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Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 9:51 am
by Slisk
Had a great deal of fun at this event. The new surroundings are interesting and full of potential. Not only does Far Reach have SERIOUS ISSUES :P, but the elves are all ready moving against it, and the Red Tear is lurking about.

While I DESPISE PvP I couldn’t think of any way it could be avoided. Believe me – I thought long and hard, but Dallid simply could not let Ren exist. At least the moment we took him down was a powerful one. Reguardless, I hope I'm never forced into PvP again.

But Ren could have easily destroyed Dallid beforehand if he had wanted to. All he had to do was catch Dallid out alone at night. Sure enough, I was reflecting on just that as I walked alone toward the Keep in the pitch black. I arrived at the keep, knocked, and they let me in. As I entered, so did Ren, who had been silently following me much of the way.

I had to concede him victory at that time. I said to myself, “Well, Ren, you’ve won. You could have killed me, but chose not to. You spared me though you know what I must do.”

I was also able to perform many banishments, did much healing, and performed many surgeries. Only one chip had to be drawn from my bag the entire event, and, of course, it was red. Sorry Atrium. Not only did Dallid’s surgery on him fail when elves broke through our lines and disrupted it, but his and Abbadon’s resurrection effort also failed with that one red chip. At least he’s back. Best, I think, that I don’t know the details. :P I do wish the elven prisoners we took from the battle survived long enough for a more thorough interrogation, though. Picking his brain would have filled Saturday night nicely for Dallid.

Stayed very, very busy all Friday night right up to around 4:30 AM. Stayed pretty busy much of Saturday, too. Things seemed to slow down way too early Saturday night, but I needed sleep, anyway.

Thanks for a great event and great RP. I’m really starting to get superstitious, though. It seems the words “Let’s try to negotiate” is always a precursor to horrific, bloody disaster.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 10:12 am
by Peace420
Dying sucks, no more of that please. Thank You. Although I think each of my deaths has brough about some of my favorite rp moments with quite a few people. Eilonwy sitting with Atrums body for so long, knowing that atleast a few people were devastated almost made Erik cry. And lying there wanting to cry out "Are you people crazy! You're letting ABBADON do the ritual! was priceless. Truthfully I think it's almost poetic that I red-chipped, cause we all know there's no damn way Abbadon wanted to bring Atrum back. The look on Ingram's face when he saw Atrum on the road was priceless. Disappointment and anger trying to be masked, it was great.

Gol is by far my favorite NPC, maybe because of the few things Atrum and Gol have gone through together over the past few events. When Atrum see his future now, he see 2 wonderfully complicated women that he feels very deeply for and a-semi adopted son and daughter.

It was really good to see some new, and to notice a few apparently not so new faces. The whole last year was such a ball of stress for Atrum that it's going to be a relief to only have the same old half the town dancing around killing each other, that hasn't changed since day 1 of this game. Hell, the 2nd night in town 1 of the 4 people Atrum had befriended and was sleeping in the bunk underneath him was the first of many many people that have wanted him dead. OK Maybe not the first, but the first OBVIOUS one. :twisted:

All in all, I had a great time, it reinforced for me why I keep coming back, because I love the interaction IG and out with the people that play. And finding our way through all the situations the GM's and NPC's so tirelessly set up for us.

3 Cheers to the staff! HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH!

Edit: Damn I wish I could have been there when Ren died, although I probably would have died then so...

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 10:22 am
by Aurora
Don't forget the introduction of your favorite version of the bacon cake....


Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 10:25 am
by Zydana
Well, I had lots of fun. I had decided to create a new character based on some out of game reasons (but I continue to miss my elf and still speak of her often and fondly. Though I'm fairly sad about not getting to see and play with all the people I would normally roleplay with while playing my elf that I don't really get to see outside the larp.. oh well. The case of mistaken identity with Eilonwy made me miss her more. "Perhaps you are thinking of a past life.")

I only went on one plot related walk, I never drew my weapon, I barely spoke to anyone, I didn't know what 'events' were going on around me and for some time, I had started to think it a game to see how long I could go before I'd actually need (or asked) to use any of my skills. Yet, I will repeat - I had lots of fun!

There were quite a few times where there was a quite difference in what the character and the player wanted to do. I think for the most part that the character won.. minus the banana incodent (sorry, I just couldn't refrain) There are plenty of internal struggles with this character already and I'm fairly excited to see how she develops.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:19 am
by Onimaster
I'm really sad I didn't make it now.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 1:40 pm
by Darkclaw
I had alot of fun and still hurt today. I loved the wandering monsters and have fun hunting them down.

Sorry for punching you Wayne with the short claws. I need to get use to using a shorter weapon.

The money was great. It should add alot to the game.

The tension between the Inn and the Keep was interesting. I'm wondering how the new leaders will handle it now.

So what did I miss on Saturday night?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:24 pm
by JOAT25
Sorry to break this to you Erik, but that's how I always look. Anger? Disappointment? Nah...more of, "How in the HELL did they pull that off?" More academic than anything.

It was very amusing getting to sit over in the keep and listen to all of the rumors float in of how I am such an insidious despot. I believe the conversation with Esmerelda went something like, "Yes it's all true. I am the Lord of Darkness, the Master of Evil, I have potted flowers on my window sill." I haven't decided which I'm going to grow, and will happily take suggestions: Snidely Whiplash mustache or Evil Spock goatee?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:40 pm
by Peace420
Not evil, arrogant jackass, yes. :wink:

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 4:21 pm
by Marcus
Hey, all. Here I am, chiming in with two people's worth of feedback at once; both of them good. This event was awesome, especially as a lighter-grade event because of what's basically a 'restart'. Perfect for introducing my GF Dani (Kelsey) to her first LARPing experience ever, because it was light enough in combat and roleplaying not to tax a newbie, but also just intense enough to involve her A LOT.

