More tales for Garrett

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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More tales for Garrett

Post by Dallid »

*Dallid meets with the scholar once more, book in hand*

Greetings, Garrett. As always, I am more than happy to offer that which I know to you and your scrolls. I would like to read excerpts from my journal to you - tales of recent events as I experienced them.

*Dallid opens his book and begins reading aloud*

"A strange affliction has struck the town. A number of residents, including myself, have contracted a parasite. From exactly where, I know not, but currently the only side affect has been increased hunger, though this alone could pose a threat if it causes a severe depletion of the food supply. However I am currently denying treatment, as I do not wish to kill the parasite. However, a time may come when the hosts’ lives are endangered by these creatures. I will have to meditate on this matter."

"Travelers continue to arrive in Haven, and recently several have been attacked by strange wolf-like creatures. A man named Sabastian suffered such an attack, but we were able to save him. He claimed to have information on the Prophesy, and wished to speak with Elder Quexell about it. However, his journal, containing much needed information on the Prophesy, was dropped during the attack. A number of townsfolk set out to retrieve it."

"Not long after, the few of us remaining in the Inn heard screams from outside the village. Atrim and I set out immediately to investigate, but hesitated when we reached the main road. The screams seemed to come from both the Guild Halls and the trail. We had to chose a direction, and choose quickly, so we set off down the trail."

"We found the adventure party that had set out to find Sabastian’s journal fighting hard against skeletons, zombies, and Florins Golems. Several had all ready been downed, so I found myself busy at once. The golems demonstrated extraordinary strength, as always, and gradually overwhelmed us. Florin, himself, was also present, so we concluded we where near an entrance to his lair. We tried to fall back, but there was always at least one more fallen to retrieve, and we would leave no one behind. Once my position, too, was overrun as I tended the injured, and I was beaten to near death. Fortunately someone gave me a healing potion, and I was able to get up and join the retreat. After a long, hard fight, we were able to account for all the injured and fled the area."

"Unfortunately while we were gone, additional golems had attacked the village. The golems claimed Endera’s life that night. More golems had attacked the Guild Halls – the source of the shouting and combat Atrim and I heard on the road. They had held out, but were angry they received no aid from the rest of us. They nearly came to blows with the Phoenix Guild over this issue."

"Given that Florin had committed golems in a two pronged attack and lost additional golems on the trail, we assumed his forces may now be severely depleted. If an entrance to his lair did exist on the trail, now was the time to attack him. We’d wait until daylight, then strike."

"The golems were not our only attackers. Several villagers perished during the night – victims of arrow fire. Unknown lone snipers plagued us for hours."

"And yet there was another, potentially dire, problem to contend with. A cloaked man had hired a pair of villagers to chop away at a particular tree in the woods. Rumor indicated the man wished to die, and planed to achieve this by chopping down the tree. Blood flowed from the trees wounds, and the two villagers found themselves covered in it by the conclusion of their work. The cloaked men paid them in sacks of grain, and they returned to Haven – bathing in the river to remove the blood from their skin and clothes."

"Later Giddion, who had investigated the tree and dipped his fingers into the blood, became violently ill. The blood was diseased. I was able to cure him of the taint, but the process was a long and difficult one. Of course, this also meant the river was now contaminated, and endangered not only us, but all the creatures of the land. Donavan deployed his men at once to quarantine the river."

"Fortunately an elderly man told us his son knew of a potion that could restore the tree. Atrim and Roland set out immediately to find him, in the hopes that curing the tree would also remove the disease from the blood. Indeed, they succeeded in saving the tree, and no word has reached my ears of further blood-induced sickness."

"The next morning we were planning our attack on Florin when a villager ran to us carrying an injured comrade. An arrow had shot from the woods to take her in the leg, and she immediately lost consciousness. I examined her to find a week poison in her blood. I cured it, then proceeded to heal her. The source of the poison proved to be the wood of the arrow, itself – Witchwood. Several of us traveled to where the villager was shot to investigate the area while others examined the arrow."

"Searching the area, I found where the arrow had been fired from. There, tracks made by bare Elven feet traveled from one tree to another. The trees themselves were very solid, though the Elf appeared to have passed straight out of one and into the other."

