Back at the old Tipsy Traveller...

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Dallid »

"Perhaps there is another official in Caldeonia I may speak with? All I ask for is 10 minutes of their time."
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora takes a deep breath as she attempts to explain things one more time.*

Dallid, right now the wall is closed from outsiders. As I stated I understand your need to talk to someone, but you need to also respect Caldeonia's wishes.

Please for now do not ask me any more about this. I probably should not have said anything after the elven battle letting the rest of you know I still had some contact with people.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Zeira »

Zeira sits up and during Aurora and Dallid's conversation

"Oh well. So is that new blade working out for you now that you finaly got a chance to give it whirl? I know many people who would wish they had something as powerful as that! Would you ever consider selling it to me?"

Zeira lets out a little laugh gives Dallid a friendly nudge

"Just kidding! I'm sure your taking good care of it and it couldn't be in better hands. Why are you so concerned with the gate staying open? "
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Post by Zydana »

The woman in the blue tunic looks up from her rest upon the table.

"Lady Esmerelda, might, you, if you are to be seeing the families of the fallen troops when visiting your allies, inform them they may wish to collect the bodies of their fallen. It is my understanding that the many different races here have certain rituals the like to perform on their deceased. Also, I think the elves should be entitled to collect theirs as well."

"I don't know how much time we should allow to pass, but the remains of those that have not been collected, I suggest building a pyre. Perhaps we should invite those who fought during that time for a ceremony of sorts for the lighting and burning of the pyre."

"I care not for the diseases associated with that of rotting flesh."

*All this said not being known of the actions of Maggot in a separate thread*
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

Atrum saw the exchange and the replacement sign and gave Korrigan the slightest of nods, making it clear that his eyes left Korrigan for a moment and then gave him the look that he had seen many a hardened military warrior share after a hard fought battle won. He held Es tighter and told her, "Whatever you wish little lady"
Last edited by Atrum Draconus on Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Aurora »

*Looks at Atrum*

I hate to ask this since you look all comfortable, but can I talk to you for a quick moment Atrum please?
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Esmerelda »

Esmerelda gives Atrum a slow, wicked grin as she runs a hand down his chest, followed by a sigh. "What's I wish is to lock us away for a week where you would ravish me nonstop. However, as that cannot be at the moment I suppose I'll settle on you as an escort." She gives him a kiss that makes all present a tad uncomfortable and the pulls away with a playful push.

"Go see what Aurora wants. I have packing to do and a delegation to organize. Fionna, Aurora you would both be welcome to come. Thank you for agreeing to come, Dallid."

Turning to the lady in blue she says, "I believe the survivors of the remining groups are being consulted as to how the fallen will be handled. Thank you for your concern."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Azra »

*Azra emerges from the stairs, with a small pack slung over her shoulder. A testament to what little she really possessed. She appeared, eager about the move, yet slightly apprehensive.*

Funny how even when I find a place to call home that I never seem to stay in the same place long...

*She spoke outloud to herself, a smile playing slightly across her lips.*
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Post by GM-Taki »

*Walking back into the Inn, Korrigan catches Atrum's eye. Returning the acknowledgement as the couple embrace, he briefly bows his head and places his fist over his heart.

Picking up on the last few snippets of the previous conversation, the barkeep takes a seat*

"Lady Blue, the elven dead have been dealt with and were given every respect. I set aside one of the outbuildings at the new Inn in Haven for storing the remains of the fallen from both sides of the battle until such time as they can be transported back to their people."
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Post by Zydana »

She gives Korrigan a quick nod and goes back to watching her feet as they swing back and forth.
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Post by Dallid »

*Dallid shakes his head*

"I am most curious to know how I am not respecting Caldonia's wishes, Aurora. I do not seek to go beyond this 'wall', but merely wish to request an audience with an official at a place of his choosing. Such a request could not be less demanding nor intrusive. However, I see you have less respect for me than most would grant a dead leaf. I will find another Genderman to pass this simple message. Perhaps he will do something other than provide a long list of excuses."

"Trust I will trouble you no further... for anything."
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora stops dead in her tracks from where she was heading to to talk to Atrum, pivits and looks at Dallid.*

It's not that I don't respect you, but I know what the Caldeonian's wishes are. Any Diiplomatic channels would go throug through Esmerelda now so I suggest if the gate issue is that important to talk it over with her and see what she can do if I can even set up a meeting for her. What I do know is that they are going to tear down the gates for their mind is set on this. I already asked about what they were going to do because I myself wanted to return here from time to time and to do so once we leave, it to walk back. You don't seem to understand just how much magic is distrusted around here and how uncomfortable it honestly makes them feel. I just now feel as one of them that they trust me because for awhile some didn't being what I know about magic since I'm a witch-hunter.

The guards were serious about the wall being closed. They gave me special leeway because I had served with them and I gave my WORD to not bring anyone to the places I know I can contact people. I ended up telling Atrum I still had contact because he asked me directly and when all the battle tactics were going on it became necessary to get a message to them so they would guard the portal when we went though to attack the elves.

You are putting me in a tough spot and I have done everything I can to help you all out so don't you dare stand there and chastise me Dallid. You need to give Esmerelda the room to do her thing and trust that she'll look out for everyone.
Last edited by Aurora on Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Zeira »

"I bet if you find King Galen you can get in Dallid. Maybe you should try and find him. Seeing that we kinda owe him for allowing us to stay here for two years. I know that we already looked once but maybe you can give it another go. Guarantee we'll have another war on our hands if we don't find him."
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Post by Fionna »

Listening to the exchange between Aurora and Dallid from her place near her lab, Fionna cocks her head at the comments between the two.

"Dallid, I respect and trust your judgement, however, as a Caldonian and having grown up with the feeling of my kin, I must agree with Aurora. Most of my people do not trust magic in any form, in fact, many hate it. I have learned through my time with the people of Far Reach to realize its necessity at certain time and yet my trust for magic its self is not strong. If Aurora says that the Gendermen wish to tear down the gate, I am sure that is what will occur. It is a very rare occasion when the Gendermen say they are going to do something that it is not done.

The closed gates are part of my motivation for offering to travel to our allies with Esmerelda. As a native Caldonian still proudly brandishing my tartan, I will be able to travel more easily than most.

At this time, we should not be fighting amongst ourselves. We have won a hard fight and triumphed. It is important that now, almost more than any other time, that we unite and work as one. I trust Esmerelda's judgement to make the right decisions and talk to those she feels it necessary. However, this is the Caldonian land and their wishes need to be respected."

She turns to her lab and continues wrapping vials in pieces of fabric and collecting the piles of herbs and berries and placing each in respective containers.
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Post by Nick »

~: The door would open without a sound, a face of white and blue and black poking in just enough to get a look at the interior. He'd been in here before; once Haven had been reclaimed Dani had tasked himself with understanding this building, this new place to him. "The Tipsy Traveler," a fitting name after he'd watched the multitude of Haven's returned citizens drink themselves into stupidity and beyond. :~

~: As fast as a cockroach when a candle is lit he darted from the doorway, making a B-line to the kitchen. A little blurr of black and blue, one hand clutching the ninjatō at his left hip, the other on the hilt of his little "God Slayer" strapped across the small of his back. Not that he was going to draw either, its just how he ran. And so into the kitchen little Dani went, most definitely on the hunt. The only sound he made throughout the entire transition? :~

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