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Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:09 pm
by Dallid
Dallid nods as each speaks of Paer’an.

“The rumors you have heard, Marcus, hold much truth in them. Does Paer’an enjoy the reputation of a ‘dark horse’? No. Does he work diligently for that reputation? Yes.”

“Among the Valkin’Vi, Paer’an possesses a particular fate – the aspect of Paradox. I understand this is both a blessing and a curse, though I have seen only bane, for Paer’an must toil against himself. Indeed, as I learned shortly after his banishment, Paer’an can never achieve any goal he sets for himself. It is when such goals are within reach that he must seek the assistance of others.”

“But who would help him? As some of you have heard, and others witnessed, Paer’an is brash, boastful, and egotistical. He thinks little of many, and makes his opinions known. He insults, mocks, and threatens those who he might otherwise have called ‘ally’.”

“Once I confronted him about this. A force of arms was required, but none could be gathered given a series of death threats he had recently made against citizens. Idle threats he claimed he had no intention to carry out, but made only to ‘mess with them’. I asked why he would so pointlessly cement his pariah status. He replied, “Can you think of a better definition of ‘paradox’?”

“At first I was wary of his nature. If he works to aid Haven, then does he also work against it? My own experiences with him show the answer is ‘no’. He works only against himself.”

“Take the situation with the Crystal Heart. The artifact granted him a wish. In typical lone-wolf fashion, he wished for the power necessary to defeat Corbyn and the Master on his own. The wish was fulfilled… by transferring power from everyone else in the area into him.”

Dallid looks momentarily at Marcus. “The stolen essence you heard about. True, indeed.”

“This was a result Paer’an neither expected nor desired, and he worked in earnest to undo what he wrought. He gathered the knowledge and artifacts required to break the magic and return the ill-gained power to the rightful bearers. But with his goal laid out before him, Paradox made him powerless to continue.”

“We broke into his chamber to find him sitting over the Heart. With all the power he possessed, he could have fought us off. But unable to do right, he was unwilling to do wrong, so he sat there doing nothing.”

“But while it is true that he has done much for Haven, and I believe Haven owes him a great debt of gratitude, it is also true that he has murdered at Witchwood Hold, and he owes the people there a great debt of justice.”

“That he once served Corbyn is also true. Somewhere along that road he had a change of heart, and strove instead to undermine him.”

Dallid smiles sadly at Serith. “As for particulars, I’m afraid I’d do better trying to recall what I had for breakfast two years ago on this day - for I have eaten fewer meals than I have foiled plots against Haven or performed acts of assistance to its citizens. My very nature bends my mind toward future concern rather than past remembrances. I can only ask you to trust in my words. Though if I do recall a particular solo caper with Paer’an, I will be sure to let you know.”

“So I suppose in summary: Paer’an is a hero of Haven, a villain of Witchwood Hold, and elsewhere pretty much everything inbetween. He is unlikely to ever change his nature – not on his own. It is up to those he encounters whether or not they accept it. No doubt he will continue to push such opinion hard in all directions.”

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:11 pm
by Smitty19
*Nods towards Malachi

"That is a good point, Paer'an said he was working with Corbyn with the Blessing of Esmerelda... What else was entailed with this partnership?"

*Lets out a Sigh

"Listen, I know out of anyone how quickly a deal can change and change fast, but I do want to get all sides stories squared away before I can go to the front of the Firing Line for someone."

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:26 pm
by Malachi
"I have to correct you, Dallid. I was present when Paer'An made the wish. In fact, I sat with him for nearly an hour, along with Garritt and one other, attempting to persuade him to make the wish that you described. He instead chose to wish for 'All of the powers of the Heroes of Haven'. I remember it clearly, because the other options were to wish Regis Mortum powerless, or to be granted Khalot's Rainment. He chose the more self-centered route, the one in which granted him the most power, and he was aware of what the consequences might have been. I personally brought up how he might gain the powers had he wished for them."