"When I told others of this, they assumed Dark Elves were the culprits. However, I think Wood Elves are at least as likely suspects, as were Green Fey. Perhaps they are upset about the bleeding tree."

"While in the village, I sought to ask Elder Quexell about Sabastian. He told me he would answer my questions if I first gathered a particular type of mushroom for him. I joined a group of several Phoenix members who had similar questions for the Elder. We set off into the swamp."

"Trolls attacked us not far in. As fire was not available to us, they would always rise minutes after the Phoenix Guild would down them. Two warriors split from the group and made for the mushroom grove while the rest of us held off the Trolls. After several minutes, the two gathers came running back, a sack full of mushrooms in hand and a Troll on their heals. We fled the swamp, and the Trolls gave up pursuit."

"In exchange for the mushrooms, Elder Quexell told us of Sabastion. His motivation for thwarting the prophesy was simply that he believed no being should have the power to reshape the world as it saw fit. He had no idea if this summoned being would be good or evil. This Order of 12 Sabastion belongs to at least doesn’t appear hostile to us."

"As the Elder was talking, we began hearing shouts over the rise. We investigated to find a mob gathered, attacking a man at its core. We quickly pushed our way through the angry villagers to save the man. We knew not if he was guilty of whatever crime the villagers thought he performed, but we were trying to establish fair laws in Haven, and could not allow mob justice to rule."

"The man the villagers had surrounded, we discovered, was Florin himself."

"Questions immediately filled our minds, but we could not ask them here. The villagers were livid and we were forced to struggle back to the Inn. With much difficulty we finally managed to secure him inside. There, Corbin began his information extraction while I ventured back outside in an attempt to quell the mob."

"When I returned, I was informed of the strange situation. THIS Florin was a good man. A healer, of all things. His memories were incomplete and disjointed, but Corbin extracted enough information to determine two Florins existed – one good and one evil. He believed the Florins could see through each others eyes."

"As we gathered together to attack the evil Florin, we chose to take the good Florin with us. We did not want him out of our sight, but as we also could not let him see what we were up to, we blindfolded him. However, just as we were setting off from Haven, more flesh golems attacked."

"These creatures seemed incomplete – a telling sign that Florin’s forces were badly depleted. However they were still numerous, and during the fighting they managed to capture the good Florin."

"We tracked after them, hoping they would indeed lead us to the evil Florin’s lair. On our way, we saw the smoke of many Goblin fires blotting out the sky. They would attack Haven soon, so we had to deal with Florin quickly and return. We fought through several rear-guard elements, eventually arriving at a cave where the evil Florin stood, magical fires dancing in his hands."

"The battle was joined. Our warriors plowed though Florin’s initial defenses quickly enough, but fighting in the caves was very confined, preventing the powerful flesh golems from being flanked. Many fell while trying to break through the golem defenses, though coordinated actions enabled the healers to save all. Finally our warriors made a concentrated and determined assault, finally defeating the flesh golems, but at the cost of many wounded. Again, our healers managed to prevent any deaths. They rescued the good Florin, and discovered the body of the evil Florin. Also, many supplies were recovered for the use of Haven. We returned to town, the enemy apparently defeated. However, some questions remain unanswered:"

"How did Florin’s resurrection generate two versions of him? What exactly was the evil Florin trying to accomplish? If no one actually saw the evil Florin fall, how can we be certain it is the good Florin who now walks among us? I do not mean to cause alarm, but caution would seem advised."

"We reached Haven at dusk and immediately set about preparing defenses against the Goblin hoard. An elaborate trap was planned. The Broken Tusk Clan feigned joining Gnosh’s army to be in position to cause great damage when they turned against him. They would also signal us with their drums as to the direction of the army’s approach, and whether or not Gnosh was with them."

"Meanwhile, the town prepared a massive spike-equipped pit trap. A single safe route was established through it, and the Orcs of the Broken Tusk were informed of its location."

"In the Inn, Eli prepared a powerful fire spell to inflict harm on the entire Goblin army."

"Our forces readied themselves. Areas were established to set up triages for the wounded – both primary and fall-back locations."

