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Feedback: Magnus, Spells, Scrolls

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:40 pm
by Ark
wanted to give this a while and see it more on the field and have more of a chance to interact with it within FH before I wrote feedback on it, as all I have had to go off of is how it all looks in the rule book.

my first impressions have held true however and this is my feedback.

I don't like the current casting system or how It interacts with magnus. a magic system was created, had a bunch of artificial restrictions put on it, and then a path was created that simply removed most of those restrictions. one of the reasons I played a Wizard despite the overly long cooldowns / charge ups / reloads was because it was the only path that could do what it did, it was unique. Magnus feels more mechanical then magical, is it simply deals with removing restrictions on a system available to all.

as for spells being available to everyone. . .as a Sage I had access to one of the highest base essence pools, and as a character that's been around a while a large stockpile of wealth with witch to buy the necessary components to cast spells. . .and I still didn't want to bother with them. I traded away spells as fast as I could get a good deal for them, just having to deal with essence points AND times AND components AND the spell itself I was just like "nope". some would describe me as a min-maxer and power gamer and even I was just like "too much"

side note, its funny that the main caster path magnus gets the least use of spell components :P

scrolls are cool though, I do like the idea of no muss no fuss one shot spell items and regardless of where the arcane / wizard / magnus goes they should definantly hold onto "scroll crafting"

my ideal mage archetype I would like to see is Wizard using the essence point system with Magnus's shorter times and the ability to craft scrolls.

Re: Feedback: Magnus, Spells, Scrolls

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:18 pm
by Ark
hmm, I was thinking about it and a lot of people that play Magnus have experience with one or more of its previous incarnations (wizard, arcane) so if they could chime in about what aspects of the different versions they liked and things they didn't like we could get a nice refined caster. (specifically looking at smitty and abaddon here :P, vaun was arcane and wizard but has not tested magnus, and I have been wizard and tested arcane and magnus)

PS: your not allowed to use arcanes list of spells as a bonus, that was broken :lol:

Re: Feedback: Magnus, Spells, Scrolls

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:54 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
Its....MAGUS...not Magnus

Re: Feedback: Magnus, Spells, Scrolls

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:23 pm
by Ark
lol, you know I knew that but for some reason I was channeling skyrim and thought staff of magnus. :drinking:

still thanks for the wake up smack hopefully I wont make that mistake again now :P

Re: Feedback: Magnus, Spells, Scrolls

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:06 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
its the least I owe you....

I mean...

the least I can do....