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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:41 pm
by Marcus
Marcus grinned and laughed back at Legion.

"Oh believe me, I remember joking that night over beer about your new theory on your identity. Though I suggested it, I'm thanking the Light that you didn't go with the "flesh tone with painted-on facial hair" option. I dunno if I could take you seriously in a fight with that staring at me.

As for anything new, Cirrus...well...not really anything. (he spread his hands in a shrug) It's been blissfully quiet lately, aside from the heat, and even that's breaking.

I did help the Miller's wife over in Stonebridge deliver a baby girl a week ago. It was a bit of touch and go, but everything came out, if you pardon the pun.

I've also been asking around with the local foresters to see if they can help us figure out where those damned snake-people came from that tried to poison the farms a couple of months ago. It seemed odd that someone would so suddenly do something like that without a good reason, and I want use to be able to get ahead of them before they do something like that again."

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:26 pm
by Nick
"Meh..council...psh. Also Marcus, I don't think I could take myself seriously. But if we ever fight, I'll definitely take a bit of time to flesh-tone myself and paint on the craziest mustache you've ever seen."

~: Tilting back and forth with one foot holding him in place, Legion seems rather relaxed in the tavern setting. He did look over to the person who had gone for a weapon, an eyebrow raising at the sight of the action. :~

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:56 pm
by GM-Amanda
"The heat's fine if you stay in the trees and under cover. A good brew helps quite a bit as well."

She raised her tankard in the general direction of the bar, taking a quick swig which was more of pouring it straight down her throat. She stowed the mottled blue rag with other similarly stained pieces of cloth, then reaching in for a new piece of parchment, clacking her beak again at the sopping mess that had been the brainstorming for a poem. This fresh piece had dots that looked quite a bit like dried blood spattering its entire surface, and she had to start far from the left side of the paper and angle back to avoid a stain the size of her fist. Cirrus began to rapidly scribe in a loose and untidy hand.

"Now thunderstorms... those I can't stand. Saw you out there, just basking in the wet. Weighs down the feathers, dampens the scents, the noise scares everything into hiding, mud makes ya leave footprints everywhichway, no self respecting courtier is going to be outside with all of his finery in the rain... right pain in the cloaca, rain."

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:08 pm
by Marcus
Marcus shrugs at Cirrus.

"Heh...basking. I guess you could call it that. (he raises a knowing eyebrow) No different than preening, some might even say.

And I may be a knight, but I'm far from a courtier. Believe me, I'm as base born as any peasant out there and willing to get just as dirty. I get where you are coming from though; skin cleans and dries a lot easier than feathers. But take it from me.. growing up on a farm will make a person appreciate the rain more than others.

The last thing we needed after having those damned snake-men try to poison everything on the local farms was to have what we managed to keep alive shrivel up and die before the harvests come in."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:09 am
by Dallid
"Little threat of that, fortunately. This season has produced a boon harvest. Epic, I dare say. The farmers' main concern thus far is storage for it all, and safe disposal of the waste before predators are attracted."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:02 pm
by GM-Amanda
Cirrus let out a chuckle before she did preen a bit, the feathers along her neck rising and puffing slightly before smoothing back out, a quick darting finger pushing stragglers into place.

"I couldn't imagine not having a layer of down in the winter, so it yinz out. And I completely agree that the harvest needs to be protected from those snake...things... they don't even pound... I'm just starting to get used to grains and gathered nuts again, rather than berries and uncooked squirrels."

She paused in her scribbles to peer across at Dallid.

"Do the farmers have any kind of warning system against those predators? Seems to me the biggest problem we had with the snakelings was they suddenly poofed. Wouldn't be a bad idea to trap the paths in the area or put up some kind of magicky ward... shield... thing. To protect them, if... protectors... are lacking. Or at least let them run back to their homes rather than trying to make it out to us."

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:11 am
by Marcus
From what I have seen travelling amongst the surrounding hamlets, they don't have any more protection than we do here after losing the keep. I personally would like to see us work to get a portion of the town military equipped and deployed as official road wardens to patrol the surrounding settlements, and maybe train some of the more skilled woodsmen as well to be a scouting force to watch for outside threats coming in.

If we cannot spare that then those of us here should try to do the most we can to patrol the area and keep the people safe. The Light knows we should have the skills, the equipment, and the time.

The best protection for a kingdom this dispersed are trained eyes, a way to get communications around, and forewarning.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:13 am
by Dallid
"Marcus is correct. Our only defense is town patrols, our only warning system is the runners sent from trouble-spots to fetch help."

"A large-scale magical ward is prohibitively difficult to setup and maintain. Traps would do more harm than good. However, an alarm bell could perhaps be forged in each village. The craftsmen are certainly availible - provided we have the necessary metal."

Dallid thinks for a moment.

"Indeed, this would seem worth investigating. Good line of thought, Cirrus. A visit to the smithy is in order to see what materials would be needed."

With that, Dallid stands and heads for the door.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:18 pm
by Rothek
A beastial grunt comes from behind the counter as rothek stands up into view, slightly agitated he shook and snorts again. He had been napping under the counter until people started moving around.

