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Cold and Wet

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 10:39 am
by Eli
With soaked armor covered in blood and mud Eli comes into the inn for his morning plate of cookies and coffee and heads over to sit near Kalen's area to break his fast.

So, I sort of fell asleep after the battle last night. Did we raise our dead and fix the crazy old elf? What's next on the plans for this invasion from the burnt faced clans? Will we go see the Ale King and see what he would have us do? I'm not certain how one can fight armies numbering in the 100,000s! I mean sure after watching Kalen in battle last night it's nearly certain he could take the 50k on the left, but I don't know if the rest of us could take the remaining ones. Also, remind me to stay on your good side.

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 7:26 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
**as the soft thump of the elves boots enter the tavern and then draw closer to Kaylan's annexed corner, a fraction of forehead, dwarven furry eyebrow, one bleary eye, and a rats nest of wet dirty dwarven hair peeking form under an arming cap peek up like a sad sunrise over the table edge where the dwarven captain typically can be found; shedding no light at all on the shambles of documents and books covering the table.
The eye flicks around slowly, then vanishes in an instant. The following crash sounds like weary and worn dwarven skull on a poor, unsuspecting innocent wooden bench. There is no description that conveys the sound of the groaning sound that punctuates the crash. **

"Morning Eli...since you admitted you slept, I feel obligated to tell you...I hate you. You deserve to know."

**Kaylan's gloved hand snakes over the table edge and makes the mug of crimson liquid vanish over the edge. After long moments and odd gurgling sounds, the hand and mug reappear. Sadly the mug has been drained of is red life giving essence.**

"We didn't have any dead that I recall, but the old man that had his throat slit was restored, and the Gavin leader is on his way to ....** Kaylan chuckles a moment at the thought of the title**...the ALE KING...ill deny saying that...

As for plans, we gather out allies, scout our enemy. inform the king and queen and all of the Vanguard and await orders...well I await orders...since that's what I do.

Again I will deny this if its repeated....I wish Abaddon were here....I would feed the Gavin to him.....I doubt even he could eat 100,000 enemies...but then he would try...and I doubt they are that many.

My short term goal is to die where I lay in hopes I don't have to walk back to my too damn far...”

** a stern threatening finger projecting from a gloved hand springs up from under the table to point at Eli**

“…and if you spread stories about how I can take on 50,000 secret weapon will be very...very terse with you and turn you into something small and withered while you sleep I'm thinking...and then there will be no more mushroom shush you! As you need to stay on my good side...not that I have one...but if your busy looking for will not get into trouble I'm thinking...”

**Kaylan lets out a groan of pain and realization as he reaches up with both hands to pull himself to some semblance of a sitting position. He stabilizes himself and turns his dirty and bloody face to Eli**

“I hate you for this too since I have to sit up to say it...and it needs to be said so I can’t ignore it...both of which are your damn fault.....I thank do the people of Haven and Brennondale. You were invaluable in the fight against the Gavin.
It’s been long since I have seen anyone fight like that. NEVER have I seen a stranger rush into hopeless odds to stand over a fallen combatant like that. I would not let Kami go to harm, Pear'An is as bound to her defense out of duty as I am by friendship. You have no such debt...and show a rare honor here.”

**Kaylan glances to his own belt and slowly reaches to it, pulling free a grey rectangle…dirty and wrinkled and wet, and lays it in front of Eli face up showing a crimson design that matches the one on Kaylan’s hammer. He looks at it a moment and smiles wearily, then looks up at Eli**

“This is my thanks. Wear it and wear my protections. Return it and I will grant any single request that does not violate my oaths and duties.

Also…how would you like…a job????”

** A sly, mischievous smirk spreads over the dwarven commanders lips and a glimmer peeks out from under his weighty eyelids. Then he falls over with a loud crack onto the bench.**


Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 8:30 pm
by Zydana
The door leading from the tavern's kitchen swings open and the Valkyn'Vi woman in the purple robe enters. She pauses for a moment seeing Eli sitting at Kaylan's table with his back toward her, and no one sitting on the opposite side, but instead Kaylan laying on his bench. She walks towards them quietly, save for the tell-tale sound of the jingling of bells and bobbles she often wears in her hair. She does not look at either the elf or the dwarf and finds a place to sit two tables away. She holds a small cup of tea in her hands, breathes in the steam, then looks lazily, as though in some sort of sleepy trance, into the contents of her cup.