"I warned the villagers of the coming battle, and they took what they could to hide in a nearby set of abandoned Dwarven mines."

"Not until long after complete darkness consumed the land were we all ready. Then we stood and waited."

"Eventually the sound of drums filled the silence of the night. It was the Broken Tusks, and their beat indicated the army was approaching from the main road. Gnosh was with them. We arranged our defenses accordingly."

"The army approached. The stomping of feet and the rhythmic clanking of sword against shield drowned out all other sound. From the darkness emerged a line of armored Gavin, then a line of Goblins behind them, then another line, and another. They kept coming."

"The first rank hit the first line of traps. Some fell, but the army was not slowed. More fell as they hit the second trap line, but the army marched on, stepping on the corpses of their comrades – forming bridges of sacrificial flesh and bone. Our warriors surged forth and the battle was joined. Troops on both sides fell like branches during a storm. A constant stream of wounded flowed into our primary triage. Our numbers dwindled while more and more Goblins and Gavin marched across the corpse-filled traps. Our positions were overrun and the healers were forced to fall back to the secondary triage."

"But by then our lines were broken and Gnosh’s forces pressed onward. In little time, even the secondary triage could no longer be protected and we retreated into the Inn. Our situation was beyond desperate, but Eli’s spell was finally ready."

"Unleashed, it sent a devastating ring of fire expanding outward from the Inn. Everyone outside was struck, but Gnosh was ready. He had magically protected his forces, and none were harmed by Eli’s effort. They surrounded the Inn and flooded into it."

"Our healers set their last triage in the back rooms as our warriors fought against the charging Gavin and Goblins. Many fell on both sides, and our healers were soon overwhelmed by a flood of wounded. We were pressed to our limit, using everything at our disposal to keep the fallen alive. But our warriors were worse off. Every one of us that fell meant one less to fight off the foe. It wasn’t long before there were more undergoing treatment then there were defending the Inn. Turning to my deepest strengths and expending my own essence, I unleashed a surge of life energy to return four of our fallen immediately back to battle. The effort was exhausting, but I continued applying slower, more traditional methods to other wounded."

"Soon all invaders within the Inn were defeated, but legions more waited outside. We barred the doors against them. They demanded our surrender, but of course we did not comply. Some of the Broken Tusk were among us, and they explained Gnosh’s forces were too strong for the Orcs to turn against them. Instead they had been engaging our defenders in feigned fighting. More than a few lives were spared as Gnosh’s troops left our warriors to the Orcs."

"The Goblins outside threatened to burn us out, and wandered away to cut down trees – whether to barricade the doors or to use as battering rams, I do not know. While they were briefly away, many of us fled out the back door into the woods. Several Goblins saw us leaving and the hoard swarmed back to the Inn. Several warriors acted as our rearguard, giving the rest of us time to escape by sacrificing their lives. Both Curufin and Brent died for us."

"Gnosh’s hoard spread out to sack Haven and search for survivors. Fortunately they once more depended on the Broken Tusk to carry out some of these tasks, again saving many lives and preventing much destruction. Our surviving warriors carried out hit-and-fade strikes against the invaders, and eventually whittled them down to nothing. Haven was retaken. As we gathered together to count our survivors and losses, Roland offered a resurrection potion to the Phoenix Guild, which was quickly used to return Curufin to us. I must admit – it pains me to see the Circle violated in such a way. However, at least Curufin is still ON the Circle – he has merely performed an unorthodox jump."

"Gnosh, however, had returned to his encampment with a portion of his forces to celebrate his victory over us, apparently not knowing we had retaken the town. We rallied our survivors and set out to attack."

"We came upon an encampment totally unprepared for us. Most of the Goblins and Gavin were drunk on spoils taken from the Inn. They fled, scattering into the woods when they saw us. A wizard who had been aiding Gnosh teleported away. Only Gnosh and a handful of Gavin actually stood and fought, and they were quickly overwhelmed. The hoard was no more."

"I notified the villagers that the battle was over, and they returned to Haven. Now we all must set about repairing the damage done, and once more settle down to our regular tasks and normal lives."

