Enemies of Haven

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Ug »

*Ug realizes what he has done and gives a start, dropping Nuk, then catching her and laying her on the floor. He looks over to Atrum and then to her.*

Youse rite. Mebbie it best not wakey her up and Ug go 'ide.
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

Oh and Donovan, the fourth man in Pentag's band was named Nimlear, I don't remember his alias at the moment, But he is no longer a threat to Haven unless he has been brought back inmuch the same way that Don Mayo was. Anyone that was here during that time should've been able to tell you what happened to him. I made no attempts to hide my actions. In fact, Kathryn Skress accused me of trying to hide it once and I plainly said in front of the entire Inn that I was responsible for Nimlear's death. If you wish to know more you can ask me or an accounting is written in Gareth's journal.

From all accounts, Joseph who was called the master, is dead, but then again, so was Florin and with the legacy that he had on Phantera I highly doubt he has stayed that way. The original Warlord is dead as well, although she was apparently a pawn to her second in command.
Last edited by Atrum Draconus on Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sethreal »

*Seth gets up from the bar and pulls Ug off of Nuk.*

"Take it easy Ug."

*Seth then turns to Donovan with fire in his eyes.*

"I think you are forgetting the cave of Ga'vin that wiped out most of our party!!!!"
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Post by Corbyn »

*Nods to Donovan*

A fine compilation, my Knight. I would add regarding the high elves that the encampment of 300 strong where they were bringing in additonal support via circle was totally destroyed in the conflict with the wood wraiths and dark elves. The only members of that group who remain are the leader and his wife, whom we rescued from the dark elf caves and remain here under our protection. Whether they will send another large party to this area or not, I cannot say.

Rodrick's tax assayer will be returning here shortly, demanding to know our many guilds' resource income to determine how much tax we will owe. Apparently I will be forced to articulate the situation to him, as Rodrick has ignored my repeated attempts to have a conversation regarding the relationship between our Duchy and Woodhold.
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan rises from his seat with his empty tankard and makes his way over to the bar. He speaks casually as he gets another drink (from Atrum if he's tending).*

"Ug, that man was Latham, aka the Strongman. He was the Strongman origninally, but bodyswapped into Latham's form so we would not recognize him. He knew of the prophecy and had at least some magical prowess (or access to someone who did), but we're unsure if he was working alone or on behalf of the third dragon. For all we know there may have been a third body swap involved, and the Latham that approached us originally might have been legitimately trying to help us. We don't know the timeline of the body swaps, so it's really hard to tell."

"As for being tricked, don't think it hasn't crossed my mind. I'd be more than happy to listen to someone who can confirm, colaborate or refute any of the information I have. At this point we either trust the dragons or we don't. If they're tricking us and we trust them, we could bring another dragon into the world. If they're not tricking us and we don't trust them we guarantee the third dragon comes back unchallenged and likely alienate the two who are working with us. It's not pretty either way, but for the moment we're working with them. Fair warning: they seem to think it's our responsibility to aid them, and have not responded well to assertions that they are at all faulty in any capacity."

"Audry, during the incident on the road last moon the Dutchess apparently exuded some sort of fear aura that effected everyone but Claude - including the Duke himself. I've never heard of anyone who could do something like that naturally, and the Dutchess herself says she's not sure how she did it either. I tend to label that an unexplained magical ability, but you're free to disagree."

*As he returns to his seat he walks past Ug and Nuk, regarding them with a mix of amusement and curiosity. Sitting down again, he raises his mug to Atrum.*

"Nimlear! That's it! Why do I always think that name starts with an "L"? I remember you taking care of him by the fire that night, I just wasn't exactly sure what came of him. As cheap as death is nowadays you never can be sure. I'll get you a copy of the list, Atrum. We were even going to work on a pictoral version for the illiterate, but I don't think we'll have time."

*He scribbles down a few lines in the tome, noting the name Nimlear in large letters. As Seth glares at him and shouts, Donovan meets his firey gaze with a blank, empty expression. He pages through hundreds of reports, enemy evaluations, prophecies, casualty lists, operational orders, and the like till he comes to a page detailing the Ga'vin of the fire cave. When he speaks, his voice is low and even.*

"Ah yes, the Ga'vin. I had listed them under "Dangers involved with the Prophecy" and did not upgrade them to the "Threats against the Haven" list. My mistake. Please pardon the oversight. I was never briefed on that mission, nor do I have any reports from it, but I'll make the addition now."

*He writes for a moment, adding the Ga'vin to the list.*

"Oh, and for the record, I have a personal request for my fellow residents of Haven. Hate me if you will, loathe me if you must, burn idols in my image, curse my name and my line, do whatever you feel you must do, but for the love of the light stop screaming at me. There is no conspiracy, there is no plan to conquer the Haven, there is no one here whom I wish dead or plot against. I believe we are all doing our best to protect those we care about and see the Haven sustained, but we must remain considerate of each other. Anger and harsh words beckon more of the same, and such exchanges lead to the infighting that tears us apart. Are not the threats on this list enough? Do we need to scheme against each other, always believing the worst of our fellows? A certain caution must be taken, to be sure, but we have all bled for this land and for each other. I am willing to take people at their word, and if it is a Havenite that extinguishes my light instead of one of those arrayed against us, so be it. I will not let fear and mistrust be the principles on which I live my life."