"As for working to return the stolen essence, in actuality he ran and hid, allowing those few who knew what he had done the previous night figure out what had happened. Had he come forth and proclaimed his mistake, it would have gone much easier for him. Instead, he ran to a location known only to him and few others, and locked himself inside along with the keys to open the doorway. Only through incredible skill and luck did we manage entry. There was also no mention of the black sword, nor the other items ritualistically laid before him when he was confronted within the ancient tomb. And let us not forget what happened when the Pearl touched the Heart. The bit of anti-matter, to my knowledge, still lies just outside the doorway to the tomb."

"You speak of him confiding information to you. Why was this not brought to the attention of those others who, with alarming regularity, lay their lives on the line to defend this town? And the information you've brought forth today, did it come from a legitimate source or did it come from Paer'An himself? I certainly hope not, as he has the tendency to change his stories as it suits him."

"As for this 'Aspect of Paradox', I understand very little. The Valken'Vi have been silent about matters of grave importance before, so I don't doubt that it could be something serious. However, it is common knowledge that Paer'An has separated himself from the Valken'Vi Council in such a way that the Council itself has asked for his death."

"The long and the short of it is that Paer'An had done no more good than any other person sitting in this room, and that he has done far more ill than almost anyone I can name. That being said, do as you will. The people of Haven will not tolerate another betrayal such as his last, even if it is accidental, of that much I am certain."

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:51 am
by Zeira
"Paer'An's problem isn't that he is a bad guy. We have plenty of people here who lie, steal and kill. His problem is that he is an ass. If he was a little more charismatic like Noble, Danimoth and Brey he might get a little farther in this world."

"See unlike my above examples he has no friends, is terrible at creating plausible deniability and is not lovable. Being a hero here is just as much about the deeds you do as the people you know. Image is also important. An apology gets you pretty far...even if it's just a fake one."

"Oh...and he's got a bunch of artifacts of magical power. A lot easier to brand hin a traitor and gut him instead of paying with our own sweat and blood. Even if he did come back and Fionna pardoned him he wouldn't last a moon before someone killed him on the trail or while he slept."

"That's the way of these things though. I could care less about way it goes because no matter what is said here today Paer'An is a dead man and nothing will change that. In the woods or here in Haven is of no concern to me."

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:43 am
by Marcus
Marcus sighed.

Unfortunately, Ziera, being an ass can be as undermining to the good of the whole as being a "bad guy". For instance, I could cause trouble, and threaten people's lives, even as a big damn joke, all I want.

The problem comes when innocent people have to worry about whether those are really just jokes, or when they have to spend their time fixing that trouble, and a real problem shows up that truly needs to be dealt with but they are now occupied with something trivial. That is as much of a setback as someone who really wished ill-will.

What if the town was out looking for Paer'An to get their stolen essence back, and innocent people were killed, when if the town was unoccupied, they could have saved them? Where would the villagers place their blame?

(Marcus leans forward intently)

Worse yet. I have lived here all of my life, save for these last couple of years I have been gone. What if I were gone with the rest of town on such a fool's errand, and those people harmed were my parents?!

(He leans back)

As I have said, I am not in a place to judge, for I wasn't here for any of it. But this is my point, and it applies to everyone on Phanterra: a man can be an ass all he wants, as long as it doesn't affect others negatively. And if they do so, then no positive action can simply force me to simply kneel and laud them as a hero, especially when the demand to do so is from their lips.

As hard as anyone has worked to cultivate such a bad reputation, they must unabashedly do the same amount of good to balance it.

I would rather acknowledge a child that returns a dropped item than any viscous person who saves the entire town- anyone who that may ever be- for a person's nature is their true self, not the actions to the contrary.

If what Dallid says is true, I will never in my life offer a murderer gratitude, unless they have made hard recompense to the parties they wronged.

And Ziera. It would do better than to blandly dismiss murder, in any way shape or form. You or I might just as easily find ourselves in the same situation.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:57 am
by Smitty19
*Serith holds his hands up

"Now I don't think that this situation should be decided alone, and also I think that we need to look long and hard at the consequences of any actions we do. I think that this whole situation is a royal pain in the ass, and im sorry, but I agree with Marcus, if you are going to walk around throwing threats around at anyone and everyone, I really dont care much for it."