We were joking that even being a complete newbie, she got a chance to use every Healing skill she had multiple times, except for Cure Disease (but the Poo Gremlins got it damn close to happening). She even got her first two potions done ten minutes before needing them both for the same person, otherwise they would have definitely died. She saved a couple other lives, and got WAY further into the negatives (-27 in one hit :shock: ) in one event then I ever have, well........ other than when I got his down to -26 approximately two seconds earlier, of course.

You guys made a great first impression, she has already said she'll at the least be at WH on the 30th. *pumps fist*

Also, moonlight tag is effing awesome, but scary as all hell when you aren't clued in on it and your GF suddenly comes at you in a crouch like she's under some kind of charm to try to kill you.

As for the town politics, as a player I understand it because you definitely can't break a good LARPing tradition, but Daine is really lost on why there's all the infighting. He's silently (and sometimes obviously partook in the discussions of) overheard both groups, and really doesn't understand the point of the animosity. He for one would rather just help out both groups get the town strong enough to retake Haven, because the infighting is what got his family and friends killed.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 10:27 am
by Esmerelda
What did you miss Saturday night? Well, let's see.... Atrum dying within an hour after game break and pulling a red chip when he only had to draw one frickin' chip...

Poop flinging gremlins when a bunch of people went to do something about nothing...

A meeting with a werewolf representative that went bad...

Hunting for the Red Tear...

And a kick ass game of tag in which everyone played. It was awesome...

Lastly lots of good haning out outside the inn with some awesome character interaction at 3 a.m.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:29 am
by GM-Taki
I’ve been meaning to do this for days, but I’ve been busy with class and a number of side projects. Now that I’m finally around to it, I’m not exactly sure where to start.

I came in to this event not knowing what to expect. I was standing in the shadow of a five-year character and in the echoes of the most traumatic event ever to occur in-game. I was playing a vastly different character, but just being back at Rota-Kiwan brought some of those old memories back. Those memories surfaced a couple of times over the weekend – like the times when a plot would come in and I’d feel obligated to organize the response as Donovan would have, only to realize a few seconds later that I don’t do that anymore – but the old quickly gave way to the new, and the new is something to be celebrated.

This event cleared the slate for me in a way that I didn’t think was possible. The combination of story, role-playing and character exploration totally restored whatever elusive elements of my faith had been shaken, and I am fully engaged once again.

I loved the late-night off color conversations, drinking on the lawn, and shoving someone else firmly into a leadership position they didn’t ask for.

I loved the odd friendships that Korrigan is developing with different characters, many of whom I would not have expected to get along so well with a surly drunken layabout.

I loved the game of tag, and aside from Eilonwy (Ang) who sat next to me, I may have had a unique perspective on the game. You see, with the exception of the now-apparently-legendary “taunt-tag” that was my sole contribution; I got to watch the entirety of the game unfold. Korrigan got to walk in just as Gol said those three fateful words “Absolutely… no tagbacks” and then wonder what had gotten into everyone as they ran around like little kids.

Likewise, Taki got to watch a group of adults cavort through the night like a bunch of children, but unlike Korrigan’s amused annoyance, I felt nothing but bliss. After what has been called “the longest off-season ever” and at an event that was predicted to be glum, bitter and sparsely attended, I got to watch an inn-full of my friends having an absolute blast together.

Everything that made me play before was back again, accompanied by the excitement of new possibilities to be explored and a new story to be told.

Kudos to the GM’s for the new coin system, the excellent stories and all their hard work over the off-season. Kudos to all the new players for coming in, role-playing well and seamlessly becoming a part of our world. Kudos to all the old players for making the magic happen and believing in the GM’s, the game, and each other.

I’ve spent the last three days imagining prop and garb possibilities and it seems like forever until the next event.

It feels good to be back.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:43 am
by JonathanBreygan
It was very amusing getting to sit over in the keep and listen to all of the rumors float in of how I am such an insidious despot. I believe the conversation with Esmerelda went something like, "Yes it's all true. I am the Lord of Darkness, the Master of Evil, I have potted flowers on my window sill." I haven't decided which I'm going to grow, and will happily take suggestions: Snidely Whiplash mustache or Evil Spock goatee?

Don't forget. You'er reveling in being "IT".

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:38 am
by Atrum Draconus
and shoving someone else firmly into a leadership position they didn’t ask for.
Isn't that how we all end up there? OK well, atleast MOST of us. :twisted:

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 3:23 pm
by Eli
I missed a lot of events over the past year or so for various reasons, but I have to say after this event I do believe I'm totally back baby! I had so much fun, especially when playing dead while Calhoon (brad) poured potions into me :) oh man that was awesome. I have to say the 4 am call to arms by Taki "...saving the world is NOT A DAY JOB, NOW get up you filthy slugs!!!..." Dallid sleeping in full garb/armor, wow talk about carps 15 years ago. Over all it was very good.

I had only one complaint, and that word sums it up. If people think others are not following rules, please feel free to take it to NPC camp and let them know. I am sure they will either know how / what the person was doing already or will take care of it and talk to the person. HOWEVER, please do not come to me. I'm not a gm or even an NPC. I have zero power over the game, and really with my responsibilities helping Doug run Carps I enjoy that and I enjoy just being able to play FH.

So basically everything gm's / npc's did was great, people complaining that other pc's were breaking the rules to me, not so great. I’ve been down that road before and it never ends well for anyone involved. So now days it’s not my job to care and I'm the wrong person to come to any darn way. Don’t kill my buzz! Thanks. (And you know who you are, so if you were not one of them, then just take this as future advice.)