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 9:48 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
"See have the power to summon my secret weapon..."

**a gloved hand floats into the air and points at Kami**

"...just ask here, she will tell you ALL about it. She likes a good conversation..."

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 8:30 pm
by Eli
A wide grin spreads across the elf's face at his new friends hung over condition and grows larger as the tale unfolds.

Hmm, I was sure someone fell during the battle. I recall them doing a the summoning on the table, but do not recall the results. I'll have to check with the maker of the coffee and food. She seems to know just about everything and well everyone.

As of the name, it seemed a good name for his majesty. I mean after all I've only ever know him personally as one hell of a bar keep. A decent bar keep is hard to come by in these trying times, I can see why he was made king.

Eli appear to grow embarrassed over the talks of his heroism. I couldn't just stand back and let you save everyone by yourself. :) Besides she made me a very tasty drink. And like I said, good bar keeps are hard to come by. Besides, she's very easy to talk to. I've never met a better listener.

Eli's nose perks up at the sight of drink only to clearly grow sad when it is discovered to be tea and not the life giving liquid of coffee.

Eli, accepts the favor and places it upon his belt. Thank you. I'm honored. I knew I'd like you when I first met you. You remind me of this story of an old dwarven champion I read about once named The Blackthorn.

Job you say? What do you have in mind? I'm... all ears.

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 10:01 pm
by Morgause
A coy flutter of laughter emanates from a dark corner in the tavern. The faint blue glow of a gem flickers from the shadow as yet another Valkin'vi woman steps into the light. She looks at the elf then slowly turns her gaze to the dwarf.

"Hmnnn... a 'JOB' you say?"

A furtive smile grows on Morgause's stark white face. "If a person didn't know you better Lord Kaylan, one might think you were making Eli an offer of the clandestine kind."

The Seer laughs once more as she pulls back a lock of hair from her face, delicately placing it behind her ear among a bevy of beautiful raven curls. She then saunters across the room, passing Eli.

"With all your loving tête-à-tête, back and forth praising of one another... I wonder if it's just your egos that you two are stroking."

Morgause sees Eli's sword resting on the table before her. The Winter Witch then seductively runs her finger along the elf's blade, slowly and deliberately, before joining her Valkin'vi sister by the bar. Where the Seer's fingers lingered, crystals of ice remain on the sword's sharp steel.

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 12:43 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
**Kaylan lips twist into an amused smirks at Elis reference to Cora**

“She does seem to be a font of curiously obtained knowledge does she not…”

**Kaylan sits up as the new arrivals filter into the tavern, slowly and with a resigned disgruntled expression of the ache that chews at his joints, but also with determination that implies the lure of the horizontal bench will not sway his will**

“I am sure Korrigan would get a smile out of the name just as I did, as long as he isn’t in the middle of saving some different part of Phanterra that is when he hears it.”

**Kaylan chuckles at the good listener comment as he glances over to where Kami sits.**

“Kami does in fact make some savory fare and what you say about her listening skills is very true indeed.”

**Kaylan lowers his voice to a whisper that is obviously meant to still be heard by Kami**

“…but she saves the things you say like an elven librarian…so be wary what you say…I don’t think she is capable of forgetting…”

Blackthorn you say? I think that is a story I will have to hear over a hearty meal and some drink very soon, as well as why you would fib to an old dwarf about liking him at first sight….no one likes me at first sight…I have it that way on purpose….now you’re telling me ..I’m slipping…

As for the job, you being all ears might be a benefit…elf. That however should be saved for private conversation.”

** Kaylan glances up as Morgause makes herself known and totters across the tavern like an elven royal seamstress showing off her newest creation. **

“Indeed …a job…a skilled, intelligent warrior such as Eli is invaluable. As rare as glowing blue forehead gems I would imagine. As for the offer being clandestine, I am unsure what would ever make you think anything about me was so. Do I seem…covert and secretive to you?? I am the hammer of the king of Haven and the first lord of the vanguard alliance, and the shield that protects him. Subtle…gets in my way…”

**Kaylan leans just a hair closer to the Valkyn’Vi mage and stares hard at her**

"However …If I had need to make such an offer…I assure you I am not such a fool to make it here…in a public tavern…amongst people I trust no further than I could dwarf toss the structure…"