"I am thinking that this needs to come from his mouth, and he needs to swear an oath that his "Brash" comments end. I do not know if he is redeemable, as I have heard the exact same story that Malachi stated, right from Garritt's mouth."

*Looks to Dallid

"I would very much like it if you do remember any of the Particulars to bring them to me, because as I said, saying you are helping, and having proof of doing so are very different things."

"Abaddon has always said he is helping, but it seems his definition of helping, and that of others vary greatly. I don't like his methods, and we all know what has happened between us in the past, but he himself has came to me and told me of what his intentions are, and they now hold much more sway than something along the lines of, ohh its my nature as a Lightning Rider...well sorry that doesnt fly with me."

*Looking to Ziera

"That sounds mighty ominous there, almost as you are putting a hit out on him yourself."

"I don't much care for Paer'an's actions, but as long as he doesn't step foot in Haven proper, he is fulfilling his banishment, and I wont raise a hand against him until that time he does break his sentence.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:10 am
by Marcus
Anyway. What situation is there to decide? As far as I've heard, isn't this man banished, and wasn't the entire town in on that as some gigantic meeting?

Last I heard, banishment isn't something that can simply and immediately be bought off. I was there when several people confronted him at the Academy, and all he could give as evidence as to why he should be brought back and the charges rescinded was a vague, "You don't even know what's going on, you are all right fethed and I am the only one with the knowledge to save us".

He was asked what the information might be, and if he has been working so long and hard at this had he ever been forthcoming of such things, (including proof) with people "in charge" like Fionna- or before her, Esmerelda, he responded with "I've told her absolutely everything I know, and she says she doesn't care". I sincerely doubt that.

I never actually heard any proof given by the man, only him being cagey about what it was that he was actually doing. If you are doing good, but keeping everyone in the dark so that you alone can accomplish it, you are not doing good. At most, you are benefiting others, but at the price of taking away their choices in the matter.

I would think that if I was risking coming back to a place upon pain of death, and hoping for that judgement to be taken away, I would immediately give evidence that's harder than "You all are fethed without me and should be grateful I'm such a working-man's hero. You should be happy to see me back".

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:28 am
by Dallid
“Thank you for the clarifications, Malachi. I had forgotten some of those details. The information I have relayed comes from a number of sources, but most prominently from Paer’an. However, while I have known him to lie, I have never known him to lie to me. Of course his words are subject to his perspective.”

“And your assessment is an accurate one, Zeira. I certainly cannot argue your stance. But it is a shame – Paer’an has done far more good and less evil then some in Haven who enjoy greater popularity. But with the good less obvious, the ill often very publicized, and his attitude greatly diminishing tolerance and forgiveness in others, he is doomed to remain a pariah. “

"Abbadon, on the other hand, proves his worth to Haven every time he counters a major spell directed against us. This very public display of benefit - witnessed by all and directly assisting many - well offsets his secretive and abrasive attitude."

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:52 am
by Abaddon
"Why thank you Dallid. I think thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said." The old man standing in the back says. His white mask is glinting in the spring light.

"Not that my words mean much, but I too worked in secret for the Queen. Against the Tear, and other agents set against haven. I used, will use, and have used terrible things to help this town along. Should Paradox be any different?"

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:23 am
by Zeira
Zeira chuckles when Serith mentions the hit

"I have no intention of killing Paer'An or having him killed. I just hear the whispers of Haven. Probably more boast than anything."

"To be honest every Valkin'Vi I have ever dealt with has gotten me into more trouble. I'll stay out of their affairs from here on out if at all possible. Best advice I can give anyone."

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:02 pm
by Smitty19
*Serith smiles to Ziera

"I agree with your stance on the Valkyn'vi, they do seem to revel in secrecy and maneuvering."

*To Dallid

"Still there has to be some more proof of what he has been doing, you said you complied a list of Havens Foes, and that he was in the middle of taking care of those issues, What was on this list, and how did he go about Taking care of them?"

