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Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:32 pm
by Kidwynn
*Looks back over at Atrum and grins mischieviously*

Atrum luv, after you get all settled in again, we're goin' to need to talk.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:07 pm
by Kathryn Skress
*To Corbyn*

Though I have not traveled King Rodericks realm widely, I do know that his borders extend 3 days travel in each direction from Woodhold.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:35 pm
by Lambic
Elder Quetzel you input is most welcome, especially when you can help us understand the needs and wants of the local people.

Elder Corbyn, although I agree with you on some points, I am not convinced that what the Lady is currently suggesting is the answer to the Haven's problems. We most certainly need laws, but it has not been the laws that have failed the Haven. It has been we of the Haven whom have failed the law and each other.

We gave up on the laws when we should've held ourselves tightly too them and now damn them for not dragging us along!

Althought these laws seem to have worked for Woodhold, there is no way to know if these are the laws that will work for the Haven. This offer seems to be trading sovereignty and feilty for strong possiblities. Roderick can not offer any more certainty that this will "fix" the problems of the Haven, than we already have that when we wake in the morning we will be in the same place that we went to sleep. The magic in this world is not yet settled and neither are the politics of this world. Let us not forget that Roderick came close to loosing his kingdom not a moon ago.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:41 pm
by Onimaster
Shale nods, "Well put Lambic."

He takes a drink ane looks to Corbyn. "I appreciate how badly you want order here in Haven, and I too want this place to find stability. But, I do not think we should look to Woodhold to clean up our messes. You of all people know how hard it is to keep stability here, and what would happen when this proposed endeavor fails like the rest? Would we then be at war with Woodhold for the very freedom we gave away in the hope of peace? I don't think any of us wants to see that catastrophe happen. Would it not be better to ask Woodhold to be a friend to Final Haven, and then set our own affairs in order... if we can? "

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:08 pm
by Corbyn
That is a tremendously large and nebulous 'if', Shale. I have perhaps seen too many iterations of law and order tried by the citizens of Haven fail to have faith in another attempt.

I bear as much responsibility for that failure as anyone that ever called this place home.

Beyond law and stability, I believe that a united people have the capacity to be a greater, more focused force for good in this world. Speaking for myself, this may be worth more than complete independence.

After speaking with Roderick at the ball, and with Lady Kathryn here, I believe that any small portion of freedom we might relinquish may be worth the economic and military benefits to ourselves and the lands we protect.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:54 am
by Lambic
Lets speak in definites then.

How many troops does Roderick have right now? Where are they and where were they when the king was under attack? How many is he willing to permanently station at the Haven?

What resources does he trade in? What does he have enough surplus of to trade with us? Is he offer harder to get commodities? Who are his trading parteners?

Does he a high mageus or other arcane practitioners in his service? Alchemist? Craftsmen?

What kind of defenses does he have around him? What kind can he afford to build around us?

Let us not speak in nebulous "ifs" let us speak in facts. Facts that have not yet been spoken of.

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:22 pm
by Kathryn Skress
*Kathryn laughs softly*

So many questions at once, good sir. Luckily, before I came here I spoke with General Moren on the state of the King's armies.

The General is still counting the losses since the battle, but he expects their numbers have been reduced by half to two-thirds. Most of the troops loyal to the King were at Kendel Keep, being duped by Hildebrandt with the rest of them. It was the troops that were loyal to Hildebrandt that attacked the King. Due to the huge loss of troops, the King is unable to station any here permenently at the moment, however if troops are needed he may be able to lend some support.

The King trades in all resources. Again, due to the war he has no surplus of resources at the moment. He will have a better idea of what he can trade come late spring or early summer. Rebuilding from the war will take all of the reserves. I'm not certain which commodities you are referring to as "harder to get."

*Kathryn pauses for a brief smile*

The King's trading partners are a valuable asset. I'm sure you can understand if he guards that information closely, especially as Haven has not yet decided on the matter at hand.

The King has in his service several of each of the professions you ask about.

As far as defenses go, he has several outposts and a keep at Woodhold. The outlying villages all have a pallisade wall around their central meeting areas and some have a stone building that can be used to shelter for the peasantry while under attack. Each village also has a fairly well trained village militia.

The King is willing to offer a small keep or gated outpost and several wood buildings if his proposal is accepted.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:20 am
by Atrum Draconus
*Responding to Corbyn: Sorry to hear of the loss, his heart was usually in the right place.*

*Atrum raises an eybrow and smiles with satisfaction as Lambic asks his questions and listens intently as Kathryn answers them*

So we are being asked now to decide on the matter even though what we would gain from it isn't known quite yet? Enforcement of the law is the ONLY thing that becoming subjects of Woodhold could gain us that we have not been able to do ourselves so far. It has already been stated that trade would be open to us if we decide to stay sovereign ourselves, so has a possible alliance of forces as I understand it. So I see no advantage to becoming a part of a kingdom that is admittedly unstable and unable at the moment to enforce laws or protect us here in Haven.

Since the day that I've come to these lands we have fought to keep our soveirgnty, I for one am not ready to give it over because it is the easier route. Stability will come to these lands, but we have to realize that it will take the kind of effort and working together we can muster when our very lives or the sake of the world are at stake. Because that is exactly what is at stake here, our future.