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Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:21 pm
by Kalphoenix
That would require a hellacious amount of planning/preparation and I'm inclined to believe that if a player can pull that off, they can have it.

Also, I hate the new lifepoint skills. If there is a break, it's there, NOT with probe mind. I won't go into that here.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:41 pm
by Ark
the perm life point skills....meh, i did some calculations with a GM and if you had a player come in and get to 20 so you could eat him for a perm life point, to get an extra 21 life would take about..

...7 years of that person going to every FH and WH event with the characters

42 life......14 years of that person going to every FH and WH event with the characters

have fun

the healer temp life skill, once again i vote Meh, with the soak cap its not too bad, only realy usefull in PvE, maybe it should be dropped to 3 or 4, but other than that i saw no real problem, heck i used it, got 45 soak without armor....then i died, wow is it over powered :lol:

2nd level seer, i have already voiced that i think it is too powerfull for a level 2 skill, it it was bumped up to 3 i could see it, but not 2, so i will leave it at that.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:14 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
The Steal Life ability from Healer is overpowered for a lot of reasons. Mainly because a warrior can parry 44 times...

Temporary life points should not be able to be used to activate life point abilities (Parry, Fear, etc...) with the exception of those granted by hero points.

There's a lot of stuff in the new rules that needs another look. I'm going to write out list at a later point with examples. I'm well aware that unless something is crazy broken nothing will change until the end of the year.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:45 am
by General Maximus
Umm, I would say 44 life points to spend on Life points skills is crazy broken.

Empath magic fear any one or any of the LP resists. I can't be hurt by that magic!

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:44 pm
by Morgan
Also, I hate the new lifepoint skills. If there is a break, it's there, NOT with probe mind.
I agree. I was just pointing out balancing issues.
Temporary life points should not be able to be used to activate life point abilities (Parry, Fear, etc...) with the exception of those granted by hero points.
Though about this, but exceptions make things over-complicated. Also, temporary life points that you can't use as anything other than soak are essentially combat reflexes, save that you have a huge pool of soak that anything that hits you affects you (ie poison, disease, knockout, etc.)

The absolute best (in my opinion) way to fix the steal life skill is to limit each PC to having a maximum of 10 temporary LP. Five would be better, but with 10 Hold Ground doesn't need to be re-worded.
Umm, I would say 44 life points to spend on Life points skills is crazy broken.

Empath magic fear any one or any of the LP resists. I can't be hurt by that magic!

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:53 pm
by General Maximus
There use to be a skill in game that would grant 5 life for event. It was a sage buff. After a couple years the skill was removed becasue it was increasing the soak of the game. It is interesting how thing have come full circle again.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:32 am
by Elgoain Onyx
last i checked, sage buff was still around only it added combat reflexes instead of life points... just sayin..

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:12 pm
by Haku
There's another buff that adds a life point but only if the target has vigor...

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:33 pm
by NPC_Dave2
and that only adds 1. the combat reflexes one adds 2, but combat reflexes don't activate skills AND you must possess CR for it to work at all.

My stance is while yes, the healer skill is overpowered, it could easily be balanced with a cap. Without it, though I have personally witnessed two characters greatly empower other players and one even used lay on hands/mystic heal to fully revive someone who was on death's door. Being able to drop 30 or even 15 life points into someone without blinking is simply disgusting. Also buffing nearby mages and rogues to such high levels of soak is definitely unbalancing. People who swing 12 or throw 30 magics should not have upwards of 30 soak.

There are balance issues in the system, but these will be worked out over time. this new ruleset is very similar to a giant beta-test. The GMs and NPCs, together with feedback from the players, will be able to determine what is fair and what is not fair, as well as game breaking mechanics that must be addressed.