"In the meantime, I have reached a decision about the parasite afflicting some of us. It is an invasive entity, similar to a disease. The host has every right to be rid of it. I will treat any villager who wishes it, destroying the parasite within. However, mine I shall let live – out of both respect for its life and a desire for medical study. I shall only remove it should it become an obvious threat to myself or others."
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Post by Grok »

*Grok waits for Dallid to finish his story, unusually patient and attentive. When Dallid appears to be finished and Garret appears to be ready for another tale, she clears her throat and begins speaking in a gruff voice:*

"We gather at de cabin and get ready see otter people de town. De door break open and big flesh golem come in and attack, we not ready. I rang bell for town help, but no one come. I tink we for sure gonna die, so I tell Dag run for safe and help. We almost beat de flesh golem, so dey run away. We heal up and go down to Inn to see where e’ryone at and why dey not come help, we find out dat de flesh golem go attack rest of town after us and dat dey fall down easy, ‘cause we hurt dem so bad to start.

"We get to Inn and find out dat e’ryone else get attack and dat Deera got kill. We give town de bell and tell dem dat dey can ring for us, need help, and we come, dey put bell on post outside Inn. Little while later, village people come to Inn, dey sick real bad. Dey cut down some tree dat got smart, sister ask help brotter, so I fix dem – it take long time. Lao say dat he go see dere cabin, see dat not everyting else disease, he say dat he no can get sick like dat. We fix de stuff and find out dat two village guy not so good, greedy, but hungry, so I offer dem food.

"After dat, we get bored so we go to de Guild o’ Light to see what dey do. We in dere talk and Artos and Corbyn come in wit de Ga’vin and say dat dey gonna find out what doin’ and dat dey gonna beat it out of Ga’vin. I say I want know what happen, and dey tell me dat he look for de Orc who owe Gnosh stuff. I remember dat we still owe de potion to Gnosh, dat he no come for dem, so I wake up de Ga’vin and heal de man, and take him to de Broken Tusk cabin.

"So we take Ga’vin to cabin and give de potion, even give extra for Artos boo-boo and tell de Ga’vin we sick of de town and ready kill dem, we want join Gnosh. Artos come to door screaming dat we betray de town, dat we dirty dealer and dat Artos not let us do dat. I go outside and push Artos away, whisper 'trust us' and scream dat Artos need mind own matter. Artos and Ka go away. Go back to de Ga’vin, tell him dat he crazy, we ready fight wit Gnosh. Tell Ga’vin dat dey need come back tomorrow, warn us who come and tell us how many, what dey got and what dere plan. He agree and leave.

"We ask Artos come cabin talk. We tell him he put Orc safety in danger AGAIN and dat he got stop it, dat we tell Artos three moon ago what we do and dat if he risk us and town again, we gonna have to kill him. He agree dis fair and make big, big sorry. Den I tell Artos plan how to keep town safe from Dragon, when Dragon come back, Artos, Eli and Broken Tusk talk, and den knock on de door. We answer door, and it Dragon! We no could believe it! Almost like Dragon knew we talk. Dragon got de favor, so he tell Artos, dey agree to do favor, den come to us, ask help. Artos and de Guild o’ Light go to de Inn ask otter for help. Orc say we go and watch, see what really happen and maybe help.

"So Dragon take us cave dat dere some potion have, so dat we get vial wit Dragon friend. I ask Dragon if my plan to get out of deal would work, he say, 'no.' I ask Dragon he try make prophecy dat Robin talk about, he said 'no.' I ask Dragon why he so powerful, he not get vial by self, he say dat he lazy – I say I no believe, ‘special not since dis Dragon he friend. I ask Dragon dis trick, he say, 'no.' Dis Dragon tell me he name 'whatyoulike.' Weird.

We go to de cave and fight lots, Ka get shift away, disappear, den dey really need Orc help. Many people get smooshed and kill, den we see two big bird protect pit wit vial. We in big trouble fight, lot people down bleeding, so I push way past bird and scooped vial to de pouch. We get out and Dragon wait. I give de vial Artos so dat Guild o’ Light get credit for promise, not Broken Tusk and den town rid of de Dragon. Told Artos he owe Broken Tusk, he agree.