**Kaylan screws his face into a confused scowl at the woman’s mention of egos. **

“I am unsure what you’re attempting to imply, but I am devoid from any egocentric motivation, and need no praise or glory to tend the tasks I am given by my captain. I simply wanted Eli to know his actions were noticed and welcomed…and rare here….I saw no one else besides Eli join Paer’An and I to rescue Kami…nor did I see any effort on the towns part to pulls any attackers from us….but I have long grown to expect that…”

**As the witch’s hand reaches towards Elis blade, Kaylan’s gloved hand slithers over to coil around the grip of his hammer, the old soldier’s gaze never leaving Morgause’s eyes. Once her touch is gone from Eli’s weapon, Kaylan speaks in a low soft cold tone.**

“This advice I will impart for no coin at all….taking that kind of liberty…with a strangers weapon…a well-trained …former military trained stranger at that…can be harmful to your health. Most will be unamused by your playfulness less, than they would be by how well you server as a practice target. “

**Kaylan smiles lightly at her and blinks intentionally a few times in a mockingly coy fashion. **

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 5:53 am
by Morgause
Morgause's playful smirk does not leave her face in response to the dwarf's stern words.

"Oh Kaylan, always so serious. Of course I would never question your character. I was just trying to add a bit of levity to the situation with my innuendo. But I guess my effort was in vain.

The Seer waves her hand and the ice crystals vanish from the elf's blade,

"But I do agree, both of you were indeed critical in last night's battle. No one can deny this."

The Seer stands next to Kami and shifts her weight, placing a hand on her right hip.

"And as protector of the An'Irri, I am grateful that my dear Kami is alive and well today because of your valiant acts of bravery. "

Morgause turns to Eli. The gem in her forehead begins to turn a sad greenish hue.

"Elf, you were correct earlier in what you said. I do believe there were at least one or two heroes that were felled in battle. Unfortunately, Haven's healers were not able to save..."

The Seer is interrupted as the door to the Inn slams open.

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 6:04 am
by Khorvalis
An old Gav'in man enters through the open door. His white hair and furs are soaked through and through by the morning rain. The droplets of cold water run down his furrowed brow, tracing each and every burn and scar etched upon his wrinkled face. He tiredly glances at everyone in the room, not to acknowledge them but more out of habit.

Khorvalis let's out a sigh as he enters the Inn. A combined look of dejection and exhaustion is evident in his eyes. Clutching his leather satchel, he limps his way to the corner of the room near Kaylan's table. There he sits himself down at the workstation that the gnome Chumindi usually occupies.

The old druid takes out some paper as well as a quill and ink then begins writing something.

Drops of water begin to drip from Khorvalis' face onto the table. It is not apparent if they are droplets of rain or tears that are streaming down his cheek onto the cold wood below.

He continues writing, seemingly oblivious to the conversations happening around him.

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 12:43 pm
by Eli
Unlike Kaylen, Eli doesn't seem to take offense to the playfulness of Morgause. It could be the fact that he too is a caster, if not one so powerful as Morgause or it could simply be the other two highly viable weapons that the Elf carries upon himself.

"Certainly, Kaylen, whenever you are feeling up to discussing the job, let me know. I seem to find myself without a home and all those I once called friends either dead or long gone. A job would be just the thing to help me start rebuilding myself. Oh, and I still have that thing you loaned me. Let me know if you'd like me to hold onto it in case the town needs it or pass it back to you."

Looking toward the lady in her long flowing black dress"

"I am sad to hear that not only did at least one perish, but more than one and none of them were able to be returned to us. This is bad news indeed. Do we know their names or what groups they were with? Are these the type fallen with friends that will be willing to go to extraordinary measures to try to bring about their return? I'm always game for a quest or an adventure. Speaking of adventure, how does one battle evil and maintain such fancy clothing. I tend to spend a lot of time rolling around with my foes. That's part of the reason I gave up robes.

And I really wasn't trying to brag up our dwarf here. I was simply impressed when I saw our lines break and he stood his ground taking on at least 5 foes by himself to help us regain the line. That wasn't even considering his nearly solo stand before myself and the one you named Paer’An ran into the fray of battle. Besides, Kami has always been nice to me. People like that, you help."

"You know, Kaylen, Cora seems to be a very interesting person. Well worth getting to know more."

