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Post by GM-Mike »

Latham nods to Atrum politely once more and responds, "As I said, eventually they must all be in one place for studying them. Prior to that I suppose it matters little, except I would hate to waste precious time trying to locate all the pieces once more. It would seem a matter of convenience if they were all kept in one place or at least in close proximity to one another."

Latham sits back and listens to the conversations around him. When Donovan addresses him, he responds this way, "I have read nothing that connects the prophecy with the standing stones. My place of study is about 30 minutes from here at a brisk pace. I feel comfortable making it alone if you wish to concentrate on the tasks but will not argue the point with you."

Latham waits for responses

(OOG: when groups are ready, each start a new post called wherever it is you are going)
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Post by Robin »

Robin shook her head and met Kidwynn's gaze. "I'm with McEwan on this one, I remember it where he's a pointing. That means that it's not an icolated thing with just one person being effected." She looked over at Donovan and noded when he spoke, knowing that he spoke wisely.

"I saw that fire move... and I am in no way insane. Quite the opposite. There is either someone, or something, at work here. Whether it has to do with the prophacy or not, that remains to be seen. It is, however, a problem."

After Corbyn spoke, she nodded and turned back to McEwan and places a firm hand on his shoulder. "I'm putting you and Neshca on this one. Take Jason and Tarn if you need, Gin too if he and Varys are not working on other pressing matters. Warn everyone of what's going on, the village, our friends at the Fishing village. I would recomend placing markers of some kind on the trees... in the off chance that locations change while you're about." She looked her dwarven friend in the eyes, concern there. "Please, be careful. If you are not back by morning, I'm sending a party after you." He nodded, and she had full faith in him and Neshca. They were savy and capable, she knew they would succeed.

Robin then turned to Arthos and Atrum. "I'm ready when you fellas are. I'm armed to the hilt and prepared. Lead the way, my brother," she said to Arthos with a smile. Though the smile was of challenge at the prospect of trouble, there was worry behind her eyes. She glanced over at Corbyn.

"Don't you go anywhere, please. I don't want to get back only to learn that you've gone missing," she said jokingly. He could see, however, that her worry was for him, for all of them.
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Post by McEwan »

McEwan nods, stands up, dust himself off, and after a salute in the general direction of Captain Steele and Corbyn, heads out the door
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Looks over in Kels's direction as she puts her pack back in indicating that she is ready to proceed with work on the prophesy.*
Last edited by Kidwynn on Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan smiles at Latham's answers*

"Good. We had some theories about the standing stones being involved, but I trust your research. As for an escort, your knowledge is too valuable to fall into the wrong hands. You might be just fine alone, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'll walk you back myself as soon as you're ready."
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.
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Post by Ian_McAllister »

*Standing in the corner, having said almost nothing since arriving..just soaking in the environment..he perks up when Donovan speaks of escorting Latham home.. Readies himself to follow*
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Post by Onimaster »

Continues following Latham. He nods to Donovan and Ian.
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Post by Dallid »

*Dallid enters*

Vir-Drake, Annika, and myself have arrived unharmed. I see, however, the Village is caught up in a flux that bids forth memories of the Cataclysm. You will not likely recognize the Inn when next you go there.
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Post by Corbyn »

Welcome back Dallid, I am pleased you returned safely. This flux you speak of, have any citizens of Haven been taken by it? Who remains at the Inn? I have dispatched scouting parties based on the research of a man named Latham. He claimed to be of the order of scholars we have encountered previously that are dedicated to stopping the prophecy. He spoke of four relics that may give us vital information. Our scouting parties are to find where the relics are, assess any defenses to the best of their ability, and return so we can acquire them.
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Post by Dallid »

I have thus far encountered few townsfolk, but have heard nothing of missing or harmed persons. Lambic yet resides at the Inn, providing service to those for whom these disturbing events have failed to slacken their thirst for poisonous drink.

During the Cataclysm, fully half of the village I was a part of vanished overnight. I never saw those people again.

I will puruse the village to better understand the current extent of these changes and, if necessary, compile a list of the lost.
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Post by Kels »

*Kels walks in looks around for a moment*

"Anyone seen Lord Corbyn, Donovan, or Claude?"

*He waits for an replie*
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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Looking up from a writing desk in the back of the room upon hearing his name, Claude stands and walk towards the recently returned group.*

Your journey seems to have left you no worse for wear and you made good time. Excellent, let's see if you're harbingers of good tidings.

Captain, front and center. Report!
"The knight... is down."

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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn stands there and watches Kels give the report. She waits to see if Kels brings her in on the conversation since she talked to the woman whom they ran into first hand and because she has theories on how to possibly deal with that creature in the well.*

*Meanwhile she takes her coat back from him finally as well as any cloak and armor he has to dry it off inside the guild hall as well as making notations in her journal on the map she has been working on.*
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by Kels »

*Kels begins his acount of the trip*

"Well, where to start. With all the changes in the area we came acrosed a small cotteg just outside of Haven that has never been there before. This is were we meet a man named Herb who said that he used to live by the Chaos Mountains. I myself do not know were they are. I asked him to join us in our little adventure, and he came with us ,and it's a good thing for me that he did. I will get to that later. After we left the cotteg we found that someone was whatching us I sent Kidywnn and Ravinal to see who or what it was, and i stayed with Herb. They found a woman who wanted to know why it was that we seek theses relics. I my self did not speak to her so if you need more info on that you will need to speak with Kidywnn and Ravinal. All i know is that she did not want us to go near the well. After we left her we finaly made it to the Well of Tears. There were no guards of any kind upon frist glance even after a sweep of the area we found nothing out of the ordinary, just the well and a bucket on a rope. Haveing nothing to report on this place yet I Desided to go to the well and see what I could find out. Myself and Ravinal went up to the well, this is were it get's bad. The water in the Well was still nothing moved at all, so i begain to lower the bucket into the well. Before the bucket got to the water a pair watery hands shot out and grabed me, and pulled me into the well. It felt like something was sucking the life right out of me, and it hurt alot. This is when Herb jumped down there pulled me out with the help of the other two and saved my life. He seemed to be a very good Alchemist. After all that we brought Herb back to his home and came back here to report. Sir! Oh, and i did manege to get some of the water from the well it might help us if we know what it is."

*Kels reaches into his bag and pulls out his water skin. he then waits for Claudes respons*
"Fear is only in your mind."

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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Claude listens patiently, his eyes widening at several times over the course of Kels story*

Good, good. Any you can find this well and cottage again if needed? As for this woman... do we know where she is now and how she knew about these relics?

Kels, why don't you take that water to Lambic, I beleive he's at the Inn... er the Inn-like structure. *sigh* You'll see.

In the meantime, I'd like Kidwynn and Ravinals accounts of what occured and would like to know more about this woman.
"The knight... is down."

Claude the Expired
Black Knight of the True Dragon
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