Fishing Village Adventure

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Post by DrakelenasElderich »

*Drake smiles at his rag-tag group of freinds*

"We all have our own ways, don't we?"

*Drake looks over at Kidwynn and Dallid*

"Kidwynn darling. I know that you can make a great plan by yourself on getting this road in perfect, fast order. But please listen to Dallid on this one. The forest is his home. If you need to take the road half a mile out of the way in order to keep his forest to minimal damage, do it."

*Drake then turns his attention to Chargoth*

"I know that you are set in your way my freind, but this is out of line. Even though I am no longer your Captian, I do still expect you to keep yourself in line. As one of the last men to guard the Pass I would expect a little more understanding of it. How many times did you run out into the waste lands only to come right back when you were done? Thousands. And as for chain of command, Incarius here is a superior officer to you. In fact he out ranks Du Sinjin in his own right. So show him a little respect."

*Turning back to Kidwynn*

"I think Chargoth would like to stay here for a bit. A good sturdy Dwarven Warrior with an axe sounds perfect for what you and Dallid plan on doing here. I think he should stay here."

*Drake turns to Incarius*

"Don't you agree Incarius?"

*Drake then gets out his book*

"I have some information about the lake bed, the bait the fisherman was using, and ideas on how to take advantage of the soil and worms here. But that can wait untill we are home. Shall we be off?"
Drakelenas Elderich
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Post by Gomja555 »

"Aye I fully agree. Good Chargoth if you would like to stay please do so I believe Drake is correct and Arthos will need you out here more so. But it is no order ye decide for yourself,lad. I will come back with Arthos once we report everything in " with a smile and a nod to Drake Incarius turns and redies toward home
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos perk up at the mention of the lake bed dirt*

Drake, thats are good idea about the dirt, but I already took a look at it and talked to some farmers, and the dirt is very poor and will not be of any use for farming. As for the worms, they are differnt from the ones we came across 3 cycles ago to get the rich soil for farming. I believe these worms are carnarvious and do not help in any way.
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Post by cole45 »

Chargoth turns to Drake.

“Drake, I refuse to cowtow and curtsy for any man, let alone some city copper. I take only orders from the very short list I have written on me arm. Incarius, constable he may be ain't on it. And regardless of orders, I ain't gotta like them if Dono himself gives orders I don't like. And threatening me? That's just going to make a soldier like me, dig my feet in and bray like a donkey. Anyone who uses his power unjustly is a tyrant. Throwing me in chains because I don't tow the party line, and may have chosen to walk alone, is tyranny. Ain't no law says you have follow his orders. Ain't no law says he can throw me the brig cause he don't like me.

I'm not one for tact, propriety or deception, nor am I one for keeping my mouth shut when I see something. If I disagree or dislike yah, you'll know. I follow me orders. But I ain't about to cowtow, and I do a terrible curtsy.

But Drake, I don't take orders from you neither. Your name here is crossed out on me arm. But I'll stay here and help with the road cause it needs to get done. ”

And with that Chargoth walks off with a huff, over toward Kidwynn and Dallid.”
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Post by Kidwynn »

Kidwynn looks over at Drake.*

I will keep your words in mind my friend I yes I will listen to Dallid.

*After listening to what the dwarf has to say to her friends and their words of wisdom, she becomes angry once again as he moves towards her and Dallid. This time, she cannot bite back the anger.*

*Glares at the dwarf and for the first time, a cold, eary calm can be seen in her eyes and in her voice, probably the first time anyone has witnessed the cold, calculating anger of a former pirate.*

That's far enough. I sware, if you are going to continue to be an ass, I'd prefer you leave and leave now. I will NOT sit by any longer and listen to you insult anyone any further and continue to behave as you have. You have more then crossed the line with your attitude and actions. I had my reservations from the beginning on whether you'd be an asset to this group on more of a diplomatic and fact finding mission and you've managed to remind me that when I get a bad feeling about someone I'm dead on.

Dallid, the people of the fishing village, Arthos, and whomever else returns deserve respect and not to be treated in the manner in which you have treated Incarius or even Drake for that matter. If it means I personally haul excess amount of logs, dirt, or what have you making this road then fine for at least no one any further shall be insulted.

Obviously from what occured with the giant worm, those who are stayin' behind can more then take care of themselves. If this means when you return back to Haven, you report to Donovan and Claude that I'm bein' and unreasonable bitch, then fine so be it. I'm not goin' to back YOUR actions here and what you have expressed about people is far from any realm of reality or the truth about their nature.
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More people giving orders.

Post by cole45 »

“Kidwynn, You ain't about to make me change my mind. I'm staying, and that's all theres going to be. No one pushes me around. Drake I was polite with out of respect for his last job, but he ain't in command a me no more.

I didn't ask to come on this damn mission, I was ordered to go. I don't have to pretend to like it neither. The only people I treated with disrespect, was the ones trying to push me around. Each time it comes, their just going to get more of the same. You don't like me, that's fine. It ain't gonna keep me up at night. I leave the bowing and scraping to the politicians. I am who I am, and it ain't gonna change. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go find some logs ta cut.”

Charogths demeaner changes not at all. He seems resolute to the current events. His eyes, visible through the veil of steel are mute.
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Post by Dallid »

I do not understand. Who has Charogth insulted? What has he done wrong? He decided to rest here in the village for awhile, then he chose to help with the road. Both decisions were his to make and harmed no one. Indeed, the latter is most beneficial. He speaks honestly. Where lies the folly?
Last edited by Dallid on Wed May 25, 2005 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Hold On

Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos steps foward*

Hold on, this fighting between us is pointless. We are suppose to be working together, not quarelling. I don't know what happened before I came back, but some cross words must have been exchanged.

I mind you, you are agruing with a dwarf, no offensive tended, but dwarf's have the reputation of being the most stubborn and irriating, but loyal people of the lands who typicaly prize honnor before everyting else.

It sounds like he said something some of you did not like. If you have suffered griveous hurt, than take it up with his guild leader or his commander. Threating or aruging with a dwarf is pointless when they have their mind made up.

As for the road, I can use all the bodies possible. I asked for volunters, and he has voluntered. There is a mile of trees and brush to clear and dwarfs and very handy with axes. There is enough work to be done here that we will not have time to argue or see much of each other.

Chargoth, Kidwynn, can you please fully fill me in on whats going on here?
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Post by cole45 »

Chargoth turns to Arthos.

"Just making sure everyone knows I wasn't about to be anyone's meat puppet. I think that's clear. Now, I got me some logs to pull." Chargoth says, dropping his shield to the ground and laying it against the thick of a willow tree. His gauntlets are pulled off and set down into the grass with the shield. "The Big guy and I don't see eye to eye, and not just because of height. No skin off my back."
Travis Cole
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