One stormy night.

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Abaddon »

"Francesco, let me know what she says." Abaddon said, taking another sip of graf. "Even I have to admit Snowflake was unfixable. Maybe another twenty years could have solved the issues. Eggs of course."
"I would only teach them Necromancy as part of a balanced breakfast."
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Post by GM-Taki »

*A few second after Rothek's roar, Korrigan emerges from the back room.*

"What in the hell is going on out here? Are we under attack, or do I need to..."

*His words trail off as he takes in scene. He counts off each of those present and can clearly sense the tension in the room.

"Rothek, Dallid, Franceso, Sunny... and Abaddon. Yeah, that explains the roaring."

*Korrigan grabs a bottle from the shelf and takes a seat near Abaddon. After taking a drink or two he prods the old mage with his boot and passes him the bottle.*

"Heard you got killed, old man. What, now even death won't take you?"
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Post by Rothek »

:rothek snarls at Sunny:

"tiny pale face kill Mary, Rothek want her blood."

:the beast said through intermittent growls:
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Post by Sunny »

At the appearance of Korrigan, Sunny's whole demeanor changed. She lit up like her name-sake. "Korrigan!" Quick as the passing of a summer storm, she was up and bounding over to give him a quick hug before bouncing back to her seat on the other side of Abaddon.

It was a long moment more she pondered Rothek. "She's not your kin... and I understand your sorrow. But attacking me won't bring her back. Nor change what she intended to do. Should I, wild one... have LET her attempt to kill me? What wisdom is there in that? If you knew someone was coming to take your head... what would YOU have done? Which life has more value than another? I would say that mine has more value to me than her's did to me. I am SORRY that you grieve for your friend. If you believe that attacking me will make you feel better... I invite you to do it. Be warned, however... I will defend myself to the full extent of my ability... which is NOT inconsiderable. It is unlikely that you will survive the encounter, I'm afraid... and your loss for her sake would be a waste."

She seemed genuinely sad, a frown pulling at her black painted lips. "I do not wish to see you harmed, wild one. Please do not make me bring you more sorrow. Grieve for your friend... but know that this end was the result of HER choices. As a creature would defend itself from attack... I did no less. I would think one of your kind would be more understanding of such things."
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Post by Abaddon »

Abaddon takes the bottle and looks at it for a minute before taking a long pull and handing it back to Korrigan. He eyed the crowd from under his mask and smiled.
“Now might give you that impression?” Abaddon asked. “Where did you hear that from?”
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Post by Theon »

Through the front door, hard boots hit the floor. Theon walks in and grabs a seat in the corner of the inn. He nods to all in the inn and pulls a bottle from his coat and takes a drink.
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Post by Smitty19 »

*Serith Walks in shortly behind Theon hearing everything from outside

*to no one in particular, but in response to Korrigan's question.

"No, not dead, like any Cockroach, damned near impossible to kill."

*A serious look of fire in Serith's eyes comes across and he stares right at Abbadon

"Question is, why in the hell did you crawl back?"

*Serith stands loosely, not defensively but definitly ready to act at a moments notice.
Serith Darkheart

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Post by GM-Taki »

*Korrigan returns Sunny's hug with a genuine smile. Hearing Rothek's growls, Korrigan glances at Sunny, then back at Rothek, and finally at the floor for a second or two before speaking.*

"Had to put the little one down, Sunny? That's never easy, but sometimes it's gotta be done. She was a twisted thing, but I don't think any of us wanted it to come to that. Damn shame, really. Too far gone."

*The barkeep tips his hat to Rothek.*

"Sorry 'bout your friend, fuzzy. You want blood you take it up with the Queen. Nobody murders anyone in my Inn 'cept me."

After Abaddon returns the bottle to him Korrigan takes another long drink himself.*

"Where'd I hear it? Well, you know I'm not much for subtlety, so when a bunch of people came in my door and said "Holy shit! Abaddon just got smoked!" I guess I figured you were dead. Looks like either I heard wrong or Death is really bad at cards, 'cause here you are."

