Out of curiosity...

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn looks at Corbyn and grins*

You know that between myself and Donovan that order will be easily carried out.

*Kidwynn looks on as Vaun reads Corbyn's cards.*
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Post by Sunny »

The Storm Elf gave Corbyn an appraising look, but at last seemed sure that he was providing for her security with no self serving intentions. She was weary of the High Elves… even after 7,000 years her people did not trust them. No more than they trusted Men. Finally she drew out her cards and shuffled them, eyes closed as she focused. She lay them before her and spoke.

“This first card is the card of your past. It will tell me what I need to know to build upon the rest of the wyrd.” She drew out a card…. And for the second time that night it was the Shadow card. She raised on delicate eyebrow and regarded him with interest.

“Your past is shadow, it seems… not bound to the threads of Phantara. It is a path of the unknown, that which is shrouded and has come not into the light. Yours is a dark way, Lord Corbyn of the Crescent Moon.” She lay the card aside and drew out another.

“This is the card of your present. It will tell me the most prevailing force in your life right now.” The cars she pulled was the Snow card. She gazed at it a moment, as if confused, and drew one more card, laying it atop and across the Snow card. The Shield card. “Ahhh… now I See.” She met his eyes with a keen interest, a secretive smile playing upon her black painted lips. “There is a force which would to all the rest of the world seem cold, distant. A force which you keep hidden from the rest of the world, as secret perhaps. You guard and protect this secret with all that you are, I think. You seek the day when that which is cold will be made warm, when the winter of your secret may pass into the spring of openness. And all of this you guard closely… as closely as your very own life.”

Vaun pulled another card, and spoke as she considered it. “This is the path of your future. It is the way Fate has set before you.” She set the card down in irritation. It was the Lock card. The Storm Elf snorted in irritation. “Your way is blocked to me. Either the way is yet to be determined because of elements in your present, or it is simply not given me to See.” She drew out one last card. The Wave card. Her violet eyes met his. “Whatever the case may be, it shall not be an easy way for you. You are dominated by the forces of the sea, it seems, by storms and uncertainty. Your way is yours to forge, though so much depends on what you do with this moment now.”

She picked up the cards and shuffled them once more, an amused look on her face. “You are a strange one, Lord Corbyn of the Crescent Moon. You are shrouded in secrets and unknowns. I can respect that, even if I understand it little enough.” She shrugged. “Take my readings or not as you will, but I think with you I am near to the mark. You are a deep one, High Elf, make no mistake.”
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Post by Onyksi Rin'oviryn »

Nuk appears out of the shadowed corner.

"Perhaps you might read my cards Ana'Vaun'Ithily inen Dreya'Mornay?"
Let me be the one you need, I shall be the one you feed. All I am and all you see, is all I will and ever be.

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Post by Corbyn »

*Corbyn listens to Vaun, his face a stoic mask. After she finishes, he turns back to his drink and stares into it without a word, seemingly lost in thought.
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Post by Sunny »

Vaun’s strange eyes held the high Elf for a while as he pondered her tidings. She seemed amused by what she has Seen, savoring his quiet and contemplation. However, she turned her gaze to the Dark One when she addressed the Mystic. Vaun bowed her head slightly and motioned for her to take a seat across from her.

“It would be my pleasure, Onyksi del Rin’oviryn.” The Seer shuffled her cards again, humming softly to herself as she centered herself. Finally she drew out a card, knowing that the Dark One had heard her tell the High Elf what each meant.

“The card of your past is the Erase card. There is much, I See, that you would seek to hide, to keep others from knowing. So much there is that is no longer, for all that lies that way is gone to you now.” Vaun sighed. “So much is your way like my own in that… for so too is my way to my past lost to me.”

She drew the second card, the Present card. “The Fly card is that of the dominant force in your presence. It is symbolic of change and movement.” She drew the modifying card, the Dash card. “Strange… it seems that so much of your present revolves around movement. So much change… I think too you balance two existences, moving from one to the other, torn between the two.” She shrugged. “It is not an easy way, to be under so much change, so much chaos.”

Finally Vaun came to the drawing of the Future. First she pulled the Move card. She raised an eyebrow. “So very much movement with you! I have never seen so much. I think, my Dark One, that you are one who is shifting with their oaths, and of their passions. So much in your world is under movement, change. It is modified by…” The mystic drew out the final card. She almost dropped it.

