In the Kitchen of the New Keep

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Aurora »

*She looks startled*

I've played and laughed with my Aunts! I mean my namesake always had a way of not only making me laugh but not feel so well...overwhelmed by being related to whom I'm related to.

It's ok Esmerelda, I don't mind being the way that I am. I just haven't flirted and all because of that drive and that foccus. Maybe I just haven't met anyone to catch my eye....

Captured your heart...nevermind I won't ask more on that topic. As for this Corbyn guy if we do find him and he happens to use magic I doubt very seriously that if I truly can hold my own in an actual battle, he won't like me very much at all.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Esmerelda »

"I only worry that when we do find Corbyn that there will be a big arguement over who gets to take his head. Maybe we should draw straws to see who gets that honor ahead of time..." she smiles wickedly at that thought.

"As for falling in love with someone, I don't know as I'd advise it. Being the first time I'm think I'm experienceing it, it's not entirely a pleasant thing altogether. Too many conflicting emotions. And complications..." She shakes her head.

"But we should definately teach you how to flirt. It's a good skill for any young lady to possess. It can also help to diffuse terribly tense situations between the uptight men on occasion. Let them have their pissing contests in the snow- I think unfortunately it's all part of male nature. But never join them in it- you'll never be an equal to them in their minds, just a poor imitation. That's a lesson I've had to learn the hard way..."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

"What if in order to save everything you hold dear, you have to become everything you hate?"
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks a bit confused at that last statement*

Why wouldn't I be considered an equal. What if I were a better fighter then some of them, wouldn't they have to consider me an equal? I don't understand. If what I was saying was valid and logical and a better plan then theirs why wouldn't they listen to me Esmerelda? Why have I been doing all this training if my skills and all won't be taken seriously?

As for flirting, sure I'd love to learn. Don't know if I'd be any good at it or if it would work but I'll learn.

Maybe the conflicting emotions and all are the reason why I've been sheltered from such things so that I can foccus on my studies and all.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by RenLightfoot »

"Oh, young one."
**Ren said stepping from the shadows, a large sack of grain over his shoulder**
"Prowess is useful, but perception is what gets one equality. Perception is everything."
**Drops the sack on the floor in the corner.**
"My apologies for the interruption, but I... aquired this food today and thought you might have a use for it."
"I think you underestimate the sneakiness"
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Post by Aurora »

*Looks at the gentleman who has interrupted the discussion between Esmerelda and Aurora. She greats him with a smile.*

Hello sir.

I'm Aurora. I think I remember seeing you outside the other day. If you don't mind me asking so we can be all properly introduced and all, mind telling me your name?
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Esmerelda »

Esmerelda smiles gratefully at Ren. "Thank you so much! It has been so difficult trying to feed all the refugees with our scarce supplies. This will be put to good use. I'll make sure I put some warm bread aside for you."

Turning to Aurora, she shakes her head. "Because you're a woman, and a young one at that, they will never take you seriously. It doesn't matter if you're better with a sword or smarter than they are might have a sersious clue as to what is really going on. I learned that the hard way at Haven. No matter what important things I might have to say, when it came down to all the serious talk, I was always shooed out of the room. it didn't matter that I led a guild or was a nobleman's daughter. It doesn't make sense. But that is the way it works. So you need to learn to play by a different set of rules..."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

"What if in order to save everything you hold dear, you have to become everything you hate?"
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Post by Aurora »

*Turns her attention back to Esmerelda and looks confused.*

Why would Uncle have me learn all that I have learned if I'm not going to be taken seriously. I don't understand. If women aren't taken seriously then how did my grandmother achieve all that she did achieve. I don't understand Esmerelda.

My..our age, sex, whatever shouldn't make a difference at all if we know what we are talking about or have good ideas to help people out in addition to whatever the guys come up with.

*Aurora's gaze now turns to one of frusteration.*

I just don't....

*She sighs*

Will you teach me these different set of rules so that people will listen to me if I actually have something to say or an idea the others might find useful?