*Korrigan gives a nod of acknowledgement when Theon walks in, followed by a smirk when Theon pulls his own bottle from his coat. Laughing, he points at the bar.*

"Damn Pirates. You're buying the next one here, my friend!"

*When Serith comes in Korrigan gives him a nod as well, then turns to wait for Abaddon's response.*[/i]
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Post by Rothek »

:rothek shook and then snorted, realizing he was vastly outnumbered in a strange place, this was not the time to fight, so the beast relented:

"rothek not kill tiny pale face. but tiny pale face stay away from rothek! tiny pale face not walk on howling fang grounds!!

:the beast snorted again his fangs still bared.:

"Mary not bad to rothek, old pale face not bad to rothek: he gestured to abaddon with his head:

"rothek try to take Mary away from dead one. dead one make Mary bad.

tiny pale face kill dead one. not kill Mary"

:rothek's voice had a sadness to it as he spoke.:
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Post by Abaddon »

“Lets leave it at death sucks at cards. I just came back from a big brouhaha with the leaders of the Valkyn’vi.” Abaddon said. “And I don’t see why I wouldn’t have come back after being pardoned. I worked so hard for that I thought I should enjoy the fruits.”
The old man ignored Serith, as though he did not exist.
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Post by Dallid »

“Calm, for now, Rothek. It is Haven that must decide how to proceed.”

“There will be a trial, and the excuse ‘I sought to murder people because no one told me not to at the time’ will not hold. However the Queen and all available Magistrates will be present to weigh in, and all circumstances and evidence taken into account.”

“You say you love this town, Sunny. If that is true then you will abide by its laws, stand your trial, and accept the judgement of its representatives.”

Dallid looks at Abbadon. “It would appear the two of you have made peace. That lessens the issues to be addressed at the trial.”

Then at both Sunny and Abbadon. “But I would like to know the details of your arrangement. Trust it has significant impact on the harmony of Haven, so no selfish secrets, please.”
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Post by Rothek »

:the beast nods at dallid and takes a few steps back before raising to two feet again he grunts once more at sunny before turning to dallid:

yes white man. pale face be judged by tribe now yes?
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Post by Brey »

Sitting at a table in the corner of the room with his back against the wall, Brey, who had stayed quiet until now happily smoking his pipe while he watched the whole situation unfold, decided to speak up

"They will stand trial before all of Final Haven, because we are not just one person, we are a people, and Final Haven as a people would like justice served. It could have been any of us, and the people who attacked them could have been anyone else. The bottom line is if we let it slide this time how many more times will we see it again unchecked? The people of Final Haven will hear that a female child was murdered, a Hero of the Battle of Haven was robbed, and almost killed by people who still freely walk these lands. This will bring fear into the population. There are many who depend on these laws for protection, especially those too weak to defend themselves. The farmers, and fishermen will hear of this, and so will the women, and children if they haven't already. It would be in our best interest as a people to nip this in the bud before it breeds anymore chaos. For now anything taken from him should be returned. With the help of Abaddon and Sunny I'm sure we can come up with a proper checklist, and a good idea of where to find the rest. As far as the trial, we must know who the accused are, and where to find them. So we may finally be finished with this. There is a very important lesson to be learned from all of this, if you do not want the law involved then don't get caught, and never ever ever let people know your Queen is involved in your shady business, especially if you get caught doing it. I'm sure she thought that went without saying, but the idea of being discreet must have eluded you completely it seems. The open road is always an option, but Final Haven has been very lenient lately so I suggest you stick around, and see what the trial has in store."
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Post by Dallid »

"Yes, Rothek. Tribal judgement. Not now, but soon."

"Well said, Brey, though I don't condone anything 'shady'. I'm aware of what transpired that night, and the Queen's perspective will be discussed at the trial. Haven must be a fair and just place to be successful, and so justice must be done. All must trust that the outcome of the trial will also be fair and just."
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Post by Theon »

Theon tips his hat at Korrigans remark about the bar, and with a wiry smile hands the bottle to his brother Brey.

"This is why I get up every morning. I can just feel all the love and friendliness coming from everyone. It makes me feel like we can do anything together."
"We all have a little darkness in us. Some more than others."