"We sit and relax by de fire, and I draw in de sand wit stick, show Nuk ting I see. Some Phoenix man ask aloud why Donno not Constable no more, so I say, '’cause he suck.' Notter Phoenix man ask who ask him step down, I answer 'we did.' Phoenix man ask why, I say 'Donno bad Constable and he betray us.' Den Phoenix man, who name Drake, say someting bad ‘bout Orc and we no have honor or know how follow law. I laugh and keep draw. Robin try protect Orc and Drake tell her 'shut up.' She get real mad and storm off to de Inn.

"Donno get scare and take de Phoenix Guild off and talk all secret. Jux come storm out Inn and ask me and Iza what happen, we tell him. He make big, big mad and say he gonna challenge Drake, I say we just make guild war. We go to group and Jux make me stand by tree, but I no can hear, so I move up. After while talk, I get real mad and out control. I not so mad de Drake, more mad at Donno and Jux and Iza. Drake just dumb for say dat. I try tell Jux, Iza and Donno dat I tink Donno try poison Phoenix men against Orc, more me. Dat I no trust dat dey not kill me first chance and dat dey not help Orc when need it, dat why I say guild war – at least dat fair and open, no sneaky stuff, like I tink Phoenix men gonna try.

"We talk bring Drake to de Broken Tusk cabin, so dat Phoenix Guild see how Orc live and our honor. Jux ask me question, den not answer, so I get mad and scream. He tell me shut up, but dat not Jux job, only Iza job, so I tell Jux, “no” and he beat me down. I mad at Jux and Iza, ‘cause since we come back to de Haven I feel like no one listen me. But I tink I make big bad by scream and shout and tink it good dat I get beat down, only I tink Iza should beat me, not Jux. I tink Donnno fix me, den I stand up trow stuff and stomp back to cabin. I tink Drake join rest later. I wake up early morning and no Drake, rest Orc sleep, I sneak away, ‘cause I still mad at Jux. But I need make sorry some Phoenix men, but not Donno.

"De next morn, I sulk and wander around Inn. I got no weapon or anyting, ‘cause I trow it at Jux. Flesh Golem attack and I just heal. Jux give me stuff back. We follow Flesh Golem along path and follow dem to notter Cave. Along de way, we see more Ga’vin and dey ask me why I bring men attack Gnosh. I tell dem we no attack Gnosh, we attack Floren. Roland made dem sleep, den Atrum chop ofdere head, den Nuk and I bury dem and talk spirit, dey tell us dat dese Ga’vin not tink Gnosh and Floren know otter. Also along de way, some Phoenix man fall, I tink Ruf, and I got make surgery. He survive. I tink dat show I no want hurt Phoenix Guild men, dat I want help dem, I just no like Donno. I no tink dey notice.

"We come to de cave and see man on top wit fire. Someone warn us fire, so I say healer stay back. I organize dem and give out potion to de healer, including Phoenix Guild men. We fight long time and den I hear dat Orc up front fight, and dat dey bleeding to deat in de cave. I stand at de mout, and turn ‘round shout for de help, dat Orc bleed and we need get dem right now. No one move. Not Ka, who stand dere stupid, not no one. I no blame De Lidd, Donno, Corbyn, Bran or Black Phoenix – dey all heal, but e’ryone else just stand dere and obvious no one gonna help, so I run in to save dem and a mage knock me down.

"I wake up and de Good Floren heal me, but tell me not move. Marg and Vug safe and alive, so I heal dem, but we play dead as de Flesh Golem stomp around us. Roland later come in as Flesh Golem make sure we okay. Den Roland kill de Bad Floren. We search cave den go back town split up stuff.

"Robin say dat she need read de law and get dem for sure. She read 5 law and den some stuff about Council. Laws kinda dumb, ‘cause dere lot of ways to get out of justice, but we agree, so we say we will follow dem. Jux and Iza gone, so I talk for de Broken Tusk Tribe, tell dem we no agree anyting else but 5 law, ‘cause we not agree to Council, not agree to Elder and definitely not agree to de Council change law by majority – dis same problem last time. Artos say he not agree yet eiter, ‘cause he got talk men, even dough he already say dat Guild o’ Light gonna agree.