At no one in particular, "so tell me, I've heard of the Son's upon my return, and now the followers of the sun or light, but are there any other adventuring guilds or groups about these parts anymore?"

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 5:35 am
by Morgause
Seeing Khorvalis, the Seer immediately rushes to her old friend to console the weeping Ga'vin.

She whispers to the druid and after a few moments, Morgause wraps her arms around the Hierophant. The jewel on her forehead once again changes color. This time to a compassionate pinkish hue. The warmth of its glow casts a comforting light upon the druid, but to no avail. Khorvalis continues writing his letter as more of his tears fall upon the table, barely missing the parchment the old Ga'vin is writing upon.

"I am so sorry, Khorvalis." Morgause's soothing voice is barely heard over Khorvalis' sobs.

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 5:50 am
by Khorvalis
Khorvalis finishes his letter and then wipes the tears from his eyes. He thanks Morgause and tries to force a smile upon his face as if to say "thank you" to the Valkin'vi Seer.

"If only I were here..." The Hierophant speaks up. "If only I had partaken in last night's battle, perhaps the order would not have lost one if its members. When will the death and destruction end?"

Khorvalis arranges his things as he continues, his hands obviously shaking, belying his unstable emotional state. "Last night, Dr. Vivica was taken from us, he head severed from her body in the midst of battle. So cruel, so heartless..."

The druid looks at Eli, "She was a member of the Circle of the Sun, protectors of peace and life... but now she is gone. If only I could have done something."

The wizened Ga'vin fights back more tears, but he looks at Kaylan and tries to speak, "Lord Kaylan or whomever was there, please help me understand. What happened last night? Is it true that the ones responsible for all this chaos were burned ones such as I? Why were Ga'vin battling Brenondale's forces? Were they responsible for the abductions of late?" Why?!"

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 8:42 am
by Eli
I can't claim to know all of what is going on, but it certainly appears that the Ga'Vin were behind most if not all of this. And this isn't something that just started. From what I overheard they captured this "Du-al-us" or however his name is said some 100 years ago and tormented him / twisted his mind to cause him to hate Elves and Dwarfs alike. Then they set him loose to gather those to aid him in starting a war between the two sides. Again I'm simply piecing together the bits I managed to gather from various sources.

A large part of the town went to confront him and his followers and the two forces met in battle. It was nearly a one-sided massacre as the town cut through his forces to get to him. Just as we were about to capture him, a large force of Ga'vin emerged from the woods around us and cut down "Dualis's" forces and slew him themselves. The Ga'vin then instructed the town to surrender to their new rule. Clearly we declined their offer and now outnumbered two to one and already suffering from depleted armor and magic the town once again was thrust into battle.

There was no intent to brag or puff up our good Kylan here, if not for his heroic deeds of holding the line and protecting the support troupes, healers, empaths, mages etc in the rear, I fear we would have lost many more folks. As it was, several fled the battle or perhaps they were attempting to circle around on the Ga'vin's left flank, I know not their intent, only that they became separated and were killed while we held the main front line. It was only after the battle when we captured the Ga'Vin leader that this was actually discovered as he told us about the killing of our people and showed us the body. Knowing I could be of little or no help in their return, I spent my time insuring the foes we faced were actually dead and not faking and seeking out left over spell power to collect to redistribute to our empaths and casters.

I am sorry for your loss. Is there no way to, well, put the head back on? I apologize if that sounds bad, I use to know so much of the magics and spells, but I fear over the last ten years of my martial training most of my spells have stopped working and my knowledge in that area is now very lacking. I will promise you this, should you need my aid in seeking out some item to bring back your friend, simply say the word, and I will be there with my sword and what few spells remain to me and mostly my wits.

Re: Cold and Wet

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 8:47 am
by Morgause
Morgause helps Khorvalis limp to Kaylan's table and sets the old man next to the dwarf warrior.

"From what I know, Eli is correct about the motivations behind this now vanquished "Dewelanus," or whatever his name was, and the Ga'vin army." Morgause nods at the elf.

The Seer continues her consolation, "But do not fret, Khorvalis, for rumor has it that your Circle member may still be alive. The Doctor was whisked away in the heat of battle not long after she was slain by the enemy, or so I've heard. Up to now, we cannot account for her body so all we can do is hope for the best."

The Winter Witch then makes her way to Inn's kitchen area to look for Cora and some of the proprietress' libations to give to the distraught old druid.