“Darkness! All this darkness! For the third time in a row I have pulled the darkness card in regards of the folk of this town! What is it with you people?” Vaun regained her composure and resumed her quiet manner of speaking. “Well… darkness defines your future, as I am sure that you know. Shadow is your path, Dark One, it defines you and from it you cannot escape. So much shadowed in mystery, even with you. So much you do not wish others to see.”

Vaun sighed and swept up her cards, seemingly distracted. She did not like that the shadow card seemed to be so dominant in this Haven. Whatever else might be true of this place, it was clear that it was a nexus of shadow, that which was the unknown and undefined.
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Watches the readings with curiosity and she is in the Inn with Corbyn. After Vaun is done reading Nuke's cards.*

Facinating skill you have there luv. I'd have you take a look at my fortune, but I tend to try not to think about a greater force running the show. You know that you make your own luck or way in this world.

*Turns to Corbyn*

Corbyn luv, might I speak to you for a moment?
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by Midnight »

*The young avayanna woman fidgets where she is perched on a nearby bench while the strange pale woman reads the cards for others. She eagerly hops down from the bench and moves over to the pale woman after Nuk's reading. Cheerfully, she greets the pale woman*

To you, greetings I give. The cards, for me, you will read?

*tips her head to the side while she awaits an answer*
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*To Vaun*
From what you explained about the screaming the other day I assume that you have seen at least some of my past, I'd like to hear what your cards say my future holds... but not here. After you are done here if you would join me in the private area in the back I would appreciate it.
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Post by Sunny »

The Storm Elf gazed with extreme curiosity at the bird like woman before her. She had never seen such a race until she had arrived on the Phantaran main land. She was a lover of all winged creatures, for they were masters of winds and storms, as she was herself. She loved the grace and power, the delicate majesty of her fathered kin. So it was that when Midnight sat down, Vaun gave the aviana woman a soft and very genuine smile.

“Well met, child of the skies. It would be my pleasure to See what lies on the winds for thee.” Vaun closed her violet eyes and sighed, centering herself and clearing her mind of all other things. It was growing harder, with Visions of so many people swimming in her mind. Never had she done so many Readings in one sitting, yet she was slightly pleased. These people seemed to be accepting her, and that was a new feeling for her. She was so tired of being so completely on the outside, so very alone.

The first card she drew was the Loop card. “The second time tonight I’ve Seen that for a Past.” She met Midnight’s eyes. “You have come very far, I think, through winding paths and wild ways. So much of your way has been travel, the eternal path from one place to another. You are one who has been far in this world, I think.”

The second card was for Present. For the base Vaun drew the Wave card which caused her to raise a delicate eyebrow. “The Wave is symbolic of the rising and falling path. Of much that is good and bad, often at the same time… it is modified by…” This time she drew the Windy card. “Fitting, that. So it makes more sense. You are bound to nothing, free upon the winds of the world, and of the heart. Though the world about you may be torn by chaos, know that the freedom of choice is always thine.” She smiled.

She took a deep breath before drawing the Future cards. She feared, yes feared, to draw the Shadow card once more. She reached out and drew… the Jump card. She breathed an audible sigh of relief and smiled sheepishly. “The jump card, indicative of sudden upheaval and change. There comes into your life a soon to be undertaken journey unlooked for.” She pulled the modifier. “The Snow card. Into cold and white shall you walk, in places few others dare. The way is a dangerous one, but so long as you hold true to the freedom of your nature you will find grace.” Vaun smiled at the Aviana woman.

“I hope some of that makes sense to you. I am happy to See for you whenever you wish, Child of the Skies.”

The Storm Elf’s lavender eyes darkened a bit when Atrum addressed her. There was a look on her face akin to a wince. She bowed her head when he finished and was quiet for some time before speaking.

“I have Seen, Atrum Draconus. I see the truths as I do not think you have ever shared them. I will keep them, I promise, though they plague me yet even in dreaming.” She sighed and looked up, seemingly suddenly tired. “We have much to speak on, I think. It is not your fault, you could not have known. I tried to be careful, alas I let the dwarf anger me, so then you and I have come to this place.” She stood. “I would do as you ask, to See for myself if for no other reason. Much about you I See that I can make of no sense.” She stood and bowed. “You have questions too… and I can only hope that I have your answers. I fear for us both if I do not.”

With that ominous prediction she followed him into the back room with a silent sweep of her skirts.