*Looks over at Ren since he happens to be in the room and male she smiles as she says what she has to say next and it's pretty obvious Aurora is looking for answers to the questions now forming in her mind.*

Why would you men not listen to us if we have a serious and vaild point?
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by RenLightfoot »

**smiles a crooked smile**
"They will listen to you, but only if you force them to. To prove yourself you must be faster than the scouts, sneakier than the rogues, stronger than the warriors, and smarter than the sages."
**Turns to Esmerelda**
"As for the bread, please give it to the people, madam, the elves have been... unwillingly providing me with my food. In fact, this grain was from one of their spy camps that, until recently, resided less than five miles from this very spot."
"I think you underestimate the sneakiness"
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Ren and appears disheartened*

What does forcing people even accomplish? I'm not a rogue by any stretch of the imagination. I'm up front and straight forward.

As for scouting, yes I am a scout and I'd like to think I was trained by one of the best scouts ever to travel in the woods.

As for being a warrior, what I have to physically beat down your all's best warrior to even get you all to listen to me?

Is what you are saying sir is that until I do all that no matter what else I may accomplish you will not listen to me simply because I am female? I mean sure I can understand me having to prove myself a little bit because of my age but you'd hold the fact I'm a girl against me?

I'm sorry I don't understand. I'm highly trained and understand some things possibly better then you all and I can't even begin to fathom you wouldn't listen to anything I would have to say or take me seriously because I just to happen to be a girl and that I'd have to result to bruit force and intimidation to get you all to listen.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by RenLightfoot »

**Raises an eyebrow.**
"I'm sorry madam, you have me wrong. It's not I you have to prove yourself to. I'm a cog like most people here. I was under the belief we were speaking of the politics of being a woman."
"I think you underestimate the sneakiness"
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Post by Aurora »

*She sigh*

I am discussing the thing in an overall sense. You are just male and I'm trying to find answers so I'm asking you.

I don't understand that I'd have to prove myself to others like you by force instead of just mere talent and integrity. Can you explain why Esmerelda would say those things to me? What happened back in Haven for such a remark to be made.

I just find using force as a final solution and not the first because force only leads to extremely harsh feeling in the long term.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by RenLightfoot »

**Smiles arrogantly**
"Ah! Now you begin to understand the connundrum of our lives."
**Turns to leave, but stops briefly in the doorway.**
"If you ever wish to learn the things you need to know in this life that the polite people won't tell you, come find me. And Esmerelda, thank you again for the vest and pants, I will bring more food by when I can. Let me know if there is anything else you need."
**He then closes the door behind him.**
"I think you underestimate the sneakiness"
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Esmerelda with curiosity*

What does he mean by that? About helping me to understand what polite people won't tell me?
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Esmerelda »

As Ren and Aurora discuss the gender politics, she hides her amusement by looking down at her cooking and not glancing up to show the wry grin on her face or twinkle in her eyes. As Ren bids them farewell, her expression turn to one of heartfelt gratitude.

"You risk too much sometimes to bring this, but I thank you for it. Next time you feed from the elves, if it's not too much trouble- do you think you could see if there is any sugar or honey? I'd like to make some cookies for the children. I fear they get terribly bored with trail rations. And I should have a spare set of clothes for you ready in a couple of days..." She smiles as he goes out the door.

Turning to Aurora, she explains, "As for the explanations, I don't think he realizes that's my job. First explaning sex to Rosamund then ball gags to Eilonwy.... When does it ever end?" Laughing ruefully, she continues, "This is a very adult group you will be socializing with who have a wide variety of experiences. They often mention or discuss things that would not be considered 'polite' conversation. If you ever don't understand a term used, please don't just ask in the middle of the conversation. Wait until later and ask me what it means. I'll do my best to explain it to you. And I have a feeling that if you don't even know what an escort is, there's going to be a lot you're going to run into...." She sighs, knowing that with Aurora's innocence there's bound to be a lot of explaining to do....
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

"What if in order to save everything you hold dear, you have to become everything you hate?"
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Esmerelda and smiles.*

Ok if something is said that I do not understand I'll ask you about it privately so I don't totally look foolish in public.

Do you want anything in return for this?

*She pauses for a moment*

Ummm...what that guy just flirting with me then with the offer for lessons in matters people don't like to discuss in polite public thing?
Aurora Darksbane

Mage Hunter of the Old Code
Caldonian Genderman