Vir-Drake sits by the fire

Townsmen with the shakes huddle around the glowing embers of what may have been a roaring fire. Speak quick, lest thee be to long in the open!

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Vir-Drake sits by the fire

Post by Anvyrin Onyk'undi »

*Vir-Drake walks out of the Inn and heads over to the fire pit where he sits down*

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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Claude walks around the Inn, spotting Drake by the fire. He stops for a moment to compose himself, adjusts his armor and shield, then then procedes to the fire-pit in a stately manner*

Pardon me Drake, may I have a word with you? I realize we haven't been well met or even properly introduced and I would like to remedy that situation.
"The knight... is down."

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Post by Anvyrin Onyk'undi »

*Vir-Drake looks up at Claude*

"Sorry if I'm jumping to attention and all. But please take a seat."

*Vir-Drake stands up and gives a very loose salute and his attention stance is very un-profestional*

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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Smiles at the attempts at formality, nods, drops his pack by his feet and sits down by Drake*

"Well, I have to say... in a matter of a few seconds you have already addressed one of the topics I wished to speak to you about. But first, where are my manners..."

*Claude leaps up, takes a step away from Drake, turns and bows deeply*
"I am Sir Claude du Sinjin of Deshaine, member of the Phoenix Knights, Leader of the Guild of Steel and a member in good standing in the House of the Crescent Moon."

*At this point he stands, draws a flask from his cloak and drinks from it. Sitting back down he passes the flask to Drake.*

"There, that should put an end to formality and propriety for the moment. On to business at hand. Myself and others have been disturbed by the lack of focus and profssionalism the Guard has shown as of late. Our Orders used to be the Pinnacle of military order and precision... but since the Cataclysm, we've begun to falter."

"I won't lay blame, we've all done it... myself, Donovan, you... but I am hoping we can change that soon. Some have already started to try... with mixed success. You surely have seen this, correct?"
"The knight... is down."

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Post by Anvyrin Onyk'undi »

*Vir-Drake looks puzzeled at Claudes ease with him, takes the flask and drinks from it*

"I have noticed that Kidwynn is really trying. Kels seems to be stepping up as well. But I have only been home a short while. But lets get the point. Your here to question me right? Here to figure out what's wrong with me. Well ask your questions sir. I will answer."

*Vir-Drake hands the flask back to Claude and sits up at attention*

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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Claudes accepts the flask back, takes another sip and places it away*

What's wrong with you? Alright, if that is where you would like to begin, then tell me. How did you reach the physical state you are in? What exactly caused this to occur?

If I remember correctly you are not the only member of the Guard to suffer a change due to recent conflicts. But please, I would hear your accounting of it.
"The knight... is down."

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Post by Anvyrin Onyk'undi »

"Your right, I'm not the only one. Sethreal is in a new body, so is my dear freind Kabre. I ended up this way by the hands of both Nuk and Eli. I hated what Nuk turned me into so I want to Eli to try and cure it. This is what came out. In some funny twist of fate Eli did what Nuk tried to do. That still makes me laugh."

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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

Very true, the whole situation bothers me greatly for numerous reasons. It was only my second night in Haven when I died, and as I did I remember enemy soldiers stabbing... gutting Kabre... he'd been trying to help me from the field when they heard him and came back to finish the job the spell had started.

When I came to hours later, the enemy army had been vanquished, I was once again alive (though I remembered dying) and people I had fought alongside were now different. Kabre, died trying to save me... and I didn't even recognize him.

*Claudes eyes glaze over as he takes a long pull from the flask*

I know very well, that what happened to you, Kabre and Sethreal could have happened to me as well. The components were on hand to heal me though... but I don't feel any better about it.

As for you, there were those amoung the Guard that KNEW it was you. But we couldn't prove it, couldn't fathom why you were with Nuk. We started to think you were controlled by her... and our rage began to grow. The thought of a member of the Guard being held against his will after being brought to life in a strange body was in fact maddening. It never occured to us that it was actually your choice...
"The knight... is down."