(PM me, Erik, we’ll continue to RP this there. ^_^)
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Post by Midnight »

*smiles with pleasure at her reading*

Thank you, I do, for your gift!

*hops off the bench and wanders away*
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Post by Kidwynn »

*While waiting for Corbyn, Kidwynn watching the readings with curiosity, paying close attention to things. She finally takes a deep breath.*

Vaun, if you do not mind, I am indeed curious on what your cards have to say.
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Post by Grok »

*Grok pulls out a dark pouch from her yellow shoulder bag and sits there patiently waiting for Vaun to return. Grok appears to be rubbing the black pouch and speaking softly to it.*
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Post by Sunny »

It was some time later that Vaun exited Atrum’s room. Her normally vivid eyes were pale, almost colorless. She surveyed those in the room wearily, and resumed the seat she had occupied before. Atrum was kind enough to pour her a glass of wine, and the observant would have noted that her hands shook a bit. She closed her eyes for a moment while Kidwyn voiced her question. The near albino elf opened her eyes and smiled softly.

“You have come a long way from a few days ago if you would be so willing to let me see the heart of you, Kidwyn of the Phoenix. Come here.” She motioned to the vacant place before her. When Kidwyn sat, Vaun extended her hand. “Let me see your hand.” When Kidwyn did, Vaun drew out a bottle. Within there were herbs of many kinds and colors. She pulled out the cork and a fragrant scent permeated the room. She met Kidwyn’s questioning gaze.

“This is a secret of the Vau’An’Dar… a secret the Mystics of my order keep dearer than their lives. Within this bottle is power to See beyond all veils, and to clear the unknown way. It grants strength where all strength is lost, and peace where there is only strife. She took the bottle and placed a small amount on the tip of her finger. That finger she ran along Kidwyn’s upturned palm. “This is the Wyrd between us, Kidwyn of the Phoenix. As you have trusted me, so I will trust you.” She smiled wryly. “And I am near exhausted, so I have need of this Wyrd just to See.”

Vaun corked the small bottle, but the fragrant scent rejuvenated all in the room. She closed her eyes and set the cards before her, centering herself as she had done with each of them. She drew out the first card, the card of the Past. It was the Little card. She opened her eyes and regarded the woman before her.

“The Little card is a hard card to read, for it is representative of the fact that you are so new in your life. There is so much before you yet, and still you have seen so much. I See that there is much which remains a mystery to you, so much that you yourself do not know. For myself, I see that simplicity was once your way, though it is difficult for you to find now.”

The pale elf drew out two more cards, the Present cards, placing one over the other. The Create card was the base, and the Change was the modifier. “You are one that finds completion in the crafting of things… the making of new from the old. But, the Change card tells me that there is much which is upheaval in your world, and though you would create order and stability, the greater chance in the world makes that a hard task indeed.”

Last Vaun drew out the last two cards, the Sand card and the Windy card for a modifier. She raised a white eyebrow. “Instability is the way of this town it seems, and you will not escape the chaos which defines this place. So much is shifting, changing. The Windy card ells me of the storms to come, which you must use your grounding to weather. Be as the oaks of the forest, steadfast to your loyalties and friends. Tis in them you will find what it is you seek.”

Vaun sighed and swept up her cards. “I hope I have not proven your faith ungrounded. I See as I am granted, no more and no less.”

She turned to Grok, an intrugued look in her eyes. She bowed. "Do your spirits speak to you, Grok of the Vision Path? I am most anxious to hear what they would have to say..."
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn smiles at Vaun*

Actually luv some of that was right on. We shall have to chat upon this reading when I return. Maybe perhaps do another, but not until you get some rest for you look exhausted.
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Post by Sunny »

She smiled softly. "It is so. It is not easy, to see beyond the vale. In every reading I mist give of myself before the way is opened before me. Once... once it was not so hard for me. When I was young, among my kin and the wild winds of Vau'Xannan'nor, I could See just by looking at a person." Vaun shook her head, a kind of bitter smile on her painted face.

"I delved to deep and sought what was forbidden... now I am cursed it seems. Even a simple touch now opens the Way, and I See the things people would keep secret, would hide. A torrent of images and feelings drown me, and I cannot stop them." She shrugged. "Now reading comes with a price, for the mind, even mine, can only handle so much."

"Do not fear, I will be well. I simply need to rest a bit, and learn more of you all in the mundane sense."