*Finishes his tankard and stands

"Marcus, while I do value your opinion on the whole Banishment issue, I dont really think that anyone is beyond redeeming, if I truly felt that way then my grudge and vigilance against Abaddon would still be a hot button issue. The only thing I want from Paer'an is facts, not excuses to why he is his own worst enemy and why he cant be straight forward when asked directly."

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:08 pm
by Zeira
"I'm obligated to say that everyone deserves a second chance. Even a third or forth depending on circumstances mainly because men do not change overnight. Goodness knows that I was given one. When I gave one to Paer'an in Avangard after the Argus farm debacle he did well to try and right the wrongs of that place."

"Glad I don't have to make this decision. Damned if you do and damned if you don't in this situation. Kind of like the essence turbine. If I stayed out and ran I would have been labled a coward and assassinated by the good people of Avangard. If I jumped in and tried to reassemble the core I would probably die in the attempt because I had no idea what I was doing."

"But at least by jumping in there was a chance of helping the families who called Avangard home. I felt like that may have been the reason I had been brought back from the beyond."

"Turns out that was not the case. I failed and Avangard was destroyed."

"Moral of the story is don't jump into essence turbines"[/img]

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:32 pm
by Marcus
Marcus fixes Serith with a direct look that the half-elf would have never expected of the younger man he met outside of Far Reach:

Everyone deserves a second chance if they make a mistake; no-one is beyond redemption. I wholeheartedly believe that. Otherwise, the vows I took to gain my title were simply dust on the tongue, and I am a false knight.

No, the question is, how many second chances after how many mistakes?

To Zeira:

Even if this sounds rude, I don't think your situation compares in any way, Ziera. I understand there are many who did not step into that machine that night, I have met them in Witchwood Hold. They made a choice to save themselves, and yet are still alive despite it. And while your honor in that situation was absolutely for the greater good, and appreciated by all, you weren't doing anything that affected anyone else in an ill way, which is what makes the appearance of many action by this man different.

And to be completely off-topic, I would guess that if you were brought back because of the honor of your sacrifice, the sinister bloody note pinned to your chest seemed counter to that. That smacks of a back-alley deal being made for your resurrection.

Plus, if Paer'An is doing such a great job saving the kingdom on his lonesome, I guess it's time for all of us to kick our feet up and take a break, then?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:41 pm
by Malachi
Malachi clears his throat

"I apologize if I sounded abrasive Dallid, that was not my intention. I haven't been sleeping well as of late."

To Serith

"To echo Ziera's words, I meant no threat to Paer'An. I only relate what I hear in my travels."

To Marcus

"I must admit, the circumstances surrounding Ziera's resurrection are something of a curiosity to me. But to suggest that someone made some manner of deal to return him to life? It is both ludicrous and insulting."

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:55 pm
by Smitty19
*To Malachi

"Ohh i wasnt suggesting that, the way Ziera made it sound was different though, and about what Marcus said, I dont think it is that far fetched that someone could have made a deal, not saying it happened, but we are dealing with the fall out already of one individual who made a deal, and we all see how that turned out. I dont think Marcus meant that any of Ziera's companions made an ominous deal. Hell for that matter, the one who pinned the note to his chest could have been the one who made the deal with Phantera knows what."

*To all in attendance

"I think this is a good discussion, and lets not let our animosity towards the person in question boil over to anyone else. I think that we need to hear from Paer'an personally before I would ever attempt to make a judgement, but as Ziera said, luckily that is not for me to decide. I will however gather as much information that I can for the one who, in the end will be responsible for the matter."

*To Dallid

"And believe me, the only reason I think that we haven't formed up a posse, and went after him speaks highly for your endorsement for his actions. My only concern is his attitude towards the things in question has not been one that of a person working selflessly, but one who is seeking nothing more than to either pad his pockets, or fulfill their own agenda, and until he can prove me wrong from that, I only have to look at the things he has done to give sway to my opinions."

*Rubs his head and temples

"Sorry to all, but since I was thrown to the wolves of running Woodhaven, I have not gotten much rest, and even less time to unwind, so this situation has just added another layer to an already strenuous time, for I fear I am ill suited to being a leader, yet that is what I am shoved into being."