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Post by Anvyrin Onyk'undi »

*Vir-Drake looks at Claude*

"It was MY choice. I wanted to put a stop to Nuks maddness. Trying to create Dark Elves through her reincarnation tricks is just not natural. I, being in my new Dark Elf body, decided it was up to me to uncover her plans. I knew others might have some idea it was me, hell even Nuk herself found out. But I still went ahead and followed her. That lead me to even bigger problems. So I did what I could to stop that evil. With Nuks help I stopped Pentag. But what do I have to show for it? Distrust."

*Vir-Drake seems to be getting angry again*

"But I am coming to terms with that."

*Vir-Drake gets a serious look in his eyes*

"Let me warn you Claude. Do nothing out of the ordinary here in Haven. Live by the code, die by the code. Don't try to be a hero. Otherwise you may be branded as a "villan" too.

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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Claude looks at Drake for a while, then turns his gaze to the fire*

You're right, it was your choice and I respect that. Is it easy to accept though after we thought it wasn't your choice... no. The you mix Pentag in the mix, who has the reputation around here like some storybook bogeyman... we've probably done more damage to ourselves worrying about his tricks than he has.

So you take the unnatural reincarnation of members of the Guard, add our fear of magical bondage to Nuk and mix in a liberal dose of Pentag and we have a recipe for distrust and paranoia. I won't deny this, its happened, people are concerned and to ignore a situation where Pentag is involved is to invite disaster.

But to continue to isolate you and drag your name through the mud with Nuk's and Pentag's is revolting... so I ask you...

*Claude turns and looks Drake in the eyes*
Are you ready to change that?
"The knight... is down."

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Post by Anvyrin Onyk'undi »

*Vir-Drake looks right back at Claude*

"I think I am."

*Vir-Drake turns his gaze to the fire*

"Thank you Claude. I really thank you for this. Its been tough trying to do this. And to get the reaction from everyone that I have has made it even tougher. I hope this will put some of them at ease."

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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Claude smiles*

Don't thank me yet, there's still a lot of work to be done and I'm going to need help. From you, the rest of the Guard and the House too.

First off, I mentioned how we have lost our focus... I'd like for us to regain that. Not only in our duties to the Guard but in our daily lives. We need to refocus on our old ideals, honesty, courage, compassion, courtesy, honor, sincerity, and duty. We also need to define what it is we're doing here...

Like it or not, Eldesta is gone from us... this is our home now. We need to figure out what we're going to do with it.

*sigh* Most of all though, we need to show the rest of Haven how we were, how we can be again. We need to lead by example, we need to display those ideals as best we can.

*Claude turns and looks directly at Drake*

That being said, those of us in charge need to start first. Some have been trying, but seasoned veterans need to show them how. Having Officers loosing their bearings and storming off doesn't instill confidence.

So, can I count on you?
"The knight... is down."

Claude the Expired
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Post by Anvyrin Onyk'undi »

*Upon Claudes inspiring speach he could see a light in Vir-Drakes eyes*

"I have fought many battles for the Guard. I have climbed up from worse situations then this and been victorious. I have traveled the wastes more times then I can count. I am ready to show everyone who we are and what we stand for. Eldesta might be a memory, but Harrison's Pass will always be my home. Now I will defend Haven as I did there."

*Vir-Drake stands up and snaps to attention with a crisp clean salute followed*

"Drakelenas Elderich reporting of duty, Sir."

*Vir-Drake stands motionless there awaiting orders*

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Post by Kels »

*Hearing Claude Kels heads over to the fire. He gives Claude a short bow*


*He walks over to Drake Grabs his forarm*

"It is good to see that ugly mug of yours, even if it is difrent. Sorry, that I did not say hello in the inn. I was alittle busy, you know how it goes."

*He gives a smile*
"Fear is only in your mind."

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Post by Anvyrin Onyk'undi »

*Vir-Drake answers Kels shake with a firm one of his own, steps back and salutes him*

"It is good to see you to Captin. Claude and I were just talking some things over. Don't worry about earlier in the Inn either. I could tell something was up."

*Vir-Drake then puts his attention back to Claude and stands at attention once more*

"Your orders, Sir."

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