Who was all here, Marcus,dallid, legion, cirrus laylah a valkyn'vi he didn't know and a dwarf lady with shiny bits.

" hello peoples, you want stuffs? Korgan or Barry gets it for you."

The beast was no where near a bartender but he had picked up a few things watching korrigan.
His ears perked up when cirrus mentioned squirrel

" you not like squirrel birdy lady? Good for when hunting or traveling, teach cubs to hunt squirrel"
Rothek nodded at Marcus

" snake kin hide very good,rothek help to keep snake kin away from haven tribe."

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:00 pm
by Smitty19
*Serith had entered the Inn a bit before Marcus and Dallid talked about defenses, and he shrugged of his travel pack to the floor

"Funny thing about that, I have been dabbling in theories of trying to see if Quen, or someone else skilled in making Exotic Items to look into creating an Obelisk that could be imbued by an Essence Mage to do just what you are thinking, to become a sort of warning beacon if someone passes over the area, it is, as I have said a Theory, but it could be worth researching, as my Present Inquiries have turned up some interesting revelations."

*Looks to Dallid

"Sorry to beat the same drum, but what do you know of Paer'an's exploits into the Dreaming?"

*Shakes his head

"If what I have been finding is correct, I think we are all being played by him....again."

*Takes a seat by the bar as he nods to Cirrus and Legion, also noticing yet another Valkn'vi in town and says towards Dallid

"But that can be discussed later, Ive been waiting to hear about this trip everyone took to some Science Land..."

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:47 pm
by Jamie
"Hopefully not," Aurora echoed Elgoain. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for signs of of trouble.

When she noticed Legion's raised eyebrow, she realized she was still gripping the knife. After a final glance at the doors, she reassured herself that no one was coming after her and let go of the dagger, giving Legion an apologetic look. She hadn't meant to make anyone else nervous.

She fussed with the knife a little, getting it to sit right in her belt. She still wasn't used to the feel of the weapon; as a healer, she'd always avoided carrying such things.

When Rothek appeared, Aurora jumped and almost grabbed the knife again, but caught herself before actually drawing it.

The dwarf woman smiled when Serith asked about "Science Land."

"Science-land was fun! They had an airship, like a skyboat, only it's not magic. It ran on crystals and gears and things like that. We got to ride in it though. Oh, and they had nice hats." She raised her hand to the brim of a black top hat with goggles resting on the brim, evidently acquired in the Iron Cities. "I'm glad to be back here, though. They were all humans over there, and they'd never seen dwarfs or Aviana or Valkin'vi or anyone else. They kept asking what we were. Some of them weren't very nice about it."

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:02 pm
by Smitty19
*Serith smirks

"Sounds fantastic, really sad that I couldn't go, with the whole having a town to protect and feed."

*Serith's face gets grim and serious

"So I heard rumblings that it was a Red Tear encampment found there? Do we have any idea of what they were doing there, and what their next move may be?"

Clenches his fist as a glow slowly builds around his gauntlet-ed hand in a blueish-orange hue.

"I am really ready to wipe that Gorram group of the face of Phanterra once and for all."

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:46 pm
by GM-Amanda
"Squirrels are fine Rothek, they're tasty, especially if you roast them in hickory for a few hours and then in wet leaves with some sage... but usually I don't get the opportunity to set a fire. And no need to eat squirrel if you've got swine and fish."

She grinned at Dallid's agreement of her idea and waved as he exited the inn. Cirrus then moved back slightly to give room to Serith at her rapidly growing table.

"The Iron Cities weren't as fancy as I was expecting, and it wasn't a carry and dash bazaar like I was hoping... er... but we did find and destroy Corbyn's super nasty and sparkly blade... it was powering a portal back here to this corner of Phanterra, where we smacked around lots of Red Tear... fraking thing dropped us right in the middle of necromancy central. Anyway, I was working on a record of our exploits since Zeira wasn't there either."

She tapped on the parchment with her quill tip before beginning to scribble again, sketching out a box with knobs and lights, and an exploding mountaintop.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:38 am
by BarrytheBartender
*Coming from the back of the bar*

"Good day all, is there anything I can get you, Food? Drink?"

"So what is the discussion of the day?"

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:02 am
by Dallid
Dallid stays a bit longer at Serith’s request.

“Paer’an has spent a great deal of time in the Dreaming… Looking for something… or perhaps someone, maybe. Corbyn’s now-destroyed sword? I’m not certain. I fear I dismissed it from my mind as his goal was impossible to pursue given the state of the Dreaming after Requieus’s capture. I’d very much like to know what you have discovered, however, Serith.”

“As for the ‘Land of Science’, it was a Human society that had adopted Gnomish culture. If was very much like old Silverthorne, if all cities had been like Castelleon and there was no Mages Guild. All magic use and non-humans were greatly feared and so completely suppressed. No mages were allowed. Only contraptions could wield magic in the form of infused crystals – and only because their artisans did not understand the nature of those crystals.”

“One such contraption, aided by Corbyn’s sword, created a portal as Cirrus mentioned, through which Necromancers entered the domain and sought dominance. Fortunately we were able to thwart them.”