A Soul Taken

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Edwina Embrey
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A Soul Taken

Post by Edwina Embrey »

Edwina sat quietly in a corner like she had always done, tired and an annoyed looked on her face. When she had entered this new place with the brothers she knew that her problems would somehow follow her, but it had yet to surface. She didn't feel safe anymore...not since her precious necklace had disappeared. She rubbed the place on her chest where it had once laid and sighed in disappointment. She wasn't sure what had happened to it...but she knew it couldn't be good. She felt restless and alone, which she was more than used to, but this time it was different. She sighed and looked out the large windows of the Inn and wished for something she could never have...freedom. For the longest time she had never cared about being able to do what she wanted, going about her life from place to place giving into her impulses taking what she had to in order to keep going. Now that the necklace was gone, was she allowed to do more or was it still holding her hostage?

"I guess I'll have to wait and see.." She mumbled to herself answering her own question.

She sighed and opened a book she had sitting on her lap and began to read in an attempt to forget about thoughts of an unknowing future.
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Post by Alice Tex »

Nearby and covered from head-to-toe in sweat and soot, Alice gulped down a tall mug of water. She gave a satisfied "aahh" and licked her lips as the cool water satiated her terrible thirst. Her Elven ears twitched slightly as she heard Edwina's muttering.

Turning and seeing the girl lost in her book, Alice smiled kindly. "Sorry? Did you say something, Edwina?"
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Edwina Embrey »

Hearing a voice familiar she looks up from her book and smiles warmly.

"Heh, seems you caught me talking to myself," She laughed lightly and set her book to the side. Edwina looked at Alice almost helpless and lost.

"Alice can I ask you something?"
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Post by Alice Tex »

Alice's smile faded to a look of concern when she saw the look on Edwina's face. Immediately, the half-elf Healer sat across from the beautiful girl, ready to listen to whatever she had to say.

"Absolutely," replied Alice thoughtfully, "You can ask me anything and I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities."
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Edwina Embrey »

Feeling a bit awkward for opening herself to someone she tries to keep the conversation to a small whisper.

"What would you do when you feel like there is something missing, lets say in your soul or in your heart..and it feels like nothing could compare to how that once felt, but you knew it wasnt a good thing to have..how would you replace it? How could you fill that void?...."

Edwina felt a tad bit silly for asking a question...but she didnt know what she could do. Nothing felt more empty and scary than having this much freedom...and not have anything to do with it.
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Post by Alice Tex »

(OOG: Sorry it took so long to respond....death in the family)

The question took Alice aback...in a way, she knew exactly what it was like to be missing part of herself. Terra was as much a part of her as her own essence...but clearly, the look on Edwina's face told her that wasn't quite what she meant....

"Well," she began, "I learned a long time ago that kindness, charity, and love was the only way to make one feel whole again after they've suffered a loss."

She smiled kindly, "But of course, that's only me. I'd imagine someone with inner-fire like yours would not be content to sit around the Inn all day like me healing broken bones and broken armor. So, I suppose the question you really should be asking yourself is what in your life can help you get past this difficult time? Everyone is different...surely there is something that makes you truly happy."
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Edwina Embrey »

( OOG: Oh I'm so sorry...I hope you're doing okay )

She listened to Alice and took in what she was saying, it made sense to her...but what made her happy? She was happy all the time as a child...but the last time she was truly happy was when she was with..

"Dominic..," she whispered softly under her breath but sighed and crossed her arms in front of her chest, "It's been too long since I've even thought about making myself happy, I don't even know if I remember that feeling..."

Even though Edwina was frustrated with her own incapablities to feel, she still managed to smile warmly at Alice.

"I appreciate all the kindness you've shown me...even when you barely knew me. I can't tell you how long it has been since someone has been so understanding. I wish I met you sooner"

Her smile brightened slightly and she guided a piece of hair from her face to behind her ear.

"That must sound silly to hear from me, I'm not used to being so open with people"
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Post by Alice Tex »

Alice nods in understanding and thanks, "It's hard just to get by in this place we call Home...much less learn to trust and be open with others. There are so many villains in this world, it's amazing to see so many heroes in one place. We need to stick together. We may not be perfect, but we still try to do what's right. And that's all that matters."

She paused for a moment, considering Edwina's happiness. "I knew a man who had no happy memories to speak of...his entire life had been despair, abandonment, and death. And I will tell you the same thing I told him: When you have no happy memories, it's never too late make your own." ^_^
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Edwina Embrey »

She knew exactly how that was like...going through life only knowing pain and suffering, not remembering the few times you were happy. As a habit she went to grab for the necklace that wasn't there and laughed a bit before nodding at what Alice had said.

"You're right...It's not too late for me to start creating my own happy memories. Thank you Alice"
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Post by Alice Tex »

^_^ "I'm no Sage, but I always try and be there for others like they are there for me in my times of trouble. Glad I could offer you some comfort."
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice