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Post by Amagus »

"Good. Good. When threatened you attack with niether hesitation nor mercy. You recognize a serious issue and address it with all severity. Haven's security is in good hands with such as you. It might even go far with your guidance, dependant on the scope of your vision."

"But, alas, there is still much confusion. Not surprising, given the governing structure is in flux. Yes, many have said guilds foster trade. But all agree the guilds are for the most part nothing more than names. Names to provide for the sake of foreign merchants. Names other than that of ‘Haven’ or ‘Crescent Moon’ or ‘Rising Sun'. The implication is these foreign traders would not deal with the larger entities, thus a series of names were derived – these pointless guilds – for the sole purpose of duping these merchants for greater profit!”

“And yet is this reasoning denied. If the guilds were founded for other reasons, please provide them. Not that I care –the guilds serve a valuable purpose, regardless of the reasoning behind them. But it is simply for the best that everyone see and understand the true nature of this town – without the blinders of self-delusion or the shielding of ignorance.”

“Also is there confusion concerning council, delegation, compromise, and perhaps even diplomacy. These are not one thing, rather each are separate and distinct. Three I would consider boons – useful tools for the guiding will of a nation. Some might even consider these necessities. Only one is a bane – a path that will stunt progress at best, but more likely bring about stagnation and decay.”

Coughs some more.

“And at last we have an answer that has eluded us for so long. Atrum submits to the will of Duke Corbyn. The Duke,” Amagus bows to Corbyn, “is the single, ultimate authority in Haven. Excellent! This solitary governing will is a necessity, for the very reasons explained earlier. So are we well and truly on the road to prosperity!”

"Now… other questions yet to be answered. I must warn you I do intend to pursue the issue of the guilds until all confusion is swept away. There is also the concerns over this ‘Lord Malcom’ – an apparent third great House of this region that is evidentily shrouded in mystery. Also are answers sought regarding the comparative strengths and attributes of our neighbors.”
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Slips back inside and watches the stranger talk for a few minutes.*

So, if you don't mind me askin' being' that well I've only heard bits and pices of your little rant.

So what are you attemptin' to do other then stir up a whole lot of stuff. From what I have observed both Arthos and Atrum here have more then attempted to explain a few things...

...however you enjoy finding fault or raisin' problems where there isn't really any trying' to insult both of these individuals.

*She looks the stranger up and down, grinning mischievously.*

I mean really, would the explination be more to you likin' if they stood on their head and staid exactly what you would like to hear so things sit well with you.
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by Doctor Erasmus »

Pardon me Miss, but I for one feel the line of questioning Amagus has decided to pursue is in fact yielding interesting results. One does not always like the answers to their questions but the questions must be asked none the less.

Amagus would appear to be attemtping to cut through the flesh, fat and gristle of things to the bone beneath... to move past the political posturing and chicanery that is unfortunately neccesary and learn more about this place we may soon be calling 'home'.

I am curious though, that you enter this 'Forum' and make accusations of insults while fulling admiting that noone has told you anything since your return. Sir Thynedar has offered this Forum to answer questions freely and openly... perhaps we should utilize this opportunity.
I would hate for us to descend into incivility once more.

Who are you Miss, and where do you fit into this cumbersome structure of Guilds?
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn turns the the other face in the crowd she does not recognize. Her misvhievous grin never fades.*

I dunno..from what I've seen Arthos and Atrum as well as Donovan answer the questions,but the stranger here doesn't seem to like anything they have to say. Seems he's prefer we bow down and kiss the behind or whatever of some individual and just mindless follow that.

People came together out of a common goal in this town. For some it was to riight the wrong that have popped up ever since things became all crazy in what I refer to as one mighty big wave.

Some came together out of respect for one another once people got ta know each other.

Some have risen in this town as leaders of sorts, well for some people whom others respect more then others at least. And others...ah nevermind 'tis not important actually just me babbling on.

*She looks like she is about to say more but stops.*

Look, each of us here have our own sets of ideals or for lack of a better term codes. However, when push comes to shove and back are against the wall, we seem to come together quite nicely even if on matters we all don't see eye to eye.

As for who I am....well I'm one who has been here a bit who needed to go and locate the correct route by which to sail by.

The name is Kidwynn...
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Post by Amagus »

“Thank you, Doctor, but if the young woman has questions of her own, then by all means should they be given voice. Unfortunately the answers she seeks have all ready been addressed – if only she would sit still and listen she would have them. My advice to you, my dear, is to use you mind more and your mouth less, but I do understand how difficult it can be to change ones nature. Should you wish to persist in your ‘babbling’, by all means do so. Even the muddled chaos spewed forth by the witless may be sifted for gems of knowledge.”
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*To Amagus*
What exactly is your fascination with the guilds, the way they have come together and their purpose has been explained in many different ways, in terms that a small child could understand, yet still you seem to be confused. Perhaps after this forum is concluded it can be explained further, but honestly, there isn't much more than can be said. You have your opinion of what they are, and you're welcome to it, but to try and convince the rest of us to see them in the same light you do is truly a waste of time. You are ignorant to most of the matters of this town other than whats been told you, which understanbly you are seeking to change. As I've already said, if you want to know why people join the guilds they do ask them. The simplest of logic would dictate that you gather the information on why anyone does anything directly from that person.

*Takes in everyone there as his gaze sweeps through the crowd*
The answer to the question you say has eluded "us" for so long should have been plainly obvious to anyone that cared to pay attention to any of a few different things. Obviously, you Amagus and a few others only being in town for a few days would not have noticed, but when any of the dealings with Roderick happened, If I truly did not recognize Corbyn as Duke then I would have simply gone and dealt with the tax collector as I saw fit as opposed to stand with Corbyn. If it were up to me A few of the members of town would have been dispatched to Roderick before the first tax collector was sent and certainly after that. If I truly did not recognize Corbyn as Duke then I simply would have gone myself and asked those that I wished to accompany me. But alas, most have assumed the worst of me since the day I arrived, it's nothing new. Even Ed believed that I could be swayed to aid him against the town as Claude was. I dare say I was his first choice, he only noticed Claude soon before everything happened, after I had already denied him and cut the head from his vassel. I tried to keep them apart once I saw Ed's interest in him but keeping tabs on the "Draconum" is a task harder than holding a fistful of water. Most have assumed that I'm hungry for power, or that I'm out to get them *his gaze falling on Arthos and Don Mayo* those that have spoken to me about such would realize that I do what I see that needs to be done. From the start it has been the urging of others that saw a need and felt I could fill it. If not for Garion, Rashon and Azara I would have never even considered being a guild head in the first place. But they were right, if Cyrus would have been given the opportunity to be in any kind of authoritative position this town would have been thrown into civil war very soon after. Once he saw that his future as a leader here was very limited he left, probably to find a place where he could hold more sway.

Malcolm, much like Roderick has deigned our presence insignificant enough that they have chosen not to meet with us face to face and treat. Such is the way it seems of those that claim to have title in these parts of the land. Where I come from that is a sign that they see us as no threat at all to them in any way. For more information on Malcolm or any of the threats to Haven Donovan and the Phoenix would be best to answer those questions. Quen may be able to tell you more of Malcom, if he is willing.
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn just watches the two newcomers as Atrum speaks*
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Post by Amagus »

“My ‘fascination’ is rooted in the quest to achieve answers. I am rather meticulous in my research. The guilds in question serve Haven in an economic sense. Yet no one has yet seemed capable of explaining why these foundings were deemed necessary. I have placed forth a theory concerning the reasoning behind the formation of the guilds – an argument that no one has yet adequately countered, despite the general sense of uneasiness it appears to have provoked. All responses thus far merely reiterate that, yes, the guilds serve Haven in an economic sense.”

“I merely await my theory to be disproved… or accepted, if this cannot be done.”

“I will most certainly interview members of the various guilds - though I would not be at all surprised if most merely offer various forms of 'this is where I was told to go' for the reason of their membership - but that questioning must occur after the Forum. Given the lack of response received for my earlier questions concerning the guilds, such membership is either not present or unwilling to speak in so public a setting.”
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Post by Onyksi Rin'oviryn »

I, for one, can tell you that the only reason I ever joined a guild, and that was after 2 years of being here, was to eat. It is very hard to come by food and other necessities if you don't have a guild head providing you with them. In fact, the entire basis of our guild is that we are mercenaries. We are able to charge for different services where we see fit.

If you would like me to elaborate on anything, just ask.
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Post by Corbyn »

*Nods to Amagus and the rest of those assembled*

Atrum and Donovan speak the truth as always. Any authority I wield has been given me, not taken, and can be recinded by other leaders of Haven with little effort. That being the case, I am gratified by Atrum's words of support and recognize that his counsel represents the will of many citizens. As such, his advice and guidance is critical to our survival.

I disagree with your hypothesis that true, efficient leadership can only come from having power concentrated in one person. Perhaps under different circumstances, but in a place with dangers, temptation, and diversity such as Haven, I prefer to believe that power can be shared and safety enhanced through trust and cooperation. Our governing structure will continue to evolve, and as Atrum mentioned, he and I will soon begin discussing many of the salient details.

*stands and moves towards the exit*

My scouts are arriving shortly to report on the status of some of our incoming trade routes. I can be found near the House compound if needed.
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Post by Amagus »

“Perhaps an expansive, strong society, fat in excesses, can afford the luxury of cumbersome bureaucracy, but that is neither here nor now, my Lord. Power and privilege are never given lightly. That many influential individuals have conceded to your will – have given you your position without the need for threats, force, and bribery, speaks volumes of the necessity for centralized and singular rule – as well as your worth for that role, of course. You must be adept at maintaining obedience, for no government is effective should that be lacking.”

“I would very much like to learn more of your methods someday.”

*Turns to Nuk*

“And thank you, my dear, for your contribution. Heh! Your reasons for joining a guild mirror my own for choosing to settle here. The concerns of petty survival must be removed so grander tasks may be pursued. Which guild are you a member?”
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan listens to the exchange intently, occasionally making notes in his tome as the conversation proceeds. When the discussion grows accusatory he sets his quill on the table and meets the eyes of the speakers, nodding to Doctor Erasmus at his mention of incivility. After Amagus makes his comment about "the muddled chaos spewed forth by the witless" he points a finger at him in a clear, but polite, sign of warning. As the debate turns less antagonistic, he smiles at the participants, picks up his quill, and returns to his note-taking.*

*As Corbyn makes his exit Donovan stands and bows to him.*

"Very well, my Lord. I'll join you after these proceedings have concluded."
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos speaks up*

You speak truth in the fact the Guilds of Haven where brought together for econmic reasons for survial. It was done this way because this how the different peoples of this land wanted to handle trade. It is easier to trade with a large group rather than indivuals.

The guilds with their contacts, labors, carts, etc, work with the poeple of the land to secure, produce, transport, protect the required resources for Haven to survive.

Now some guild leaders have used the wealth and security of their guild trade routes to form guilds with more of a purpose than just econmic and survial. The guild of Thunder is a prime example of that in which the guild seeks arcane knowledge and like minded people who wish to study the arcane arts.

This is hanppening becasue of stability and prosperty of Haven under the Leadership of Lord Corbyn and Atrum along with the drive of the people of Haven. I see in the future that guilds will be econmic based with focus on a certian aspect of life in Haven. A healers guilds, a warriors guild, etc.. but for this to happen the barriers between the different groups of Haven need to fall. It is happening, but it is taking time.
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn looks around and appears bored with the conversation.*

Ok, I'm not sure what type of little conversation this was before all this talk of guilds and all are conerned, but I'd like to ask about the current status of things involvin' the threats I knew of before I had to go investigat

Things I have not been informed of while I was searchin' for information of my own.

For instance, the current status of things with aspects? orcs? wood wrathes? Lord Malcom? Roderick? You know, delicate matters like that and a few others...conversations due to their "delicate" nature it would probably be best to discuss privately.
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Post by Amagus »

“If the merchants wish to deal with larger groups, why do they not simply trade with the Houses? And why was the Phoenix divided into two smaller guilds?”

“And are we to understand the Duke has ‘delicate’ – which I, for one, interpret as ‘secret’, given that such information is apparently not intended for most of us - arrangements with Orks and Wood Wraiths? Even with Roderick and Malcom?”
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