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Gowin D'Josian
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Post by Gowin D'Josian »

The two Havenites who had grown to know the Ka’lef many years ago noticed an almost imperceptible wince when Incarius spoke. Reaching back he touched the Kal’jour’s arm and, drawing him near, whispered briefly into his ear.

Turning back to his host, the Ka’lef, smiled, and with an air of ritual, drank of his wine and broke the bread.

“I have found in the last few years that the culture of this place has, at its roots, many similarities with my own culture. Simple things. Such as…wishing a good day for others, or not drinking before others without offering to share. Many of the differences in our two cultures will mostly go unnoticed day to day.

“There are some customs that may cause…misunderstandings…however. I believe the chief among these would be how we view the use of titles. Prince Atrum has confirmed for me that many of your land view the use of titles as a way to place…individuals…above those that they lead. Whereas, those of my lands see those same titles as part of the burden of our duties.”

“If I may give and example. If…say…the young lady that has just left our table, were to refer to you as Corbyn, for many is this land, it may be thought of as an expression of…love (?)…However, if she were in The Land of the Five Stars, the same use of name instead of title would be considered a statement that the one to whom she spoke was unfit for the duties he or she held. It would be an insult.”

A smile crossed the Ka’lef’s face and humor sparked in his eyes as her turned to Robin.

“Do you remember when you spoke such to Vazier Balearic in the hall of the Place? In but a sentence all of the man’s schemas came to an end and his dreams of power evaporated. Though, my father (may the winds guide his spirit) mumbled your name in his sleep for nearly a year.”
I am fated to know not the sweet sound of my given name.

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Post by Gomja555 »

"My apologies if I offended you " a moment of hesitation
"Ka'lef. I would mean no ill will" Incarius spoke as ceremoniously as he could muster in his state
"Truth is in the eye of the constable"
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Post by Varlen Kal'jura »

*Nods as he is commanded forth, and returns to his place.*

"I do thank you Constable Incarus but it would be out of place for me to exept such an offer. For seen how you are of notible worth to the town here, and I am a so'jar. It would be out of place and rude of me to except at this time. But I would like to talk of the town and the area around here with you. So that I might better help with things I have noticed. Or maybe help with if I am promitted too at a later time."
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Post by Gomja555 »

"Yer quite kind good sir but I am the least important of the town for it is my duty to protect everyone else and if any should fall let it be me first. Aye then it would be a good day. But I shall accept your feelings this day and I shall be at your liesure to discuss anything within the town, village or Haven proper that I may know of. Though I believe this would be less than I would like.

"As new people to Haven I would give you this pachment to explain the laws set forth I always carry a few around" He passes a piece of parchment over to each of them " Any questions will of course be answered at your liesure"

"I believe it would right to say that Haven is a little more relaxed then the lands of your birth, Ka'lef. The customs are developing as we speak. Many things are different even from the lives that we had prior to the cataclism. We will explore many things and practices over the years to come. I believe it could even be said that our community has just reached self awareness, with his Grace rising to nobility and all. However, customs here are each man and womans to have and to hold and those that strike discord within our Hearths should be let go of for they have no place in these lands. If I speak incorrectly please let me know my friends for I was away for a short time and the winds may have changed." Incarius laughs and sets himself back taking a bite of food and apparently awaiting any others to speak.
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Post by Corbyn »

Well said Constable. It seems as though only days have passed since we residents of this area were so few in number and so devoid of trust that we could barely feed or defend ourselves. We have made, and will continue to make mistakes as our small society evolves, but I firmly believe the relationships that have been established between such a wide variety of beings, forged in battle both victorious and grievous, shall continue to see us prosper.

*Stands and raises his glass for a toast.*

To friends, old and new, who envision a land reconstructed, ensconsed in an aura of peace.
Corbyn Gravesbane
Lord High Cavalier
The Hand of Woodhold
Elder of Final Haven
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Post by Varlen Kal'jura »

*Valren stand there not moving to much and take the vellium and place it in his pack without open it.*

"I thank you for this but it is not my place to understand it in this context. It would be a offence punishible by sewing my eye shut or death. Which ever one I choice to be the right way to go. I do thank you for it thou. Once I your dinner is over and the topics at hand are detailed than Constable I shall take you up on your offer."

*at this point valren stop's talking and moves back into his spot.*
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Post by Gomja555 »

Incarius stands and raises his glass
"Truth is in the eye of the constable"
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Post by Gowin D'Josian »

At first the Ka'Lef seemed a bit confused when Corbyn stood and spoke. After seeing the others at the tabel mimiking the duke's actions, he too stood and raised his glass with a slight smile.

"If it is allowed in this 'toast' custom, I would like to add my own hopes to yours. May we, and those whom we lead, seak civilazation together and grow in wizdom from the sacrifices that we will make."
I am fated to know not the sweet sound of my given name.

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