"I get tired talk and know dat Gnosh come, so I tell town and Roland, as Constable, make strategy, den give us drum and off we go. Town make trap and Giddy One and Nuk come to Broken Tusk to help us ready and tell us where not walk. Den troops and Gnosh show up.

"We make map to show Gnosh town of de Haven and tell Gnosh dat we tink we should go main road, mostly ‘cause dat what we tell Roland we gonna do. Dey agree and I tell Gnosh dat I gonna be de personal healer, and I stand behind Gnosh heal when need. We go off to de town and I beat de drum loud as I can and chant loud. Dere big many troops and I tink we in big trouble. We not gonna be able to attack Gnosh til close to de end and I tink I’m gonna die, but den I remember 'might make right' and I not scare no more. Jux, Marg, Vug go to attack and I stay back wit Gnosh on de war cart. I stood behind Gnosh wit my hand on back, ready heal or kill Gnosh when time right. By me, two otter arcane caster and four Gnosh biggest guard.

"At one point, Ga’vin bring Gnosh a Phoenix man dat dead. I total helpless. I no can do notting. I got watch as dey tear, eat and defile de Phoenix man and I got pretend like I happy in de celebration. Den Gnosh send in second wave (of tree) and town stick dem in de Inn. Gnosh troop bust down door wit a tree dey cut down and town scatter. Now I tink we in real trouble, ‘cause Gnosh gonna want live de Haven and we got live wit Gnosh and not help town.

"Gnosh happy he got town, so Gnosh tell half de men stay and live de Haven, den before I know it he teleport de rest away, include me standing behind him, back de lair. I no could leave so I got pretend happy and celebrate wit otter. I ask many question about when we gonna attack de Haven again, what we gonna do, what weapon we got, how many troop we still got, in case I could get away and tell de town. Den de Haven come to lair! Dey come kill Gnosh, so I run behind Gnosh to “heal” him, but I attack him and beat de crap out him, slit Gnosh throat, then chop off de head – make sure he not come back. De Haven kill otter, but one arcanist shift away, he gonna make big problem us later.

"Two or tree people de Haven die, one forever (de one I see). Gnosh dumb to take half de men away, dat good for us. Otterwise, we in trouble, ‘special if Orc not able fight along de town… Orc very important to de town. I no tink otter see dat. Dey at least not say 'tank you.' And dey definitely not help de Orc when we need it at de Floren cave. Sad…"
Dag the Orc

Post by Dag the Orc »

*Dag sits silently listening to Grok, nodding a bit here and there. He writes something on a piece of paper and hands it to Grok.*
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Tonia Glowski
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Post by Tonia Glowski »

*Grok takes the parchment and looks at it oddly.*

"What dis say?"

*Grok hands the parchment to Garret with a shrug*
Tonia Brown
aka: Talanalassë Isilisurë the Elven Artificer (Final Haven)
Jade the Gargoyle (Final Haven)
Pasha the Sylvani Seer (Winter Haven)
Grok the Orc Head (A Pouch)
Dag the Orc

Post by Dag the Orc »

*When Garrett looks at the note, it says the following;*

"I not dere real long, but dis what I see...."

"We sitting in de guildhall Dag, Grok, Marg, Vug, Jux. Chatting all when we sitting we attacked by flesh golems. I went around to the back to sneak around them. Grok shouted run me ran. I fell into a hole me don’t think they followed me. When me got up and looked around me didn’t see anything. Me fled back to the guild house for safety. When me got back I saw Grok, Marg, Vug, and Jux they looked fine. They ask where me went me showed them where me hide. After that was over Grok, Marg, Vug, Jux went down to inn, I stayed behind and slept me was very sleepy."

"The same night me awoke around evening time when they where getting ready to go down to the cave of the flesh golems I followed the Broken tusk clan, there was a dragon in the group. The Broken tusks fought off the flesh gloms me went back to the guild house to rest. I fell asleep and awoke the next day to the bright sun in my eyes. Me got up ate some food and went back to sleep. I awoke and was called out of the town of final haven I left that evening off on my quest."

*Dag sits mutely and waits while Garrett reads the note*