*Looking very tired, Donovan takes a drink and continues writing. When Corbyn speaks, he rises and bows to him.*

"Thank you, my Lord. I'll update the info on the elves and Roderick immediately."
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Post by Ian_McAllister »

*Ian comes to attention in front of Donovan*

" Sir, just for the record as far as I know the cave of Gav'in, where ME and Ravinal were killed had little or nothing to do with the Prophecy, other than they were in the old Fire Cave. We had been answering a womans cry for help to find someone lost to her, her child I believe. We then amassed a force and were lead to the cave where the woman thought her child was.. inhabiting the cave were a band of Gav'in. When asked to return the child they responded that they had no human child.. after maybe 30 seconds of that parley by Captain Sethreal he attacked.

From where I stood we were the first to attack the Gav'in, we brought that fate upon ourselves. Also from what I heard later after Shale had brought me back was that the woman had been in error and her child was not in their caves.. a few simple words and some patience could have avoided two deaths.

That is my report on what I witnessed that day, and I do not believe those Gav'in any threat to Haven unless provoked. This may change in the future, but that is true of anyone and anything out there.. "

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Post by Dallid »

*Looks to Ug.*

"A second entity entered the Portal at the same time as the Evil Dragon when the artifacts were combined. The two merged into a single being. So claims the Female Dragon."

"I suspect this second entity was the Strong Man, the prior owner of the treehouse. If so, than a Dragon indeed likely destroyed it."

*Walks over to Nuk and performs Awaken on her.*
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Takes down Ian's report, and amends the section on the third dragon to include the section concerning the two entities becoming one.*

"Thank you, Ian. I appreciate your candor. Dismissed."
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Post by Ian_McAllister »

"By your leave"

*Walks off, apparently looking for someone.*
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Post by Sethreal »

*As Ian relays his report to Donovan Sethreal begins to look very weary. Seth then walks to Donovan and Salutes.*

"Preceptor, When you have time may I speak with you privatly?

*Sethreal awaits his answer.*
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan sees the weariness in Sethreal's eyes and gives him an understanding nod.*

"Of course, Sethreal. My office?"

*Donovan picks up his book and tankard, bows to the Duke, and gestures down the hall. If Seth agrees, he walks with him into the office and closes the door.*
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Before Donovan leaves to his office Atrum raises his mug*
Well said, Well said.
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Post by Ug »

Me tink Ug gunnu leeve beefur de Nuk gits back ta consisnuss an burns Ug up.
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Post by Dallid »

Time heals some wounds, but allows others to fester. I suggest you stay and deal with Nuk now.
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos is amazed with the level of detial and everybodies input*

Donovan, Thank you for the report. Percise and to the point as usual.

Part of Havens problems is we as community do not wish to share information with each other. Some times it is on purpose, other times people are way to busy to report back on issues, other times it is forgetfillness. I know we try to do what best is for the town in our own ways, but this is not working. We truely need to be a unified haven, and work together, or we all will be destroyed by our enimies.

I have started working with the other guilds of the town to establish a fair trading system between us. I believe it is working very well, and as always, open to suggestions. We are learning to share our resources, now we need to share information with each other.

We have some good laws established, great ideas on how the town should be ran, and many failed attempts to learn from. But the basic process of inforcing the laws and running the town is lacking.

Last moon, the entire process of law and Haven goverment broken down. The system that was established was good, but lacking a strong process to keep it together. There where to many unanswered questions, and basicly, problems. It was not the fault of a person or a couple people, but there is a fundmental flaw in it.

I suggest as a comminity we refine our system so it fosters coperation, passing of information, and the unity of Haven. I know this is what most if not all of us wants and some of us have died for.

This iner battling between us will end up destroying all of us. Strides towards unification have been made, but it is time to make it happen.

I have heard so many rumors and complaints about this group gets to do this and we don't, or they have this and I don't, and the list goes on, and it makes me sick. We say we are a town, but than turn around and stab each other in the back figuratively and sometimes litterly.

I have gone from a good person, to the most hated evil things, back to a good person. All I have done has been for the town of Haven, for survial. Many things said about me are probaly half truths, but not once did some ask me what truely happened or why I acted the way I did. People of haven wish to believe the rumors and half truths over finding out the truth, which leads to people not trusting one another. This is one of our greatest weakness's as a town. We must trust each other if we are to survive. It is not about power, possesions, or prestigee, it is about survial.

As Donovan stated, I don't care what you think of me, or what you call me, but everything I do is for Haven. Nothing more, nothing less.
My Thoughts
