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Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 10:06 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
*Kaylan nods as Alinar speaks, a wry grin on the dwarfs lips*

"Indeed very true Alinar, very true. A possibility I am aware of, as shown by the fact I am neither intending to go alone and that I have already informed him that he would not survive such a betrayal.
I have heard that Haven has encountered dark elves that aided them, and if his intent was to set a trap, it would have been better to lure one or two into it, and not wander in to the tavern where many sit and could join the hunt. I suspect the attack on him was real, but would of course be cautious."

*Kaylan laughs at Alinar's surprised question.*

"Amazing what one hears in taverns these days is it not Alinar? I would say he, more accurately, did was confirmed rumors I had heard and my suspicions that he was leading an organization of murderers that, he had tight control of, and used for unlawful ventures.
I simply think he was operating under the impression that I am one that would rather deal with the evil you know, and would not work to cut out a tumor in the kingdom that has had been useful before.
Then again Abaddon and I have never discussed my views on such a thing, so he could not, in all fairness, have known such isn't the case."

*Kaylan looks up to the one eared elf and sighs a bit*

"So, shall we find out what we can about your assailants?"

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:39 am
by Abaddon
"Any such organization certainly must operate with royal permission. The queen sees the logic of harnessing the tools we have. " the old man said. He nodded to Kami as he set the plate down. "The same organization that helped crack the red tear like an egg now make any illicit activity in the borders of empire obeys strict rules. should you prefer chaos a single word from the queen will send them to the wind."

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:03 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
*Kaylan nods slowly as Abaddon speaks, a tight grin on his lips*

"It is true that she was swayed by your words. I would say your organization is very much dependent on her to be here in the wildlands and be the one making such decisions, so that spurious logic can continue to over rule right and wrong."

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:38 am
by Abaddon
"it's no secret that my loyalty lies with the queen. She is the absolute power in the land. Higher than Korrigan as she is the one who helped him crawl to his crown. So no. It's not relevant where she is. I am sure many of her heroes in the Wildlands would help me against any treason people may come with thinking she's turned her back." Abaddon says.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:52 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
*a hearty laugh springs form the dwarf once Abaddon has gone silent*

" I can see how you have come to such an erroneous paradigm. While Korrigan and Fiona WERE of equal authority, and while they still have EQUAL power in Haven; Korrigan is the First Lord, leader of the Vanguard Alliance, and as such holds a position of power greater than hers.
That aside, it IS relevant where she is, since when she isn't here, I am the ranking kingdom the kings order and her requests of me. As there has NEVER been a standing order, from either, to allow criminal activity, eradicating such isn't treason.
In fact, I am sure she would never stand opposed to that. She would not want such a stance to, in any way, risk how she is viewed by the citizenry of Haven and its allies. Nor would she want such a blemish on her crown to filter back to other leaders of the alliance, via their representatives...such as Alinar here. Such a thing would damage her position and image with the citizens , and the kings, not to mention the allies of the entire Alliance. This is a thing I cannot allow due to my loyalty and duty to the king and the Alliance.
So feel free to word smith all you like. You will find it as effective, where I am concerned, as tossing pebbles at a hand."

*Kaylan turns to Alinar and Dakkon ,tilting his head and waits to see if they are ready to join in the investigation*

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:47 am
by Abaddon
"lets use the word ranking loosely. You can decide on her behalf only in a limited capacity only. You can not overturn previous decisions. So feel free to try to push out the criminals. Nature abhors a vacuum. But we both know you will not take direct action against for operating what we both know is in goo faith. You can do your duty and I will mine." Abaddon says. "In mine Bandits won't dare to take captives of strangers along the road. In yours....well giid luc with that, I hope one day my service will be unnecessary."''

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:01 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
"...actually, lets use the term how the king used it, and I don't recall any limits at all being conversation of either of them on the topic. Since there aren't any previous decisions I would have to overturn, that wont be an issue. However, should that become needed, your deluded to think I don't have that latitude."

*Kaylan gives a short, thin grin to Abaddon before turning back to the elves*

"As for your service, I don't recall making any statement of a need for it. In fact, the only request was to Kami and Alinar.
Now...IF a vacuum is created by the removal of a criminal element, I guess we will just have to fill it with good people, of ethical character, who don't take advantage of, or latch themselves onto, others like sure nature will be just fine with that."

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 6:54 am
by Fionna
How Kaylan hadn't noticed the ever growing Fionna in the kitchen makes her grin. Having enough of this conversation, she appears, willing her hand free of the baking she was doing for the settlers and workers to get ready for winter.

"Excuse me Kaylan! Who said I'm not here! First of all, I have not yet left. This little one isn't set to arrive for a few moons yet and I am still perfectly capable of travel. I will be leaving when I am darn good and ready. I asked you to be a person for the people to seek out should they need anything. You are not to be questioning edicts and decisions I have made. That is not your position. If you feel you that is what you need to do, I can find someone else. The people out here need to know the people I've entrusted to take care of them in my absence, trust my judgment and the decisions I've made. Do not go about putting words in my mouth.

