
A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Scarlet »

A drowsy stormy aqua-colored eye peeked out from underneath a red hood at the sound of a raucous below her. Scarlet had been too tired, far too sore from her battles and trekking to notice their initial appearance, but now she saw the flood of people making merry as if they'd never been happier to see such a place. Knowing she had no way to pay for a bed at the inn, she made her bed in the rafters as she had done in the trees during her travels. The half-elf curled even deeper into the corner trusses where a ledge was sufficient enough for her to perch on and sleep. Now, she had no choice but to observe these newcomers and find out whether they were friend or foe.

Maybe one of them could tell her the precise laws of the land....maybe one of them would protect her from those who sought to due her harm...or maybe, just maybe...they'd do her even greater harm.
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Post by Esmerelda »

As Atrum explains, Esmerelda's eyes go wide and she raises a hand to her face, barely believing what is being said.

"Aeric? Alive? You did this for me?" she asks in a soft voice, choked with emotion. "Oh, Atrum, you are the best, most thoughtful, wonderfully amazing man in the world!" She throws her arms around him and buries her face against his chest, sobbing tears of joy.
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

"What if in order to save everything you hold dear, you have to become everything you hate?"
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Post by phoenix28 »

*Malachi can also see a Valkin' Vi carrying another one. Hitsu carefully sits her sister down just outside the door making sure Keyaku is comfortable. She then goes to the door and peers inside. When she doesn't see anyone inside that she recognizes she looks at Malachi*

"Excuse me sir. Is there somewhere I can get food for me and my sister please?"
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Post by GM-Taki »

*Korrigan emerges from the back room with a yawn. Without thinking he grabs a tankard off of the shelf and pours an ale; raising it to his lips before stopping abruptly and staring at it with a frustrated look on his face. The tall barkeep sets the untasted ale on the counter and scowls. Hearing Val's voice, he shouts past Malachi.*

"Yeah, you've got the right place, you surly dwarven bastard! Get in here before I change my mind about covering your tab! Looks I just poured you breakfast!"

*Seeing the two Valkyn'Vi behind Val, Korrigan comes to the door and addresses them with more of a smile and less of a slur than usual.*

"This here is the Tipsy Traveler, and there's food and rest to be had for friends and any folks who can behave themselves. If that's you, then come on inside and Mary will whip something up for you."
GM-Taki - Final Haven GM, Winter Haven GM, Editor of the Rulebook Project.
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Post by Fionna »

*Fionna returns to the inn, refreshed from her time in the woods. Her satchel is full of leaves and flowers and there is a smile across her face. Upon seeing the two Valkin'Vi, she recognizes the girls immediately. Seeing the discomfort of Keyaku, a slight look of concern crosses her face, much like that of a mother.*

Nice to see you returned with us ladies. Make sure Korrigan treats you right. Keyaku are you feeling alright?
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Post by phoenix28 »

*Hitsu looks at the new guy at the door.*

"Thank you sir. I think for right now we just need some food. Do you also happen to have some sweets?"

*Turning towards Fionna*

"Keyaku is really tired. We ain't used to being up so late for so long. We just need to go and take a nap but I want to make sure she eats too."

*Hitsu smiles*
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Post by Onimaster »

Val pushes past Malachi rudely staggering across the room as if in pain until he gets a grip on the bar and clenches the stein like a vice and pours it into his mouth with wanton abandon until the last drop of the brew has met it's end. Then he slammed the mug on the bar and looked the Korrigan, "I need another, quickly." The dwarf looked about in frustration, and then grabbed the pitcher from whence the barkeep left it. He motioned to refill his stein, but paused at the lip of the cup. A moment later he let the mug clank to the bar top, and pressed the spout of the pitcher to his lips and began chugging the whole thing as drips slopped onto his short beard and chest. A moment later he slammed the empty pitcher to the pass, and wiped his face with one bare arm. "Thank the fathers. I needed tha.'"

Now, for the first time he looked about the room half interested in what was going on about him.
Vaal Draconus,
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& Champion of Life.


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Post by Esmerelda »

After a few moments Esmerelda unburies her face, although she still doesn't let go of Atrum. He and Shea can see a sparkle has returned to her eyes that has been missing for the past almost two years.

"Cave of the dead? The Dreaming?" she shakes her head in wonder.

"And there are so many new faces! Please, everyone be welcome here. I'm Esmerelda, the leader of the town. What brings you all here?"

She looks around at all the newcomers. "Did I hear someone mention sweets? Normally I have cookies stocked in the kitchen, although I'm sure the batch I baked before I left is long gone. Korrigan, my friend, have you kept the kitchen stocked in my abscence so I might get to baking some sweets once I've washed the traveling dust off?"
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Onimaster »

Val is in mid swig of yet another ale when he hears Esmerelda's comment, and nearly chokes to death on a swallow that goes the wrong way. He coughs and hacks and stares at her with watery eyes as he tries to get out an exasperated statement. "A woman...? Angus help us, I thought tha' Atrum was the leader of ye town."
Vaal Draconus,
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Post by Esmerelda »

Esmerelda arches an eyebrow and almost grins at the dwarf's reaction but before she breaks out in a full fledged smile regains her composure. Shooting an amused glance at Atrum she turns to address Val.

"He does have that sort of aura about him, but I assure you, good sir, that I have been leading this town for well over a year now. Not in military matters- for I will be the first to admit that I have little knowledge in the arts of war. But when it comes to making sure everyone here is fed, clothed and sheltered, that task falls to me. After all, what is a town but an extension of a household? And who better knows how to run a household than a woman? Besides, as a girl it was more work for me to run my father's keep than it is to feed this town for he had many more men at arms. The only tricky part comes in when negotiating treaties with the other people and making sure the refugees are cared for. And I have the pedigree for those kinds of things, my lord."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by phoenix28 »

After a bit Hitsu slowly starts walking towards the one named Esmeralda. Reaching up tentatively she tugs on her shirt.

"Excuse me...but do the sweets happen to be done."

With a hopeful gleam in her eye she smiles.
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Post by Esmerelda »

Seeing that she's not going to get an answer from the dwarf, she turns her attention to the little girl. Smiliing, she bends down so that she is at the child's level and looks her in the eye.

"My name is Esmerelda. What's yours?" Standing up, she offers a hand to the girl. "Let's go see what's in the kitchen. If nothing's ready, would you like to help me bake some cookies? I know my friend Em likes to do that and you look about her age."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

"What if in order to save everything you hold dear, you have to become everything you hate?"
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Post by phoenix28 »

The girl stands up a bit straighter as she points to herself

"My name is Hitsu"

She turns a bit and points to another girl standing not too far away

"And that is my sister Keyaku"

Hitsu takes the hand that Esmerelda offers her.

"Keyaku, I'll be right back with some sweets"
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Post by Esmerelda »

Giving a reassuring smile to both girls, she leads Hitsu to the kitchen.

"I'm sure we can find something. Actually, Fionna may have some cookies already made."

Popping her head out the door, she calls to her friend, "Fionna, have you done any baking while I've been away? Our new young friends here would like some cookies..."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Fionna »

*After returning from the woods, Fionna entered the kitchen to check on some things. She quietly listens to the conversations in the rest of the inn, but keeps any comments to herself. When she hears her friends voice, she answers...

Of course I did!! My favorite times are spent in the woods and in the kitchen. Some of my famous chocolate ones were just finished this morning.

*She looks to Hitsu and her sister* Hello ladies. I am glad to see you made it back with us safely. Esmerelda and I will make sure you're tummies are full!