah, long live whatever you call her,” Val quips as both men drain their tankards.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:37 am
by Adam
Mohdri watches everything transpire, not making his presence noticable.

At the sight of Val's (headless) body's departure and remergence...

"I think we have a few things that need to be discussed..."

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:33 am
by Aurora
*Aurora gets closer to Esmerelda with her sword now drawn during the scuffle to protect her. When she notices her Uncle, the sword is still out and Aurora is still in a defensive stance to guard Esmerelda but the coldness has faded from her eyes slightly.*

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 9:49 am
by Onimaster
Val pulls over another tankard and pours a drink for Mohdri and offers the seat as the scar around his neck slowly regenerates disappearing entirely.