Secondly, I am no second to Korrigan, especially not out here! Never have been. We are partners. What I decide is what is. I would appreciate some semblance of respect.

If you need explicit instructions, Marcus is in charge of Abaddon in my absence, when that actually occurs."

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:48 am
by GM-Amanda
The boots actually fit her talons, three claws wrapped in leather and propped up on one of the tables of the Smelly Skunk. Their owner set back in her favorite chair, near the windows but facing the door, slurping the last of the earthworms she had found on her morning walkabout between Brennondale and Three Crescent Ranch. Cirrus gave a lazy wave to the newcomer, but made no move to grab at either Four or Seven, resting against the side of the chair. The grin on her face only grew wider as she watched the debate.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 8:54 am
by Alinar
“The definition of chaos, Abaddon – of anarchy – is when the rule of law no longer applies. Sanctioned criminality must never be condoned as this inevitably reverses prosperity. It is a hallmark sign of decline and weakness. Bandits must never be allowed to loot and pillage at will simply because they refrain from kidnapping and murder. How may a merchant left penniless at the threshold of winter be expected to accept that those who robbed him are allowed to do so? All that may be expected of the victims of sanctioned crime is the total loss of faith and loyalty to the authorities they once trusted.”

“In addition, as Dakkon’s story would indicate, this does not stop the kidnapping and the murder. Criminals, by nature, ignore rules. Sanctioned crime allows it to breed and fester exponentially. Organized crime increases the efficiency and speed in which society is dismantled.”

“This most alarming development will be broached in Royal Court for thorough investigation. I promise that.”

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:43 am
by Abaddon
"This is the wildlands. They haven't had the benefit of my control for the last five years like the rest of the empire so there is are little groups who haven't learned the value of an agreement with me." The old man says.
"The math is simple. There are others willing to take what people have and most of them do not have the rules I have. My organization fractured the Red Tear into Factions. That was my men on the line. Now we control all the crime in the empire. Anyone in my organization has much more strict rules to obey. Farmers are more productive when they feel safe. Travelers willing to invest when they are not robbed and killed at night. I show the darkness in this world that there is a better way. If they join me and follow our rules they enjoy money, and safety. Anything else is a lack of manpower. They are not allowed to kill civilians. they are not allowed to go against the queen. They are not allowed to try to destroy the world. They join or they are butchered. I offer them a chance, which is more quarter than most havenites give. What keeps them them in line? Two things. Greed and fear. Greed because they make money safely this way. Fear because if they go against me I will skin them and hang them from by a tree on a noose of their own steaming entrails. They know they work for THE ABADDON. "

"Every society has crime. At least ours work for the queen."

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:53 am
by Alinar
"Ah. So citizens may rejoice when robbed of their possessions, for such has been done in the name of the Queen. How inspiring."

Alinar turns back to Kaylan.

"Captain, you have what aid I may offer. What is your plan for addressing Dakkon's alleged assailants?"

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:11 pm
by Faust
Faust closes his book and stands, he speaks slowly in his foreign accent as if thinking thoroughly through every word.

"You have my aid if you wish it as well, Lord Kaylan, let us deal with this cancerous crime before it spreads. We wouldn't want our Dark Elven Friend's plight to go unnoticed and neglected."

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:06 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
*When the queen suddenly teleports into the kitchen that only Kami had been in, he steps back a half step in great surprise; having been sitting at his usual corner table which has a view of both doors and the kitchen, so could not possible have missed ANYONE that was in the building. His eyes fly even wider when Fionna reveals that her newly displayed travel power also comes with a talent for plucking thoughts and conversations from the minds of those she is suddenly in the presence of, but that she want present for.*

"First, let me say I am impressed by your new skills. Unfortunate that this is the first we have seen them, I can think of several dangerous missions they could have been helpful on.
As for who said you weren't here, that would be ... you. When we last spoke you stated you were headed back to the capitol, my apology if trusting what you told my face...was a mistake. I assure you it will not be made a second time if that is the case. I am sure, having scanned the thoughts of those gathered, you know I never spoke about you not having the freedom to leave when you liked. In fact, based on the information YOU provided, you already had.
You did in deed ask me to be a contact person, although I am unsure why you asked it, since its part of what Korrigan sent me to do anyhow. I didn't see a need to do anything but agree to your request to do what I was already doing for the king.
As for questioning anything you have decreed, or edicts you have made. I wasn't, since you have never made a decree that criminal acts were to be overlooked by the queen if they were committed by Abaddons things. If you wish to make such a decree, I would be glad to give you the name of a talented scribe to pen, and then copy the decree so that the messengers can carry it to the home of every honest working farmer, merchant, trader in this kingdom...and those of the traders from our ALLIES. I am sure they will be THRILLED to hear you state you are fine with Abaddon having his way with their caravans. To be sure we can ask Alinar....wait...I think he has already spoken as the elven kingdom royalty would."

