Rumors from last Event

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Rumors from last Event

Post by GM_Chris »

Here is a list of things that have been heard around haven all month.

If you want to RP any specific thing or ask any questions please start a post and I will RP the people.

Rumors from Last event

Two ladies talking
"It was a good thing Atrum sent those troops to keep order at the villiage. People were going crazy! I heard it had something to do with some dog if you can believe that. All I know is people were about to go on a lynching, but the troops kept people in line and then well people just came to their senses and went home."

Two soldiers talking
"yeah you wouldn't believe it! I think those peasants were going to start killing each other and anyone else they could find. Robert was even starting to get nervous, and I don't know about you, but I don't see him get nervous much. The you know what happened, that Atrum guy sent troops to help us out. I don't think we could have stopped them without the help."

Man and a Woman
Have you seen that Tree Man guy? He sure is a strange one!

Yeah, but he helped me out the other day. My poor kitty was stuck in a tree and he went after her. Got her down too!

Didn't he end up faling out of the tree?
True enough, but he made sure my little kitty was alright, and you know what is wierd? He didn't have a scratch on him fromt he fall.

Come tot hink about it I guess I have heard alot of good things about him. Strange he may be, but he sure has a big heart. Been doing alot of good he has. Haven't seen him around though? Wonder if he left?

I don't know, but maybe this strongman finally got him. He keeps saying something about the strong man.

A group of peasants in hushed tones
Did you hear that Corbyn has been killing children?
Yeah I hear he needs to eat them to maintain his essence!
yeah he doesn't look all that normal anymore.
Wait a minute I know for a fact that Robert is still behind him
Bah! I can tell you what, I will still be kind and all him doig so much for Haven, but I won't be supporting him no way!

Small Children as they walk by a house
No you go in! I hear there is an undead that lives in there. Only comes out a night. Ma and Pa say he eats children so stay away!

Merchants talking in the Pub
I heard the ga'vyn are getting restless again attacking caravans?
Are you sure? I thought I heard it were Elves.

Shhhh.. There are Elves in this town. Look, I have never seen the fare folk attack anyone. They have always only been helpful.

More like aluf. They are after their own ends and have love only for their own kind.

A couple of Elves in noble looking cloths drinking wine at the pub
"I really think we can make a difference here. Just think about how our magic can protect these people. How we would be able to increase their grain yield. Yes, I really think we can make a difference."

Dwarves passing through town
They are singing a durge that is in dwarven. It is a sad tale, and those who speak the language tell that it speaks of a dwarf named Woden. Speaks of Honor and great deeds. He died in battle in defense of his friends.
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them