After the first wave...

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Ian_McAllister »

*while attemtpting to plan out the necessary recources for the upcoming adventure, Ian see's Donovan's sign to the men outside, and then hears someone yelling.. he rushes into the Inn*

*salutes to Donovan*

"Preceptor, may I ask what the commotion is about?"
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan returns Ian's salute and nods towards the portal and Elder Quetzel.*

"Apparently the portal that will take us to Kels and the others leads to a place called Vaunephasuak, and Elder Quetzel was just about to explain why that's important. I don't know what it means yet, but considering the reactions this place seems to spark in those who are familiar with it, I'm not expecting birds and flowers."

*Donovan walks to Elder Quetzel and gently removes Amagus's hand from his arm. Giving both men a kind smile, he asks them to explain.*

"Learned ones, I've never seen anything provoke this kind of reaction in you, and around here that's saying something. I'm not sure why this has you both screaming, but chances are I'm going to have to deal with the worst of it in rather short order. So again, what can you tell me?"
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Post by Amagus »

“Vaunephasuak was the nation of Mages – a grand thing before King Silverthorne reduced it to ash. Still, it had collected many artifacts of power in its time, especially near the end. While most of these were likely lost in its razing, and much of what might be left rendered useless by the Cataclysm - or as future historians might refer to it, the Unification - the likelihood of finding active artifacts is significantly higher there than most other places of the worlds. Especially historical artifacts taken from the House of Toevass.”

“If that is indeed Vaunephasauk, then an expedition through the portal is now imperative! Are you certain, Quetzel?!”
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Listens to the stange fellow*

K..ookies check and things that do ookies double-check. It all makes sense to me and obviusly someone knows the area qutie well.

*Spins back around*

Now to get my things...
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Post by GM-Mike »

"There is some truth in what the old one said, though it wasn't Silverthorne that reduced it to ash. It was the mages themselves that did it...Let me back up. There was a war, obviously, between Silverthorne and the mages, but the mages had a weapon that no one knew about, at least not the extent of its power. The short version is that it could level mountains and the mages intent was to save themselves and completely remove the king from existence. Something went horribly wrong as it often does, I'm not sure what, and Vaunephasuak was destroyed...or so I thought. But as you can see, very vaguely in the far corner of this portal a bit of foundation that I would bet was once or still is a mages tower and the little symbol that you see part of there is the crest of their city."

As Quetzel talks, he points at the vague image blurred in the corner and while it seemed at first like it could have been most anything, he certainly describes one possibility.

"If Pentaguishine is there, if he has stolen a baby of some power, perhaps he has found this weapon or believes he can, and if that is the case, if he is allowed to operate it, then he can destroy the world and there will be no more Haven, not here, not anywhere, and anyone who does survive will be be living in Pentag's playground, which won't be made up of flowers and birds either, Donovan. Gather your men, do it quickly. Preparations must be made!"
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn hears the rest of the description as she grabs her satchel back from behind the bar.*

Not just the men will be gon'.
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Post by Amagus »

“Ah, but what exactly went wrong with the Weapon, Elder Quetzel? Did you perhaps have anything to do with it? Which side of the Mage War were you on?”
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan listens carefully to both Amagus and Qutezel, his face growing more and more grave as they describe these weapons of power. Finally he gives a sharp nod and turns to Ian.*

"Ian, have all the men and as many provisions as we can carry ready to move. I need them ready five minutes ago, Guardsman."

"Lambic, find Arthos and Duke Corbyn. Brief them both and tap the House's resources as well. Mobilize anyone who is willing to come, but make it clear we're leaving now."

*Donovan steps towards the kitchen and opens the door.*

"Sen! Gather whatever you're going to need to feed a large number of people in the field. Make it quick!"

*Donovan glances around the room, clearly tallying things as he does so.*

"Has anyone seen Atrum?"
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Post by Amagus »

Amagus frowns at Donovan’s commands.

“Nevermind! I must go prepare. I cannot abide these brutes around potentially priceless artifacts without proper supervision.”
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Post by Corbyn »

If Pentag does indeed seek such a weapon, we must make haste. He will not be using my son as an instrument of destruction.

Elder Quetzal, I believe you should accompany us. We will need your lore if we are to efficiently find our friends.
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Post by GM-Mike »

Quetzel smirks at Kidwynn and replies, "I'm sorry, young lady, I didn't realize you were one of Donovan's. We can use everyone so get your stuff and get ready." Quetzel nods to Corbyn, "I intend to go. This is something I must see to personally. So make haste everyone if no other questions are urgent and gather your things, because I will not be going alone."
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn looks at the Elder*

What, are you sayin' that I can't just go because friends of mine are in danger?
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Post by GM-Mike »

"I simply meant I was talking to Donovan when I said to get your men together. It wasn't meant to exlude any race, gender, or whatever. Your sensitivity in this matter is neither needed nor warranted so stop arguing with me and get going."
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos walks in ready to go*

Donovan, the house vault is open and I have started to equip people with the required resources and equipment. Just send them my way and I will get them set. Is there a member of the house that would be willing to stay behind to help run Haven, manage the troops, and make sure the trade routes come in safetly? I would stay, but I have duty's to Lord Corybn and Lady Robin that I must keep.

*Turns to Corbyn*

My lord, We are leaving very little people here to defend Haven and help bring in the trade routes. Is it possible you could have your army come in and protect and run Haven while we are gone?

*Turns to Quetzel*
Elder Quetzel, do you know of any one that would be willing and powerful enough to open a recieving gate each day at high noon for an hour? I would like an easy way to get back to Haven when all is said and done, and if nessarcy, send people back for additional help or resources. Maybe there is one in haven that would be willing to do this. Where is Ug? The house would be willing to pay this person for their help and time.

*Arthos looks through the portal and try's to caluculate the time difference between haven and Vaunephasuak to figure out when the sending gate would have to be opened to meet the recieving gate in Haven. (Sage Hint skill)*
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Post by Kidwynn »

My appologies Elder. My mind is elsewhere at the moment. I did not by any means mean to offend ya.

*Throws some armor repair tools in her bag.*

Ready to go as soon as we can locate Atrum.
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.