*The burly and surly dwarf knight crossed his arms, and turns to squarely face Fionna, his eyes narrow with anger. Kaylan draws a deep breath, exhales slowly before taking a deep breath again to calm himself a bit before continuing*

"As for my position, let me be clear on it so that you are also clear on it as it seems you are not. Aside from a few minor things like owner of the Tipsy Traveler, son of Therin Chargeender... the leader of the dwarves of Last Stand, friend to Korrigan and several of those that reside here...I am, from a matter of state viewpoint, the personal bodyguard of King Korrigan Drochlann, King of Haven and First Lord of the Vanguard Alliance; Captain of Kings Royal Guard; Commandant of the Knightly Order of the Crimson Aegis... of who serve as the guards of Blackwatch and HIS personal guards. I am here at...HIS..request, and his alone. I follow...HIS...orders, and his alone. I was directed to make myself available should a mission here need a skilled warrior that was loyal to his goals, and to PROTECT you. Never did he say I would take orders from you. I have done as you have asked, when you have asked, because it has not been contrary to HIS orders.
If...YOU... feel you need to find someone else, to have these people you speak of, look for help from because you aren't comfortable sending them to a man that will do what is right...even if it isn't what is easy...or popular ...or what you have been manipulated into allowing; then I suggest you do just that.
On the topic of these people trusting your judgment, I am certain that is exactly what they would NOT do...once you make public this decree of yours. You see...if I HAD been putting words into your mouth, you would never had said anything so foolish and damaging to the Vanguard Alliance... AT ALL..., let alone in public AND in front of an emissary of the Elves.
So that you are clear, in matters that affect the Vanguard ARE second, whether Korrigan choses to share control and influence in Haven or not. If you think I haven't respected your place here, its only because you haven't been paying attention.
IF ...I EVER ...need any instructions on matters of state, I will get them from the first Lord and King of Haven, Korrigan. If I need help closing a wound, I will ask Marcus. As for Abaddon, I need no instruction, nor would I pay attention to any that didn't come directly to person...from Korrigan's lips."

*Kaylan pivots his gaze to Abaddon, as the mage stands basking in self wrought glory*

"I am pleased beyond hear you feel the defenders of Haven give your slime quarter, since they deserve none for preying on those that toil for a living. It is sad an pathetic that you revel in the adulation of beings that the world would be a better place without, but in no way a surprise given your past betrayals and sins.
You are wrong, not every society has crime. In fact I have encountered one recently that has none. You logic is spurious and self serving, and the fact your criminals work for that queen..."

*nodding to Fionna*

"...only serves to shatter her credibility and the integrity of the alliance. The latter I will not allow. You may have duped Fionna, but you will have no such fortune with me. Once I am in possession of evidence that you are in deed leading such activities, I will be moving to cut the cancer you represent from the borders of the alliance."

*Kaylan unfolds his arms, his right hand floating to his brow where his fingers work futily to massage away the building anger and disgust that shows on his face. after a moment he glances up to Alinar, with a weary smile.*

"I thank you for the generous and welcomed offer to help the, now ignoble Kingdom of Haven with its bandit issue. I cannot, truthfully, say I am not surprised that the man that is essentially the emissary of the Elven kingdom to Haven, and the Vanguard Alliance, is still willing to help after what you now know. But then I detest the entire mouth and gift horse thing. As for your royal court, you can assure them I will be speaking with this to the only person I am beholden too or take orders from, Korrigan, King of Haven and first Lord of the Vanguard Alliance. I am sure he will want to discuss the topic with your royal court himself.
As for my plan, I intend to take Dakkon and visit the spot of the attack and would like for any other aid to stay back to ensure I am not leading them into some trap. Beyond that I do not have enough facts or clues to base a plan on"

*Kaylan glances over at Faust when he speaks, nods at the man and speaks in a tone that is obviously purposed to not direct any unwarranted rage or ire at Faust*

"My thanks sir. I do not think we have met, although I doubt you are currently suffering form a lack of knowledge on who I am after what you have witnessed and heard."

*The dwarf scoops up his ledgers and papers, stuffing them into his shoulder bag before lashing out to grab his shield. He then sharply turns and storms to the door, shaking his head in disgust.*

"For Dakkon and those willing to help, I will be outside where the air is less foul."

*Kaylan exits the inn, slamming the door behind him*

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:42 am
by Abaddon
"I am not sure where the confusion lies. Our Queen was made queen by the previous Queen. She appointed Korrigan. Neither her NOR Korrigan have ever said anything else. That means she is the top rung. Just because she allows him to make decisions doesn't mean she can not veto them. Wishing something was different doesn't make it different." Abaddon says tossing back the last of his cold tea and listening to the fire in the hearth crackle every few long seconds the break the silence.