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Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:41 am
by General Maximus
As Arthos chants a light grows around his hands. But as quickly as the light grows it fades away. The crystal pusles even faster as Arthos cast the spell. In the brief light the group was able to desern the form inside the crystal is male with a long beard. As Arthos completes the spell and falls to the ground and faint cracking sound can be heard from the crystal.


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:45 am
by Nelkie
*Arthos picks himself up off the ground slowly and says in a low shakey voice*

The crystal seems to absorb's any magicl engeries that are around it. This could be useful. Lets dig out the crystal and see what is trapped inside. What do you think my friends?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 9:44 am
by Amagus
"I think," growls Amagus from the back of the group, “magic may well free and revive whomever lies within. Yes, of course there is a chance this being is dangerous – we can only speculate. But reason would dictate that whatever is inside would be grateful for release, and I need not remind you of our dire need for allies these days. Now stand aside.”

Amagus begins charging a powerful boom.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:08 am
by Peace420
*Solari comes speeding out of the woods nearby and skids to a stop directly between Amagus and the glowing orb*

It is magi like you that caused Silverthorne to leash us all. Did you not see that one's spell fizzle away and hear him say the orb absorbs magic. You know not what effect your actions will have, you could easily overload the object and cause it to shatter killing everything around it. If this person is trapped and buried, someone obviously meant to do...

*Looks Amagus over closely for the first time*

You wouldn't know anything about an Organization named the Red Tear or a Necromancer named Regis Mortem now would you.

*Intently watches Amagus' reaction looking for any sign of recognition at all.*


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 11:11 am
by Nelkie
*Arthos steps in*

I agree with your assumpition Amagus, but lets uncover this crystal first and see whats inside, before we attempt to free it. Will you help me free from the earth? My strength is falling me and I will need help doing this.

*Arthos trys to dig the crystal free*

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:52 pm
by Amagus
Amagus closes his fist over the gathering energies, snuffing them.

“We can afford little time for proper study, but if that is the will of those here, then so be it. Dig it free and drag it back to the Inn.”

Turns to Solari. “I know much of the Red Tear and the First Necromancer. The former is dead, save perhaps for the pathetic ambitions of neophytes. But the latter…”

Pauses and looks closely.

“My my! If it isn’t the mighty Solari! Or should I say once-mighty? I suppose I should not be at all surprised you survived the Cataclysm.”

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 3:26 pm
by Peace420
*At the mention of his name from the stranger Solari drops to all fours looking very much like a wolf and inches closer to Amagus, sniffing the air and sniffing his robes before returning to a standing position and responding.*

You don't have the stench, but there have been many that could hide it, Without looking he points to Arthos, this one reeks of it. *His gaze shifts to Arthos momentarily and then back to Amagus* As well as something familiar. Mighty, might is in the eye of the beholder, yes I was an accomplished magi at one point in time, but as you well know all things have changed since. And who may I ask I have the pleasure of being at a disadvantage to?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 5:27 pm
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn looks at Arthos and Amagnus in disgust*

Do I just talk to myself when I suggest that we proceed with the extreme most caution and NOT disturb anythin' until we get a closer look at it. Fools rush into danger and cause some nasty things to happen especially where that magic stuff is concerned. Do I need to remind you Arthos of that stupid fire spell that almost took all of us out?

*Looks at Amagus and then back to Arthos.*

Should you not realize by now that if that one wants to rush inta somethin' magical you should be careful?

*Looks at Solari*

Solari is it? I'm Kidwynn. *Points at Arthos* That's Arthos, *Points at Amagus* That's Amagus. *Nods in Gin's direction* That's Gin and *Looks at the girl* Umm..I don't quite know what her name is.

Anyway, can we wait just a moment and check that bloody thing out? Last thing we need ta do is unleash somethin' else nasty into this world. Things are messed up enough as it is.


Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 7:17 pm
by Nelkie
*Arthos turns to Kidwynn*

That's exactly what I'm trying to do here. Lets dig it out so we can get a better look what's inside it.

*An explosive cough racks Arthos*

My time is growing short and I would appreciate any help on digging this crystal out, or at least help me remove enough dirt from the crystal so we can full descern whts inside.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:24 pm
by Kidwynn
*Looks at Arthos*

If you are bent on diggin' up this thing then perhaps I should do it since I do have that craftsman delacy about things.

*Looks in Solari's direction*

I still agree iwth Solari here and think this is a bad idea.


Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:28 am
by General Maximus
Over the next hour Kidwynn and Arthos remove enough dirt away from the large crystal to see what is in side.

Inside the crystal is a dwarven male with a long beard in tatered armor and cloths, holding a battered shield with a sword in sheaf on his belt. The dwarf has many wounds over his body and looks to be in motion like he was charging something when he was trapped in the crystal. The dwarf face looks set and worn, as if he knew his would be his last charge. The eyes burn with pride and determination.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 8:01 am
by Kidwynn
*Looks at the image and those in the group*

Ok, now let's get this thing back to town carefully so that people examine this thing before we do anythin' rash like break it open.

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 11:21 am
by Gin
*After standing quietly Captain Gin lays a hand on the crystal, and gives a little push*

" So how heavy do y'all think it is? I'v got rope, but no cart."

*looks at the figure in the crystal, and ponders to himself*

"seem like an elagent solution to our Penntag problem."

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 4:53 pm
by moonstone
Pushing as best she could the little figure of Solvanya starts breathing hard. “Mayhap we should prop it up on ropes so we can push AND pull. I believe we could move it to the inn like that rather easily.”

Looking to Arthos Moonstone puts one hand on his arm “I know you are sick so maybe you should navigate our way. This will help you save your strength.”

“Solari that is you name right?” Not waiting for a response Solvanya says what “stench are you talking about?”

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 5:32 pm
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn looks around the area plus what's in her bad (a rope) to see what she can come up with that can safely transport the crystal back to the others.*